Chapter 183: Cracklings

Natalina and Kiel reviewed the name of guest who entered the Kingdom recently and found nothing suspicious.

"Are you suspicious with someone lately?" Kiel inquired.

Natalina tried to recall and said.

"Last three months, I mean the woman who tried to cling unto Cyprus."

Kiel and Natalina halted when they realised something.

Keil and Natalina visited the court and looked for the session that put Natalina on a hard spot. The two read through it and find it odd for a noble woman to stirp up something meaningless after being home for many years.

Natalina and Kiel infromed the King about their suspiciouns and had Cyprus and Gatsby to hunt and look for her. When Natalina brought out the topic Cyprus expected a dramatic argument but end up being encourage by her own wife to flirt with the woman who humiliated Natalina. Cyprus never realised that being a bait sucks. And it's not to be called off when his own wife threw him to another woman. Gatsby and Cyprus ventured back toward the Yue household.

Wercy got confused and walked around the room to be tackled by Hexel and Ain. The two bravely fought as Hexel turned his sword unto a bat with spikes. Wercy dodge the bat and wielded his own weapon. It was a flat and wide butchering knife. Ain got his white curtain sliced by it. Wercy laughed hysterically as she aimlessly swing his chopping knife.

Wercy cannot truly fathom when did it started. The harsh words and comments he recieved made his ears bleed. His soul got trampled. His identity got rejected and the passion he loves got crushed, mocked and trampled. Wercy recieved all of it believing that people will eventually accept him but was only became a laughing stock for auctions. A clown for celebration and a second rate alien from the prying eyes.

His heart cannot take it anymore. So he looked around and found the chopping knife. He went and knocked house to house ripping off each person's mouth. Their village became a ghost town and he lived with it digging a pit and pilling up the whole area as a grave. He burnt all the body to ashes.

Wercy started to dominate the village and improved it. He raised as his own domain. He collected the men that charmed him. He turned them unto a stone that will only look at him. Not until Uni ventured as his first visitor. The man was fun to be with. He made all of his wish came true and now it's falling apart because of this people who invaded hos town. Wercy thrust his chopping knife to hurt and injure Hexel but he used his bat to counter Wercy's intention.

Ain used it as an opportunity to get behind Wercy. He moved fast enough to call it a day but their location suddenly change into a stage. Wercy chuckled and silently thanked Uni. Ain losed his chance when the gay flipped Hexel and slide his knife to split him halfway. Ain used his speed and waltz with the flat knife. His body almost got caught.

Hexel summoned his sword to combat with the gay and thought of something to threw their foe off it's own battle.

"I never realised that your skin and face are delicate. Your too good looking for man. Maybe a lot of women threw themselves unto you."

Wercy hissed at Hexel and overpowered him to retreat and step back. When Hexel knew it was effective he continued on track.

"I can imagine a lot of young ladies linning up for your handsome face."

Wercy gnashed his teeth in annoyance. He vigorously slice toward Hexel aa he calmly avoid his angry blade.

"See, even your strength are like ours." Hexel smirked. Wercy growled at him and said.

"I will make sure to slice that mouth of yours. I will have it frame and hang it on my wall."

Hexel instantly covered his mouth from Wercy's declaration.

Hexel used his sword to cut Wercy's cottony linnings. The gay glared at him and got bulky. His face got sour and was motivated to kill Hexel. Hexel got pushed on the edge and Wercy used his palm to slap Hexel'd butt and said

"This butt will become my trophy."

Hexel felt a shiver in his shoulder blade and spoke.

"Not gonna happen, My wife will have your head."

Ain had it prepared and resized the gay. He entrapped Wercy inside a frame as he flattened his size like a paper. Ain sighed and handed it to Hexel.

"Here your frame. Have Sienna hang it on your wall."

Gatsby and Cyprus reached the residential area and saw Dorothy having her dance lesson. Dorothy accommodated them in her garden.

Gatsby nudged Cyprus with his feet under the table. Cyprus cleared his throat and started his acting.

"We are here to make sure that your doing well. I apologize in behalf of my wife's rudeness."

Dorothy dramatically wailed and said.

"I thought that you will no longer care and here you are as handsome and sweet as always."

Gatsby chuckled at Cyprus who looked uncomfortable as Dorothy continue to recite all their past together. Cyprus can't even find the best way to breath.

When Wercy got framed the stoned men instantly rot and decayed. Ain and Hexel were speechless from the event they just witnessed. Uni led Nevi unto his room and captured his. He turned Nevi unto one of his piece. Nevi became his doll and said.

"Your my new doll and you will cook for me eternally."

After reporting to Cyrus, Sage lead the team to search back unto the building but ut vanished and the whole area got slashed with a dimensional line of letter L. When Lila checked the cracked she confirmed that it's from Ain. Lila tries to open a portal through it but got blocked when they got relocated. Their current venue had Lila vomiting. A corpse of hundred men are all over the place. Ecles picked up Ain's trimmed curtain and had the team got troubled and anxious.