Chapter 182: Hundred Crimes

Wercy heared Uni's loud laugh and banging. Wercy some times cannot understand the complicated stuff running unto his mind. Wercy got annoyed by Uni's destructive laugh. Wercy peeked through the door and Uni right saw through the small ajar. Uni gave Wercy a wink and in an instant the gay screamed as he got dropped in front of Ain and Hexel. Wercy was surprised when he found himself unto a lingerie. Wercy felt sexy and beautiful at the moment as he decided to brush aside his anger toward Uni. Wercy will judge later if he would thank Uni or kill him.

Hexel and Ain felt embarrassed of their current posture. Hexel never felt humiliated in his whole life. And on top of that Sienna is giving him the look that it suit him. Hexel does not honestly want to be in front of her right now. He was about to run away when a gay landed in front of them. His lingerie are in golden feather and silver cotton. Ain step backward from the gay and whispered.

"He is the gay that we encountered from the garden."

Hexel and Ain exchange glances and started to act friendly toward the guy.

"Oh my sister, you look so pretty tonight hohohoho." Hexel commented as he fake his laugh and grab the long line of ribbon to cover his blushing cheeks.

Ain grabbed the end of his curtain dress and as he twirl to approach Wercy.

"Yes, aside from that seductive fashion you have. Your face suit your light make up."

Wercy smirked and ride on what the two are scheming.

"You thinks so? You know what I feel humiliated when people compliments my make up."

Ain and Hexel apologized when Sage and Ecles encounter led them.

"It's the gay who was marching from the black roses. I never thought that your a handsome dude." Ecles ponited.

"Yes. You look like hunk running for the candidacy of Most loved men by women." Sage added.

Wercy hated it when a person pointed that he is handsome and loved by women. Ever since he was a kid, people would tell him to marry their daughter yet when he announced his real behavior he got rejected by those same people who complimented him.

Hexel and Ain glared at Sage and Ecles who insensitively walk in just to destroy their plan. Ain and Hexel can feel the sudden shift from the atmosphere.

Wercy are gritting his teeth that creates a beastly sound. Wercy clenched her fist as he face up Ecles and Sage.

"Oh my the last person who called me handsome got loved by flies and worms." Wercy warned with flirty sarcasm.

Ecles and Sage got serious and waited for Wercy to do something. Wercy just clicked his tongue and blew a flying kiss that sent Sage and Ecles out of the building. It was rigid and rough, the whole ground behind them got wiped out by Wercy's blow. Sienna and Lila appeared right behind the two and got caught from the fierce kiss sent by Wercy. Hexel and Ain was about to wield their weapon but Wercy froze them on the spot. Hexel and Ain can feel the intense sweat raining from their back. Wercy just winked at them and took the two in his playground.

Nevi got woke up by a rustling sound. He recalled fainting in front of the black rose garden. Nevi looked around to see a strangely designed kitchen. Nevi can feel his stomach begging to be fed. Nevi took the apron on the counter and check the food storage. Nevi decided to eat and think later. Nevi maybe smart but when his stomach and belly is empty. His mind will get blank. Nevi cooked something delicious when a man in his jumper and golden long sleeve appeared. His green apple eyes feasted on the food Nevi prepared. His nose savour the smell and his mouth are beggining to water. Nevi happily served and eat with him.

"Are you a lost here kid?" Nevi inquired to the man who is shorter than him and is about tall as Ain.

"Nope, I live here." Uni cheered.

Nevi furrowed his brows and inquired.

"If you do then would you place tell me where I am?"

"Your inside my kitchen." Uni pointed.

"Oh,, then thank you for saving me and letting me use your kitchen." Nevi politely thanked.

Uni just waved at him and asked his name.

"I am Nevi. How about you?" Nevi muttered as he scoop a spoon full of his fruit salad.

"I am Uni."

Kiel can finally focus when Cyrus summoned them for a short meeting.

"I recieved a report from Sage. He said that a spy is within the palace. I want you to act the same way and be alert and secured of your surrounding." the King proclaimed as he tried to recall his past engagement.

"Natalina and Kiel please check the list of guest within the palace. Cyprus and Mem be the palace's main eye and defence. Kish please have Urchin be trained under you. Resh will have to attend all the court meeting with me. Evi kindly disguise and gatehr some intel."

Cyrus cannot helped but be offended by his own relax nature. He never realised that a spy is already mingling and mocking his face. The meeting got adjourned by having all of the task got carried as Cyrus instructed.

Wercy thanked Uni for the present he brought home. Hexel and Ain were lined up with a hundered statue of men lined up within the room. Ain had no choice but to make a move or else Hexel and himself will become the gay's toy. Ain used his tongue to form the letter L that sliced the dimension.

Sage and Ecles was shakened when their current location got sliced with an L parallel dimension. Nevi and Uni almost got caught when the cut pierced their table. Wercy pressed his lips in rage and walked in to his toy room but got confused when the place looked mirrored.