Chapter 163: Ace

Lehi felt like the hug was something she never recieved from Ophir. Lehi brush off the thought and concluded that he might have been tired. Lehi visited Eyel before fully sailing back at El Oathniel. From time to time she would steal glances toward Ophir who looked immersed in his thoughts. Lehi knew something is strange and off but she cannot trully comprehend which was it. When Ain waved at them at the port and sliced the space. Ophir's action surprised Lehi.

Normally Ophir would pull the chair for her every meal but he did not. Same goes when they resign to bed. Ophir would always open the door and wait for her to enter before he does but this time it's the other way around. Lehi dismissed her doubts and accusations. Again, she thought he might have been having a bad day. Lehi can understand because there are times when she snapped just because somebody said some things about her.

Lehi tried to comfort herself but as days goes by. Lehi can sense the gap and distance laid by Ophir. He started sleeping on their couch and would leave their room without saying a word. Lehi adjusted since he is processing something. Lehi extended her patience and convinced herself that it might have been hard for him.

Nevi sense Lehi's distraught and inquired about it.

"It's not like you to be this crestfallen.. What's up? a lover's quarrel?"

Lehi honestly spoke about Ophir's sudden treatment.

"It was like Ophir is a different person. He is being indifferent and apathetic."

Nevi nod his head and asked.

"Did you discuss it with him?"

Lehi just moved her head in a motion of no.

Nevi eyed him and invited her for a coffee.

"Ask him. He might just been waiting for you to reach out."

By evening Lehi waited for Ophir to eneter their room to ask him about his issues. Lehi got encouraged by Nevi.

When their door knob clicked opened Ophir came in without saying anything. He went straight to the couch and threw himself. Lehi cleared her throat to get his attention but Ophir did not say anything. Lehi faked a cough to have him glance at her but her attempts were ignored. Lehi called out Ophir's name thrice but he just coldly reponded.

"If you keep doing that I am going to sleep outside. Sorry but I am off for the night."

Lehi clenched her pajama under the blanket and halted her quivering lips by pressing it together. Lehi tried to sound cheerfully when she responded merry "okay, I understand" but her voice betrayed her. She choked in the middle of the sentence and excused herself to get some water and exited the room.

Nevi saw her struggling to fight back her tears.Nevi just sat beside her and offered an ear. Lehi just explained what happened. Nevi offered a hand and said.

"I will try to talk it out with him tomorrow. So, wash your face and go to bed."

Ophir performed all the necessary things Kish have asked him to do. Ophir knew well that his actions are too cold for Lehi but he needed to sort himself more and more or he will only cause a greater damage toward Lehi and himself.

It was tiring for him to visit a past he does not even want to glance back. If only he faced it back then and did not burried those feelings deep within him. Then his actions toward Lehi might have never been affected.

Cyrus summoned them for another incident that happened at Filadelfa and Gamaliel.

"Whoever that woman is, she is quite doing a number on our people. We need to take action as soon as possible." Cyrus instructed.

"There was something strange that I noticed when she intruded. I tried to control her blood but her body was ignoring my attempts. It was like she is bloodless beneath those fair skin."

Cyprus stated.

"I see, so you have the guts to compliment other woman's skin." Cyrus teased. Cyprus glared at Cyrus who observed the area of ever Natalina heared it.

There meeting got wrecked when the temperature got lower. The woman appeared right before them. Kiel who just visited the comfort room got his face pound by the woman's punch.

Kiel stumbled and hit the floor. Ain got angry and slice the space. Ain tried to get revenge in behalf of Kiel but the woman hit him on the lips. Ain shouted when her knuckle got in contact with his lips. It's was like an ice.

Lehi instantly stood up to help Kiel but the woman appeared in her face and she strangely stared at her. Her voice were like of a witch who is visiting because of trick or treat.

"How pitiful, Your beauty and wisdom is unique but no one truly loves you. Your getting played by your so called husband who promised to marry me since childhood."

Lehi just snorted at her and said.

"So what? If you think that a certain past would affect me then your wrong. I am the present and the future."

The woman giggled at her and glanced at Ophir.

"Why don't you ask him yourself."

Lehi kicked her on the guts which threw her on the cieling and said.

"I will take note of that but at this moment I need to do my duty."

The woman howled at her and the density became transcend. The woma. aimed to blow and crushed toward Lehi using the shreded glass but Nevi contradicted her plans and punch her chest but the woman halted it wit her hand. Nevi can see her brown locks and emerald eyes. Nevi certainly thought that she is pretty.

Kiel stood up thanks to Lehi's oil. Ain had his lips glued together. Hexel called Lehi for help while Kiel stood to guard them. Nevi avoided her nails toward his face. He does not wish any of those marks to damage his flesh. Cyprus attempted his gift toward her yet his hunch were right.