Chapter 188: Silver Cord Severed

Asno can read through the air. Ophir and Lehi were silent. When Lehi heared about the week length stay, her expression changed into gloom. Asno heared from Ophir that she's been getting out of his hand and that it felt like his effort in choosing to save the sacred cord has become one sided.

Asno left the place giving the excuse that she will have some issues to attend as the leader of Terifimo.

Lehi just soaked in the flower bath. Lehi does not wish to be left alone with Ophir. She felt ashamed and for the record her words were a strong accusations instead of a mere question back then. When Lehi finished her bath, Ophir knocked on her door and joined her as she was drying her hair on the petal like orange couch.

"Hey, I have been wondering if your not feeling well. I am a little bit of concern since your acting strange." Ophir asked.

Lehi just answered a short hum.

Ophir got irked by how she nonchalantly responded.

"I was not planning to take your love for granted. I never saw it as something petty either. I just want to treasure it." Ophir confessed to answer her question back then.

Lehi gaze at his direction and said

"Is it because your married to me? It's limiting you right?"

Ophir clench his palm and stood up. His voice went a little higher than he expected.

"That was it! Your the one who is not paying attention. You always nonchalantly go with the flow and would pronounce that you love me but that was false because even now you can't see why I am doing this! You were never interested but now you accuse me of taking your so called love for granted which is just an infatuation. Because if you did love me Lehi, You will see through this with me but your just so worried with your own issues. When we are in this bumpy area of our marraige."

Ophir delivered his word in between teeth and storm out of the room.

Lehi followed him from the living room and replied.

"Maybe your right. Maybe I was the one who is not contributing in this mess up marraige in the first place. But the truth was you never asked me. You just summed up everything then started to demand everything that I was in my incapability."

her words were accompanied by sobs that made the floral has got withered.

Natalina felt like a piece of her were being torn when her son Kielah release a heart wrenching and non stop cry. Natalina attended Scymore and Nimrod as Tera and Hexel treated the unknown wounds received by Kielah. When Cyprus got beside her. Cyprus gave Natalina a encouraging hug. When Sienna and Lila volunteered to nurse Scymore and Nimrod. Cyprus escorted his wife to get some rest.

"You did a good job wife. Get some sleep, I will stay with you." Cyprus said.

"No, I need to be with my son right now." Natalina insisted.

Cyprus yanked her down and switch off the light.

Natalina kept pushing Cyprus gripped unto her body and pressed her closer to himself.

"Dear husband please, I want to be with our first son. I won't be able to sleep anyway." Natalina tried to charm Cyprus.

"Nope, lovely wife. Plus it is our son. His grandfather is with him. His uncle and cousin is with him. Right now the best support we can do is to take a rest and trust them. Because even if we are worried of our son. Their are also people who wanted to aid us. Don't you think it's a waste to reject their affection toward us." Cyprus lectured as he rubbed Natalina's back. Natalina got comforted by Cyprus and decided to rest.

"Sing me a song. Our son's cry kept looping within my head." Natalina admitted.

"The gray sky have witness how many wished I have uttered upon a falling star. Heaven knows how I always talk about you.Love that was petty became pretty. Love that was false were now tough. The gray sky have counted my dreams for you." Cyprus softly hummed as Natalina got lulled like a baby.

Tera and Hexel were dumbfounded as to how would they treat the wound. Kahieli's cries were making them nervous. Their every move got severed by his wailing. If it's this hard for them then how much more for Natalina and Cyprus. Tera and Hexel called Urchin and Kish for any remedy. When Kish saw the wounds he was able to identify it. Kish named it as crosscatching.

When Tera and Hexel asked him about the meaning to lessen the pain it inflict to the baby, Kish gave them a sorrowful look and said.

"Cross scratching is a style of art. It is when you create vertical and horizaontal lines like a fence or grid. In other words, someone took Kahieli's skin as it's paper. For any treatment, I will prepare it with Sienna."

Kish extend his hand at Kahieli and muttered.

"Bless you, take this dream and army's of heaven guarding you. Sleep tight our sweet child. Amen."

Ophir wanted to yell at Lehi right now but he zip his lips. It may spund selfish but he want to demand. He wanted to see if his test will be done by Lehi or wil be questioned by her.

"If that so, then show me that love that you kept talking about. Because I honestly felt like alone in this battle and boat."

Lehi got striked by Ophir's words. Ophir was right. All of the sweet gesture between them were always initiated by Ophir. Lehi marched toward Ophir and planted a soft kiss unto his forehead. Lehi was dumbfounded by the action.

"I asked you to show me that love not to. treat me as an elder." Ophir remarked, Lehi planted another peck unto his cheeks. It was swift, Ophir raised his eyebrows unto Lehi and said.

"Are you a mosquito? Beside I did not mean that you have to kiss me or anything." Ophir complained. Lehi's face almost exploded from reddening.