Chapter 189: Mourners of Eternal and Dust

Kahieli's whimper and wailing woke all the people within dawn. The whole palace was unable to take a good rest and sleep. Cyprus carefully sneak out when Natalina finally slept. Cyprus can hear Kahieli's cry upon approaching the hall. Cyprus opened the door and saw how Tera and Hexel looked devastated.

"You can rest for now. Go and get some sleep." Cyprus dismissed.

"He just woke up. Thanks to Kish and Urchin." Tera assured

"Then, we'll go ahead." Hexel bid and left Cyprus inside the room.

Cyprus used his gift of blood to check if there is something wrong and to stop thr bleeding from his scratches. Cyprus sensed and soften Kahieli's blood clot. Cyprus steadied the flow of Kahieli's blood and the baby boy stopped his wailing. Cyprus changed his clothing. He applied some ointment and carried his son as he took a nap on the couch.

Kiel went out to visit Kahieli since he heared from Lehi that she left some of her healing oil inside their chamber with Ophir. When Kiel went to check the chamber. He found it under Ophir's pillow. Kiel cannot help but feel downcasted for the two. Who would have thought that the most loved couple will take a sloopy ride in their relationship. Kiel looked around the healing room and found Kahieli being cuddled by Cyprus.

Kiel took a peek and saw Kahieli's eyes were swollen. Kiel carefully took him away from Cyprus arms and put Kahieli on a bath. Kiel was worried that he would cry but he grit his teeth and did his best. Kiel can't help but be proud to have such mature younger cousin.

Kiel tuck him beside Cyprus and left the place.

Kish laid Urchin unto his bed and started to meditate. He searched out and prayed for any vision about Kahieli's concern. After a short while, an answer was shown to him. Kish closed his eyes and dozed off.

Kenan just came back from El Oathniel after submitting the book that was delivered by Nevi, Lehi and Ophir. Kennan was sure that checked all of it before fully surrendering it but the higher ups have told him that the book is incomplete. When Kenan heared from Nevi that Ophir and Lehi will be gone for a week his sigh got extended.

Lehi cannot help but wish that the whole floor that she is standing right now would split and swallow her from embarrassment. Lehi was surprised with her action as well that it made her speechless. She cannot even deny nor argue with Ophir since he was right. Lehi just covered her face and sink down at the nearest couch.

Ophir tried to held back a laugh and acted tough. When Lehi's face got scarlet from embarrassment. Ophir did not expect her to threw her self on the couch like a sea lion. Lehi hugged herself on the couch and Ophir sat beside her. After a moment of silence Ophir cracked up and started gigling then laughing.

Lehi just pressed herself on the couch as if it would conceal her presence. Ophir halted his laughter and smiled. He caressed Lehi's head and said.

"Sorry, I was testing you."

Ophir admitted as he stare at Lehi who looked at him.

Lehi pouted and started throwing her arms to punch Ophir.

Ophir grabbed her fist and pulled her unto a hug and said

"It's my fault. I wanted sometime and just ignore you without saying anything. The truth is, I wanted to connect with back then but I was unsure of myself. I don't want to fake anything. So i held on and waited to see you in person. When I saw you at the maze I was overjoyed."

Ophir confessed, Lehi was about to speak but was halted when Ophir continued his discourse. Lehi was shocked when Ophir trailed her hair with his finger as he spoke.

"Your hair got longer, Your face got fairer. You looked more lovelier. Let us renew our vow and always choose each other no matter what, okay?"

Lehi just planted herself closer with Ophir. Lehi can't help but be happy from the thought that Ophir decided to stay.

Lehi bit her lower lip and honestly came clean.

"I... I was scared that.. you.. you would not choose this spot. I thought that holding on to someone one sidedly would only result to nuisance. That is why for the three months that I was training with Hexel and Ecles, i would convince myself everyday that it's best to let it all go."

Ophir held Lehi's shoulder to look at her face and said .

"Thank you for trying hard enough. From now on, let's do our best. And you can cry now if you want." Ophir teased Lehi who suddenly burst out crying.

"See, your such a cry baby. What will you do without me?"

Lehi wiped her face and sealed their day with a kiss. Ophir was surprised with the action but he knew that it's his wife trying to charm him.

Asno opened the door and immediately closed it. Asno felt like a unwanted person at the moment. Asno suppressed a squeal as she cheerfully left the two for shopping.

Lehi was surprised when Ophir halted the kiss as he pushed her away from himself.

"This is bad, if this keeps up then.. It won't end into something favourably for you." Ophir admitted and stood up.

"I am going out to take some fresh air. Please don't follow me."

Lehi was left blinking and was not able to grasp what just happened.

Ophir run outside and literally inhaled a fresh air as he threw himself on the flowr bed. Ophir almost losed his control. Ophir suddenly heared Nevi's voice and was glad his intentions were halted. Ophir cannot take advantage of the situation especially that Lehi still have her own wounds to process.

Asno get back and found Lehi pacing all over the place. When Asno inquired about her concern . Asno just kept laughing and said.

"Ah, your just being treasured that's all. Don't mind it. He will surely settle down."