Chapter 180: Lording Over Own Hurts.

Hexel felt like his legs will fall off. Their steps were millimetre that he needed to set his foot in a faster phase. Hexel checked on Sienna who is struggling to climb up her own transulent bottle.

Hexel assisted her to try and open the cap. Hexel gritted his teeth to unloosebit when Ain yelled at them.

"Come on you two! Your taking your sweet time way too exaggerated. You could have asked me to resize the bottle or you."

Hexel and Sienna dropped from the ground. Their original form got back as Sienna shrieks when the bottle got opened as it splash on her head. When Ain resized them Sienna accidentally kicked her water bottle upward. Ain quickly apologized. Hexel blinked at her face that look freshened from the sudden splash.

Lila and Sage spotted the tree house that was described and shown by Ophir. It is trully a unusual and disturbing sight. It's a tree with a mushrom like concept. Sage called Ain and Hexel who are arguing at the back. Ecles sensed a sudeen twist in the area when the plain got bumpy and their spot got pushed by a new stage of forest, hill and even river.

"This place is sick. The more we move closer this whole island became the obstacle itself." Ain muttered.

"Yup, And honestly that almost all of us are useless in this matter. We need to find out the other enemy behind this or this role-playing game will become a nighmare." Sage professed in dismay as their travel and journey got extended.

Lila touched the ground an opened a portal as she instructed.

"For now let us get by with this portal hand in hand. We cannot afford to be splitted once more."

Ecles offered his hand to Sienna but Hexel yanked Sienna to held on with Lila. Hexel enlaced his hand with Ecles that made Ecles felt yucky. Sage teased him by hugging his free hand as Ain took the last link.

Kiel thanked Natalina for sticking even if it's his hundred fail. Natalina cannot helo but he told as she is adviced by Cyprus.

"Kiel, I bet Lila won't be happy to hear that you've been failing because of being preoccupied."

Kiel glanced at Natalina and admitted.

"I know but I feel off. I cannot concentrate."

Natalina helped him pick up the spilled ingredients and answered.

"Really then how about giving out. Urchin is affected by your actions and performance."

Kiel froze on the spot and was reminded that he is not just a husband but is also a father to his child. He is too busy swerving his own self that he neglected his responsibility to his son. The bottom line of his concern is honestly forgetting his role. Keil requested Eyel and Natalina's assistance. Kiel put on a castle like fruit and vegetable set up. He also crafted Lila's favorite purple flower on the rice and cookies. When they served the food. Urchin got a special serving that made Resh pouted. Mem scolded his father for even reacting.

Cyrus proudly gave his thumbs up. Cyprus winked at Natalina who accomplished her job and mission. Natalina beamed with the literal hearts and flower on the background that made Cyprus blush but Resh waved it off.

Kish ate the whole fruit castle that made Kiel felt accomplished. Urchin sent a flying kiss toward him as he chew with his chubby cheek's wiggling.

Lehi felt like her nose got dislicated from the impact. When Ophir was massaging her nose a sudden quake happened and the two were left in the middle of a vast graveyard. Lehi felt like a creep run down in her spine and burries her face unto Ophir's shoulder.

Ophir glanced over to see a bones and skull lined up as fences. The soil is odd as well. It's not the usual color but it's in ashes. Ophir looked up to see the sky and it's graying red. The moon look like a blood. Ophir can sense Lehi's trembling.

The gave were half opened. The air and smell was more than foul rather it's horrifying. Ophir whispered on Lehi's ear to inquire if she ever encountered some thing like this before and she nodded.

"Lehi we need to move out from here before something unexplainable happens. So, can you walk?" Ophri gently inquired.

As soon as Lehi face straight unto the whole grave yard. A hand grabbed her ankle and pulled her downward. Lehi had no chance to react. Ophir grippes Lehi's wrist. The hand twisted Lehi's body that Ophir need to extend his hand across his other arm forming an x. Ophir needed to firmly plant his sole on the ground and match his timing or else Lehi will be pulled down.

Lehi can feel that hand is burying it's nail unto her garment scrapping her flesh. Lehi whimpered from the pain. Ophir seeing her reaction got angry and harshly pulled her upward. When Ophir saw a glimpse of Lehi's waist he lifted her higher for a slight hop and caught her waist to pull her out of the grave.

Lehi activated her coal shoes and the hand released her ankle when her feet got out of the pit. It was bleeding Lehi instantly applied her oil and it healed.

Sage felt like he just get back to square one and that all his previous effort were wasted. He felt bad for leading the team into chaos when a slimmy and mushy being appeared in front of them. It was an enlarged clamp.

"I honestly love abalones but not as an enemy. Those shells and skin will snip you out alive." Ecles narrated.

"Stop scaring us by narrating." Hexel scolded.

Ain resized them unto a small one. He commanded each person to be alert as the whole place got remodeled. They regroup to hold hands when they found themselves in the midst of an abandoned hospital building. Sage and Ecles screamed when the white curtains got blown by the wind.