Chapter 152: Mount not War-horses

Lehi and Hexel were having their check up on each patients when they heared a scream. Lehi and Hexel run around the medical ward to check the source of it but was unable to spot it. When Mem came to inform them Hexel immediately left. Mem said that he tried to have her drink some cold water as they instructed once Sienna started coughing but Mem was unable to handle her when she started to get violent.

As Hexel pace nearer to his room and had a full ear of Sienna's scream his nervousness resurfaces. Hexel open teh door knob and saw Sienna lifted her arms in defense. Sienna started to bitterly wept in her sleep. Hexel can't contain how pitiful she looked. Hexel unbuckled his sword and put it on the edge of hid bed. Hexel encircled his arms under Sienna's back and lifted her up from the bed. Hexel embraced her to wake her up. Sienna's back were damp and her body was shivering. Hexel rested his head on the crock of her neck and kept whispering how glad he was that she finally got awaken.

When Hexel explained at Sienna what happened her face became downhearted. She started to touch the parts of her body where the bullets got planted. Hexel briefly and softly explained to her how they rescued and healed her. Sienna shivered from the thought that all the pain she went through were real and not just a make believe nightmare. Sienna excused herself to take a bath. She wante to confirm with her own body. Her nakes torso and member had some stitches but it's not aa huge as she imagined. She lathered her body with a floral soap and exited the tub. She put on her robe only to see Hexel waiting for her at his table.

"Put on something comfortable, were going to visit the palace." Hexel instructed.

Sienna look around and put on Hexel's spare uniform. His white turtle neck reached unto her hips and she put on a skirt given by Eyel. As they were walking Hexel keep on glancing at her. Sienna felt intimidated and asked.

"What's wrong? Does it look bad?"

Hexel just nonchalantly replied.

"No, you just put it on backwards."

Sienna yelled at Hexel embarrassed

"You could have told me before we left the room."

Hexel just shrugged at her and keep walking.

"Well it does suit you."

Sienna muttered bashfully.

"I don't feel appreciated. And it does not felt like your complementing."

Hexel look back and held Sienna shoulder as he said genuinely.

"My uniform look good on you. I have never seen someone wore a clothes backward and would still be pretty."

Sienna can feel her pressure rising in anger. Sienna punch Hexel's nose that sent him backward.

"Your confusing."

Ain just pass through them chuckling. The teen age boy saw the whole scenario.

"That's it! He needs to learn his lesson. Let's go and leave him there."

Ain commented in between giggles.

Lehi was glad that the recovery rate increases each day.

Ophir kept on recalling what exactly during their pursuit with the enemy when Cyrus came in and sat on his chair.

"Anything that you have gathered let us know." The King said right of tha bat without greetings.

"At least greet us before asking old man!" Kiel complained.

"We encountered a man with extra ordinary motion and agility. I say that he is not using any sort of magic nor gifts. He is just a skilled shooter." Nevi started brushing off Kiel's complain.

"I also noticed Ham on the background. He was declaring how he would take off the El Oathniel's power house one by one. During our brief combat I noticed a kite like engrave from the man's neck. It's like a scorpion in diamond shape." Ophir concluded.

Cyrus eyed Sienna and questioned.

"Tell us anything that might give us a led."

Sienna gulped in nervousness as all eyes are set on her.

"I just noticed the man's eye tinted in purple and green. Those features are originated from Yriac. The continent that was known as fantasy and fictious. But I've been there when I used to work with Ham."

Cyprus and Cyrus exchange glances and asked.

"Aside from the man's feature. Tell us what you observed while you were there." Cyprus asked.

Sienna pressed her lips together and spoke.

"The only way to enter the land was going for a lengthy swim. From the Terifimo river towards the border. When we enter the borders we will have to defend ourselves from sharks and other marine life. Yriac also stands for the island that is alive. Because all the living things within it are obssess to protect their home from any intruders. If I am not mistaken Ham's mother is from the said land."

Sotai muttered to break the silence.

"So it's a no horse ride plus a war against the lives within the island. How did Ham enter the land whenever he visited here?"

Sienna just looked at him and said.

"It by pouring a drop of his blood at the water."

Evi sighed in frustration.

"This will be a long swim and hopeless trespassing. How are we suppose to enter a continent that is alive?"

The meeting went dead silent for too long. Cyrus never thought that the island from a text book is indeed existing and is alive by it self. He heared that the island disappears and appears out of no where.

"Does the island moves?" Cyrus inquired.

Sienna blinked for a few seconds as she ponder from the question.

"No, Your Highness. The water and waves wash it away during storm and tsunamis."

Sotai and Cyrus looked at each other and said in unison.

"Now, I understand!"

"Cyprus will stay here in the Palace and Sage will be the one to accompany you. A storm is about to brew out. We need to be wise and effective on this assignment or else it will lead to fruitless endeavour." Sotai summarized.

Evi shrugged and asked

"but the question is how to enter it?"