Chapter 164: Good Spoken Words

Cyprus made the sign and Urchin entrapped her on his trance. The woman chuckled at Urchin and said.

"Well, well ,well aren't you brave little kid."

The woman formed a ray of sharpened edges on the tip of his finger and was about to shoot Urchin.

Cyrus prayed for his nails to restrain the woman for investigation.

"Our Almighty God who have opened our eyes and heared our voice. I pray that your nails would halt this woman's movement. May it be that the truth behind this be exposed. Amen."

Just before her ray would traverse unto Urchin's skull. The nails halted her motions and she got glued on the ground. Urchin perished his trance and run toward Kile who embraced him. Kiel can tell how terrified Urchin was.

Ain cut the space and transported her to the chamber where they usually cast out demons. When the woman woke up she blinked and look at Ophir.

"Ophir, Help me.. Didn't you promised to marry me? Don't you love me anymore? Don't you remember our sweet time together? Come on.. please."

The woman pleaded in between tears. Ophir fisted his palms and looked bowed his head and muttered.

" I remember but your already dead."

The woman wept and answered.

"I was never dead, I just got caught in the water when were ten."

Ophir stared at her and replied.

"Who are you? Certainly your not Huldah. Tell me who are you?" Ophir voice got frustrated each words got add up.

The woman started to laugh and said.

"Foolish boy! Where were you when you ask her to meet you on that river? You made her wait till she died. Did you know the young girl got washed and had her body broken from limb to limb because of the waves and tide. Yet where were you?"

Ophir bit his lower lip till it bleed. The silence were heavy. Kiel tap Ophir on the shoulder and said.

"Don't listen to her and focus."

The woman chuckled creepily at Kiel and established an eye contact.

"My mother is gone.. It was my fault for not being there for her. It was bad of me to never listened to her. I miss my mom. I want to kill the person who killed her but... haaah."

The woman's jinx got interrupted when Cyrus strangled her with his bare hands and warned.

"Shut up demon! Start talking or I will chop off this head without mercy."

The woman just snickered at him and spoke.

"How shameless! You forced yourself unto your brother's lover and had her pregnant but your heart screamed a different name. Evi was her name right? Did you even loved your son?.. Ihihihihihi. the answer is no.. not until your wife died."

Cyrus trembled and started to lose himself. Cyprus pulled him out of her and yelled.

"Stop listening to her. She can see your past but she cannot read your mind. She cannot see your future. So get a grip."

The woman stared at Cyrpus and said.

"Well aren't you the same as me. You killed a thousand. You got betrayed by your lover. Your parents did not favour you! And your wife can't even trust you."

Cyprus laughed and roared at her and said.

"How about you? You betrayed the only one who trust you. You threw your robe just because of your shitty pride! No body trully acknowledge you because all you can do is to inflict pain but not death. You cannot undermine my life if you can't even understand the meaning of being loved because you have none."

The woman started to toss around and howled. She growled like a hungry wolf.

Cyprus gave the signal as he proceeded.

"Even your name was not known by anyone. You don't have any originality because you only copy and pervert the good things in this world. Why? Because you are scared of being burnt alone."

The woman's voice become hoarsed and errie.

"Shut your mouth!"

"Stop yapping lowly human!"

Cyprus felt irked that the demon does not spit it's name.

"See, this is what you do! I am just mimicking you. Nobody will be interested of you. No one will remember you even from that pit.. so you better perish for good even if nobody spoke of your name."

The woman grit her teeth. Her eyes turned into white. Her face got distorted and spoke.

"What are you saying? I exist in every one. Most people fancy me and leaned on me. They believe in my ability to give pleasure. You were one of them remember. You lusted toward your wife like a dog in heat."

Cyprus almost yanked her hair but held back when the younger men eyed him.

He needed to be firm if he back out now. He will surely lose a face. He spoke beyond gritted teeth with annoyance and irritation.

"No wonder no one trully offered you something valuable. Because all you did was to fake everything. As I said you don't have love. All you have is lust and greed. You envy us because we can still give and share love despite our short comings but you.. you have none. That is why you steal what is never yours."

The woman looked at him and her face got scary. Her face looked bad and her eyes started to cry out a greenish liquid.

"You have no right to accuse me!"

"I was there when you were harassing and bathing in blood. I was there when you enjoyed the prostitutes thrown unto you. I was there when you killed your first love. I was there when you wrecked those whom. I was there when you were weeping."

Cyprus felt the transformation in the atmosphere and said.

"Was is a past tense. You no longer entice and ignite anything within me."

The demon smoked out and vigorously shook.

"I dare you to say that one more time and I swear to rip that fifty mouth of yours."

Cyprus just said the word "Was."

And the woman fully transformed unto a monster.