Chapter 153: Fatherless Compassion

When Evi raised the question Cyrus and Sotai looked at each other dumbfounded. The two realised that Sage may help in terms of gravity but not with an entry. The ice got brittled by Sienna when she suddenly spoke.

"My blood can be our key to enter."

All are surprised to hear Sienna's sudden confession.

Cyrus and Hexel looked at each other and waited for Sienna to profess.

" I... I.. am from the prophet line that spoke about Priest Kish's birth. We originated from that land before a demon plundered and killed the whole nation of Yeriac. I.. I.. am the lone survivor from our line before those travellers used it as their main camp and home."

Sienna confessed with a gloom. Kish and Lehi's eye widened.

Kish knew that his birth has created an annual murders but he never realised that someone who knew the reason behind the prophecy existed. Sienna sealed the meeting by telling her origin but she haven't fully accommodated every question.

"The topic is a little sensitive for me.. and I am not allowed to speak anything except with Kish alone. I am not doubting you but it's too sacred and holy. That is why Kish alone is the only one who is allowed to hear and recieve it. Anyone else who had no connection to it will have their eyes blinded."

Sienna's statement caused a friction of curiosity and fear. They all nodded and left Kish to her. Sienna was taken a back when Kish kneeled and bowed in front of her.

"It's a pleasure to be in the presence of someone as upright as you. I am speechless and grateful for receiving about my birth from our Father. From the bottom of my heart I am sorry for having your bloodline be spilled by the enemy's claws and blade." Kish spoke as he started to wept. Sienna extended her hand to have him stood in front of her and replied.

"It's a previllage to finally meet the man from our Father's revelation. I am thankful for allowing me to be face to face with you in flesh. I am nothing compared to you. I am not higher nor more than you. I am someone who is meant to follow and submit upon your feet."

Lehi was just in awe when she heared the news. She's been hitting the jackpot since Kish appeared in her life. Aside from she met her own root. Lehi is able as well to be friend with the woman who survived and leaped through death just to fulfill the prophecy. Lehi have heared of the story from Kish when she was younger. Lehi heared before how beautiful and lovely the woman who behold Kish's future and birth. Lehi beamed and squealed as she recalled her bedtime story with Kish.

Hexel was hesitant to step away and leave the two alone but he knew it was the best action at the moment. He also wanted to plant his ears on the wall to eavesdrop but a faint voice within him spoke that he needed to visit his parents. Despite his curiousity he paced outside the palace gate and went home.

Sienna and Kish talked about the origin of the prophecy and have united in spirit. When their spirit harmonize the whole palace have quaked and released a rainbow up on the sky.

"There is no rain but there is a rainbow in the sky. Weird but amazing." Sage remarked as he continued to be mesmerized by the rainbow. The quake made a tranquil vibe within the palace. Lehi clasp her head in joy when she witnessed the reality from her childhood stories. Kenan look uo before going down to report about the sudden appearance of an unknown well at Filadelfa. Kenan felt extremely bothered when he was unable to find out the identity of the person who travelled from the unfamiliar well.

Kish recited the prophecy spoke to him and it created a light that drew an art up in the sky.

"I am he who is called and spoken. I am he who is choosen and sent. I am he who will bear the mark of my God's love. I am he who will be used to set things in order for something new. I am he who concieved and birthed a well that will remain till today and forever."

Sienna extended her heart and was surprise to hear the words she used to keep within her soul and being.

"I whose petal have opened. I whose thorns are cut off. I whose vineyard is roaring. I who behold a word that spoke a fruit known as Love. I who is called as a well. I who will release a spring."

Sienna and Kish felt a holy peace coming from heaven when they both finish their claiming and declaration.

Ophir closed his eyes when he heared the chant. His gift had allowed him to recieve a banner of love from a well that will release a spring. Ophir remain to shut his curtain and allowed his ears to capture the melody from the prophet's lips and revelation. Ophir trembled when he recalled Sienna's warning of getting blind. When Ophir heared the familiar foot step of his love. Ophir courageously opened his vision and was surprised to see a cinnamon shelves filled with white books. His heart throb in joy and his eyes caught Lehi's figure at the midst of the library. Ophir approached her but Lehi became a huge door in his face. The slightly opened door lead him to a greenery. Ophir was surprised to hear his name being called and he opened his lashes. Ophir was beyond bliss when his sight was not taken. Ophir did not understand what he saw but he believe it is a heavenly secret. Lehi held a tray of snack as she invite her husband to have some.

Hexel felt the tremor from their mansion as he gaze how the bow colorfully painted the baby blue sky. Hexel lifted his hand to reach it but was surprised to have the light pass through his fingers. The wonder it left in his palms made his heart gain serenity.