Chapter 151: Waywardness

The tip of his fingers shook at the contact of the fading bright skin. His colorless nails were painted in dark rubies. Hexel never felt scared before when operating to save someone's life. It is because the someone before his eyes is none other done his fiancee. The woman that he had put on with a sandal that is unworthy for him to unloose. Lehi noticed Hexel's nervous impulse. Lehi used her oil to slow down the bleeding and Sienna's fluctuating system.

"Hexel, we need to do this quick or she will die in our hands." Lehi warned with a tone to encourage Hexel.

Hexel nod as his sweat liquefied unto a double portion of droplets. His thoughts are going array. His focus is getting blurred. It's the last bullet from Sienna's liver. Hexel heared the metallic sound when he released the bullet unto their bowl. His breath started to get even. Lehi called Ain to resize the hole it left on Sienna's system. Ain extended his palm and prayed.

"Our Father who knows the depth of our scars, wounds and injury. May our brittleness before You be healed, restored and cleansed. For You are the only one who can make us whole again. May this gift be used by You in saving lives. Amen."

The wounds disappeared like a bubble. Lehi and Hexel sealed the response and was glad that Sienna's life no longer depends on the monitor and alchemy that the medics used in caring their patients. Lehi changed Sienna's dress as Hexel exit the room.

"The laughter and greetings Sienna heared were like a melody that she once heared from a distant shore. The noble women apologised and volunteered to help her learn more about the royal etiquette. Sienna giggled when each woman complemented her garment that is paired up with Hexel. Sienna felt beyond bliss when she recieved an invitation for a tea party and birthday celebration from one of the women.

Sienna recalled sharing her gifts to each women as the sound of horse and wheel rocks away from the duke's mansion. When she is helping the maids to tidy things up, the volcanic news erupted like it would drift the ground she was standing. She felt like her contentment were drifting. It was a massive fossil floats on top of a crust.

Sienna send the duke and duchess to aid the accident. When she stood by the gate a familiar man whom she loathed appeared in her face and had no tint mercy as he unload his bullet upon her body. She heared a her name being called out by someone till her vision shuts black."

Tera felt like the incident for the last few days was her doing. The accidents were like the payment for all the debts she had in each household whom she targetted as her son's marraige interview partner. Tera never thought that her constant nagging and shameless pleading will be used against her. Tera losed all the face, words and head to kneel down and bow down for each household to beg for forgiveness but when she did no one pointed their finger on her. Each noble just said that it was a road accident which is unpredictable and can happen to anyone. Tera can't help but offer her sincere gratitude when each people she tended got healed.

Ophir, Kiel and Nevi visited the duke's mansion and only found a spill of blood upon the gate. Kiel gasped when he inquired whose blood it was. Nevi and Ophir exchange glances when they examined a single bullet from the ground.

"The maid said that someone unknown appeared and rain down Sienna with bullets." Kiel informed.

"If I am not mistaken this kind of bullet can only be purchased by a title holder with higher status than the any nobles." Ophir stated as he examined the bullet with diamond like shape and transparent shade.

" If it's trully purchased." Nevi added.

Kiel took the liberty to secure it and followed the direction where the nature has directed them.

Cyprus heared the report from Ophir through the communication device given by his wife. Cyprus instantly checked on the description given and was surprised when he got the answer. Cyprus called his twin and Sotai to discuss the matter.

"The bullet is known as gehazi. It's a combination of pure diamond and venom coming from a scorpion. It can only be found at Yriac" Cyprus stated.

Cyrus sure knew a lot of place but it is the first time he heared about the place.

"I did not know that such place existed within our Kingdom." Cyrus commented.

Sotai and Cyprus shook their head in disagreement as Sotai replied.

"No, Yriac is actually a place outside our border. It's a continent that was said to be our Kindom's main origin when basing it on the theories gathered from the time peice but no one can really confirm how did that place got reborn."

Sienna tried to gulped but her dry throat got itchy. She disturbed her pulmonary that caused her to expulse a sharp-sounding air from her lungs. Her mouth tasted a cold water and her parch system started to produce a spring within her own member. Sienna recalled how the bullet went through her body. It was painful and paralysing. She recalled hearing Ham's voice from the background. Sienna also saw a man whom she never met before when she was still working under the fraction.

Her body flashed every pain that traversed in her fibers at the mansion's gate. Her hands instantly lifted up in defense but the bullet went through her body comfortably. She started to bitterly wept when the last bullet touched her liver. Sienna screamed at the incisive torment. She vigorously and violently crawled away from her shooters when her body got enveloped by something warm. She opened her eyes to and saw a familiar room. She's been here three times. She blinked her eyes to make sure and she was right. It's Hexel's room in Myrhh Cinnamon. Sienna felt relieved that all the things her body recalled was just a nightmare. Sienna heared Hexel's soothing voice that made her body shrilled.

"I am glad your awake."