Chapter 181: Heart full of Schemes

The man laughs as he arranged his piece. The small arcade and platform that he build as his stage got redesigned by just a snap of his finger. Every thing that he thinks off got materialised. His apple green eyes watched every move and criticized it.

"Lehi's face looks more lovelier when she is scared. On the other hand Sage's face look uglier. I can toy and laugh at Ecles as well. It's too bad that Cyrus did not came here. It could have been more thrilling if Cyprus is here. Well that can't be helped. I already send my spy within the palace anyways."

The raspy and husky voice stated.

"Maybe I should make this play more mature and sexier." The man chuckleed as he snapped his finger.

Sage and Ecles was scared by the white curtain when Hexel and Ain suddenly got clothed in goth lolita. Lila and Sienna held back a laugh but soon burst out. Ecles and Sage felt frightened from their state. The two kept screaming warding off the wild birds.

"Your version of mature is interesting. The next time you use and drop at the call of a hat. I will collect that debt graciously." The gay remarkes with a salacious intent.

"Don't say that! I knew you enjoyed toying with them. And I can sense that urge you have." The man replied.

"Can you please just apologize? Come on say it with your own lips.. I am sorry Wercy." They gay pleaded.

"Okay, I am sorry Werky." The man giggled.

"Stop! I always tell you not to call me by that name! How dare you Uni!"

Wercy complained as she storm out of Uni's room.

Ophir grabbed Lehi's hand as they ran away. But it's been hours since those fence are unreachable.

"This place is extending. We won't be able to get out of here, unless the user of this piece decides it." Lehi explained.

"I heared that he adressed you as his queen." Ophir raised as they kept running toward the nearest fence.

"That I don't really understand but he did mention that we already met before."

Lehi replied and halted to catch her breath.

"And I bet that man is not lying. This is the same version of the place where I got lost before." Lehi explained as she looks around.

Ophir glanced at her to keep her story going.

"I don't exactly remember but i recalled the place as this eerie. As to how I got out, I don't remember as well. I only heared Nevi crying." Lehi said in between her breaths.

Ophir suddenly felt a smack from his back that had him fall flat on the ground. Lehi was about to help him but a rope are tied on her waist as the unknown rope drag her somewhere. Ophri run after her and summoned his bone blade. Ophir manipulated his salt water and had it sprinkled on the ashes dissolving the area. Ophir swing his blade and mixed it with the blood and salt water that uncasted the fences. Ophir focus his hearing and followed the source of the rope. Ophir run diagonally and encircled the area to cut the rope that threw Lehi on the ground.

Uni stood up in surprised and was pondering how did Ophri pulled it off. Uni just clapped his hand in amazement.

"I heared that Lehi's husband is quite wise but this man is fun to play around with. Maybe I should watch more how he will react" Uni monologue as he think of something to ensnare Ophir.

Sage and Ecles run all the way to the whole abandoned building making Lila and Sienna chase them. Hexel was running when he felt his feet got higher and perpendicularly aligned. He glaced back to see a shinning heels unto his feet as he kissed the wall. The impact created a loud bang that made Ain went back to check him. Ain was about to help him when his nails got some art and extension. Hexel got scarped by Ain's nail. Hexel snapped and sliced their clothing leaving the two completely nude. When Ecles and Sage was their current status. The two fainted, Sienna and Lila turned their backs away from them. Ain and Hexel grabbed the white curtain to cloth themselves. Sienna blushed and Lila just ignored them.

When Hexel and Ain approach them they looked like a greek mythology that got transported in their site. Lila and Sienna were more astonished when the two got a way long and ribbon and was huge enough to be recognized as a wings. The polka dots ribbon made the white curtain suit the two.

Uni laughed till his stomach twisted. He loudly laughed till he drop of his chair as he endlessly smack his table from giggling and snickering. Uni just cannot seem to move on. Uni wiped his tears of joy and again snapped his finger.

When Ophir caught how Lehi got violently rolled on the ground he slide himself to catch her before her head got smacked on the rock. Lehi thanked Ophir for constantly saving her. Ophir jist gave him his usual public smile. Ophir rarely used it toward Lehi. Lehi just blinked away from Ophir to break the eye contact. Lehi stood up and pretended to clean her clothes with her hands. Ophir just hugged her from behind as he rested his chin unto her shoulder and sincerely spoke.

"I am sorry."

Lehi got paused from her current acting. It was short and simple. His words were too plain but Lehi knew he meant it.

"If you say you love me then I will remain with you." Ophir whispered.

Ophir's word struck a lightning volt within Lehi. Her lips quivered as Ophir tightened his embrace.

Lehi unclasp herself from Ophir's hug and replied.

"Even if i say I Love You but if it does not make you happy. Then there is no point for you to remain with me."

Ophir searched her eyes and he can see her honesty and pondered.

"Are you sure?"

Lehi reached for Ophir's face and cupped it with her soft hands.
