Chapter 161: Shadows Going Backward

Kish knew how things would turn out but he remained quite. Kish knew that Eyel would not read through his mind but he wanted to grasp his ego as a man. He maybe a teenager in other people's eye or just a boy who spew none sense as they always say about him but the oat he recieved and revelation points to one person and that would be Eyel. Kish watched as Eyel and Sage sweep the front yard of the temple. The two were fine and are comfortable with each other but their connection had Kish spark a new argument within himself. Kish had his ears ring a bell that he is not ready to deal with.

Kenan surrendered the latest book the Harpsichord sealed and inquired about Novena's location but he got the same response. Kenan cannot help but resent himself for prying too much that caused Novena to be jotted out of his space and dimension. He wished to pull her out wherever he is but he know that will only be meddling like he used to do. He visited the care taker's temple and prayed.

"Our God who is love himself. I have been talking to You about the person whom I dearly love. I started to think and doubt that if she is the right one for me then I could have seen the fruit of my pursuit when it comes to her. Yet a part of me strangely knew that she might never talk about me to you. Maybe she does talk to You a lot but I am out of the topic. The hurt and pain developed me. Amen."

Ophir dodge the attack directed to her. He tossed his bone blade at thrust the enemy in front of him. It was a morning concern coming from one of the mayor within the Kingdom. Hexel used his axe to split the bullet shot before him. The bandits who were a mask were stealing children and would sell them as slaves.

Kiel used his cane to crushed one of the bandits hands made the bandit cursed the prince.

"You guys just don't learn your lessons."

The bandits were knocked out by Nevi who blew them down by a punch.

It was an all men mission since Cyrus sent Lehi, Cyprus and Ain to a another mission which made Ophir pout till the mission was done.

Ophir heared that Lehi's group were not yet done. Ophir started cleaning inside their room as he waited for his wife to get home. Ophir kept glancing at the gate whenever it opens but he can't view Lehi, Cyprus nor Ain. When Ophir inquired about their assignment. Cyrus just simply responded about a slave trade going on which the King suspected was connected with their assignment as well.

Lehi yawned as they head back after Cyprus single handedly crushed the slave trade's lair. Ain was arguing about he did not even took a chance to show his gallant skill as he says. Cyprus just put out with it. Lehi can't help but smile and recall what really took them long.

Cyprus wanted to buy a gift for his kids and wife since it's rare for him to work in a market area.

Lehi recalled how he bought a box of jewelries for Natalina when she herself is a producer of one. When Lehi pointed about the issue Cyprus panicked and hit a mental block. Lehi just chuckled when Ain started to suggest a lot of things and materials that made them venture all over the entire market. Lehi stared at the gift she bought for Ophir as the gate opens and they reached the Palace by nine in the evening which was pass midnight. Evi was on the door waiting for Ain while Natalina was wide awake pushing her children's cart in circle.

When Natalina saw the bags and boxes of gift Cyprus bought she scolded Cyprus for marketing such large amount. Ain handed the green shawl he bought for his mother who gladly accepted his present. Lehi dismissed herself and resigned unto their room. Lehi found Ophir sleeping on their couch facing the window. Lehi struggled to have him rest on thier bed but she succeeded. Lehi took her usual spot by his side and turned off the lamp.

Natalina nursed her triplets after scolding her husband for buying a lot of materials for her. But she can't help but appreciate the effort he went through when she heared how he rounded the whole market for his desire to buy gifts and presents for her and their children. Natalina checked a lot of unique things that she already owned but was glad to see that he really noticed even the smallest detail about her.

Evi planted a peck on her son's forehead. It is the first ever gift used to yearn from Ain. Evi savoured the smell from the knitted garment and it gives off the comfort and peace of being with her long lost child. Evi carefully placed the pin that Ain treasures so much. It might have been painful before for her but she started to see the other side of the coin.

It's the pin that helped her son get home with them. It's a momento from the late queen. Evi silently secured the door and rested for the night.

Kiel and Urchin cuddled too close that Lila needed to adjust herself. Lila cannot imagine how peaceful El Oathniel was the last few months. Most of the Tale Bearer's mission were surprisingly easy and lasted almost a day. Lila felt happy that her son and Kiel would come home before the nights get deeper.

Kenan returned at Cinnamon after his session with the caretakers when he sensed someone's eye on him. Kenan tried to entrap his stalker but he was unable to peek even a glance of it. Kenan decided to confuse the culprit but was surprised to see a lizard behind the pillars. Kenan used his lapis lazuli to create a replica of himself but he was the one who got his feet be ensared by his own net. His replica shattered when the density and temperature within the atmosphere transformed.