Chapter 162: Seen in Place

Ophir jolted up when he heared a dispersing sound. Urchin screamed that it woke Kiel and Lila. Hexel and Nevi heared the same sound that it had the gang rushed toward the source of the sound and found the queen's palace melted. Ain was seen being choked by a woman. Kenan was also seen beneath them beat up.

The temperature dropped to the point where even the air turned ice. Evi resized Kenan and Ain's body and had Cyprus rushed toward to save the doll size body. The woman pointed toward Ophir and vanished.

Cyrus was surprised when Kish, Sage and Eyel arrived after the density calmed.

"I am here to lead you where Sotai's body got burried by huge cieling and debris. Unfortunately we did not make it in time." Kish informed as he panted.

Hexel and Lehi instantly adressed Kenan and Ain's concern as the others searched for Sotai's body. Ophir saw the same woman in front of him and saw his mouth spoke but Ophir was unable to hear what was she saying. Ophir was taken back to his present action when Nevi called his attention.

Kiel found Sotai's body and Kish let them know that Sotai should be burried on a foreign land where nobody knew about him or his grave will turn unto an idol's altar.

The ceremony was solemn and short as they needed to heed Kish's advice. Sotai's grave got burried within Kisiena. Mem was mourning as he losed his grand father. Cyrus informed him that he already wrote a letter unto the most unpredictable guy he always count on.

Ophir suffered an insomia since he met the woman. Ophir scheduled a check up with Tera which concerned the whole gang. Lehi felt more worried as Ophir's condition got worst day by day. Ophir kept recalling how the woman's mouth repeated the same words he never understood. Ophir felt like his mind were being controlled. It was the same back then but this time the source was sure.

Lehi missed the chance to hand over the gift she bought for him. Lehi had the sense of deja vu. Lehi left Ophir's side as she started to visit Kish concerning Ophir's struggle. Lehi silently and carefully moved but still Ophir suddenly woke up and insisted that he would go personally because Kish might have the answers to all his concern.

Kish and Sienna expected Lehi and Ophir's arrival. Kish asked Sage to meet them by the gate while Eyel was instructed to prepare a food. When Ophir and Lehi joined them for breakfast. Kish strictly instructed that Ophir is the only one who is allowed to hear what Kish is about to reveal.

Sienna asked Lehi to accompany her toward the main shed of Kisienna to attend a birthday and christening of a new born baby. Sienna blessed the baby and laid a prayer of covenant coming from the parents. Lehi assisted by following every instructions that was given by Sienna. Lehi was so busy that she forgot her worries concerning Ophir.

Kish asked Ophir to drink the tea he made this morning to calm Ophir's spirit and to restore the peace of his well being from a begonia roots. Ophir can smell the sourness coming from the warm tea. Ophir can't bring the tea unto his mouth. The subpar and lousy sensation had his throat backing down.

"Don't be picky mr. or else I won't be able to help you." Kish hummed.

Ophir got alerted and forced to gulp down all the tea on his cup. He does not wish to dismay his grandfather-in-law. He wanted to imprint a good impression.

"Slowly, Don't swallow it all!" Kish pointed. Ophir coughed when his tongue got in contact with the scorching temperature. Kish just shrugged at him and muttered.

"I told you so. I have seen a vision of your concern. I know it is frightening but you don't have any reason to be afraid and stressed. It is something that is already done and removed from your life." Kish peacefully stated as he eyed Ophir who is painfully sweating.

"Okay, I admit I am shaken but not destroyed. Yes, I am struggling but not crushed down. It's just this things are new to me. If so then why does my body trembles and weakened whenever that woman's face appear in front of me?"

Ophir confessed as he wipe the litres of sweat coming out from his skin pores.

"Because she was someone you wished to forget and conceal from your life." Kish said as Ophir's heart wrench from those words.

Ophir nod his head and swallowed the last drop of tea with careful and valuable sense.

"I won't hide anything from you. She was a childhood friend that I promised to marry before but some thing unfortunate happened she suddenly was announced missing and was later announced dead. Since then no one was able to see her."

Kish just gave him a encouraging smile and replied.

"She is indeed dead. Someone is using her body as a host. Find out the name and deny it's existence."

Ophir wrote every detail that needed to be done. Ophir dismissed himself in gratitude. Ophir does not know how to profess everything on the team. He waited to see Lehi and Sienna holding a plate and flowers. Ophir tilt his head and can't help but wonders if the feelings he have for Lehi is real.

Ophir's mind track back to the past he had with Lehi. Come to think of it he never really admitted that he love her. He was just acting and going with the flow.

Was all the hugs and kisses part of his participation because in this world they are married? Ophir watched as Lehi approach him holding a plate of graoes and berries.

"How was it? Are you feeling better?" Lehi asked with a sweet and gentle tone.

Ophir just awkwardly nod his head and instantly embraced Lehi maybe because he wanted answers or he just wanted to confirm. Ophir bath in the warmth that Lehi accommodated him with.