Chapter 200: Altogether Lovely.

Ophir felt his blood pulsed in a rhythm that rhymes the man's every being. He watched as he easily counter and collided against Cyprus. Ophir was in pure daze when the old man he is been longing to meet is the same man who have eradicated the Kingdom he came to love. Ophir stood firm of his faith and choosed not to lose heart and prayed.

"I am not too shattered to be a person to somebody. Lord hear my war cry and seeking for your help. I am bound for this port. It getting rougher and wild but I know that you won't allow me to row back against you. Pick up all the cargo to make my sail lighter and swifter. I know that you have prepared a hope that will calm your raging sea. This is my wilderness Row me to Your Port. Amen."

Ophir stone became a scroll like sheet spreading all over his body. His bones were like a blade edges in his temple, shoulder, waist and knee. Ophir gripped his bleed and charge toward a court that he never wish to plead for argument nor judgement.

When Lila and Ain get back with the team. Resh and Kish started to speak of the same legend that was passed down for generation. Ain was the one who spoke of that tale toward Urchin before.

Ain raised up a question that made all the individual greatly terrified.

"Does that mean that the Oath was the first love but Vine is the true love?"

Resh nod his head.

"Then Nevi and Ophir are Celicia's son?"

Hexel questioned.

"Yes." Resh confirmed.

Nevi pressed his lips together and said.

"I always thought that I used to be an outcast from where I came from but having it confirmed hurts more."

Cyrus and Kiel were both in shock. Cyrus cannot fathom that Nevi is his uncle and that Ophir is also the same. He had this high regards and respect for the two and now he found out where it was coming from. Urchin woke up and immediately opened a trance. The whole gang were invited to see a glimpse of the ongoing rampage at Celicia's main tower.

Cyprus felt like his attacks were passing through his opponent's body. His direct hit and thrust were being repelled or denied in an effortless manner. Cyrpus got his shoulder in contact with the man's strong punch and had him bounce and burried deep within the ground.

Ophir dances with his blade.

but Oath was strong enough to halt all of Ophir's exploit against him.

"I heared that your a Glockenspiel, By how your broad back shines, I can tell that you are my stupid old man." Ophir stated.

Oath scoffed at him and replied.

"Stupid? You mean clever. I uprooted you from this people's fiflty ambition. It was toxic and unholy for them to envision their plans for you. Your not a tool! I may not have been there by your side but I watched you grew. I can say that yes, you are my fool son."

Oath pushed him back and jammed him on top of Cyprus who was getting back. Vine appeared before Oath and started to wrestle with him like a mad man who is ready to kill.

"So, you must be the last name Vine. Unlikely to my initial to be name after this Kingdom. I wondered if Celicia truly loved you? I can tell that she only pleased those elder's request."

Oath mocked as he overpowered Vine.

Vine used his line like wings and flapped it to change the arena. Oath went under Vine when he got flipped mid air and countered.

"Maybe yes, or maybe not. My name is with each person but yours is just a place on a map that can be vetoed by a ruler if he wished it."

The battle got fierce and intense. Vine spread his wings and hovered against Oath. Oath used his light to pierce through Vine's wings. The intense round of fight almost erased the Kingdom's structure from a map. Kennan suddenly appeared and joined the fight against Oath. When Oath saw a caretaker he banged Vine in a deep ground.

"Nice, I can now locate where Celicia's book might be." Oath hummed and yanked Kennan's memories.

"Your a former harpshicord that got trapped in here. Your affectionate toward Novena but your useless when It comes to Celicia. Meaning your in my way but your my son's caretaker, So I am

letting you flee."

Oath tossed Kennan like an excess baggage. Ophir jump with his bone blade but Oath was swifter.

"Nope son, I did not raised you to be this violent. You need some disciplinary action." After his statement his purposely put Ophir in sleep and left him under a shade. Vine rush in front of him to prevent Oath from entering Celicia's tower. Oath smirked at Vine and said.

"I remember you, You were the kid who fell in love with Celicia at first sight. It was because you jump to her well that she got ensnared unto this nameless island."

Vine glared at Oath who winked back.

Another territorial and merciless battle started. Oath easily damaged Vine's wings. Vine's line like wings become a broken dot. Oath howled and laughed at his victory when Vine got his heart holed by oath's disastrous light. Cyprus run toward Vine to save him. He used his gift of blood to pause his pulse and blood flow. Kennan woke up when Ophir used his blood and salt water unto his neck and head.

Oath marched inside the tower and saw how Celicia's things were all maintained.

Oath waltz around to search her book but was unable to find. Oath got angry and violently smashed, crushed and pulvurized allof Celicia's things. Oath's light splitted the tower in the midst causing it to be in ruin.

"Didn't we told you, Celicia's book does not exist. As a former Harpshicord you should know better." Kennan commented.

Oath blinked his anger when he found a blank page that indicates where his most treasured book might be.