Chapter 201: Heat in His Sunshine

Oath cannot contain the smile forming in his face. His wise cracking pointed where the book might be. Oath started to ruin the place in shambles. Kennan and Ophir rushes to save everything that they can but was too late when Oath vanished everything.

"You cannot outsmart me! My eyes won't escape even a camel passing through a needle." The vicious man declared.

Ophir can't help but clench his jaw and grit his teeth. This man does not only resembles his face but every habbit is similar to himself as well. Ophir needed to think more advance than he does. Logic does not apply to this man right now, irrationality does. Ophir used sucked in a breath and inhaled every ounce of courage filling his expanded lungs.

"Dare to say your cocky. Then I got no choice but to defeat you." Ophir announces as he uplifted his fist to pray.

"Our God who can unite the devided land. I believe that you are the source of great power. Your the Almighty that blesses us. Help us to eradicate what stinks. Amen."

Ophir's forehead got engraved with a marble rock. All his edgy bones become a wing tinted with blood clot. Ophir's knee, shoulder, heel and elbow were empowered with bone. His white and bloody armour made him look reliable.

Oath chuckled and announced his intentions.

"Bethany spoiled you to rot in the end. Too bad, I really wanted you to meet your real mother but it seems to me that you are not interested."

Ophir got frozen on the spot. His ears were ringing from what he heared. His confusiom got wider but Ophir withheld all his of his doubts and muttered.

"I just need to weed out some insects wrapping my mind. I won't trust a person who lies in my face and would stab me from the back."

Oath plunged himself with a strong punch. Ophir used his elbow to welcome Oath. The impact had the vicious man's jaw locked but he easily healed himself.

Ophir recieved a unknown blow unto his head, chest and back. Ophir coughed some blood. Oath pulled his neck and whispered.

" Look at that vast sky, That is where you'll get elevated. So enjoy your last moments. I will send the scroll to you in heaven that is... if you won't get burn in hell."

After delivering his speech Oath grabbed Ophir's neck and was about to twist it when a portal opened behind Oath. Vine touched Oath's ribs and used his vibration. Oath got thrown mid air like a balloon that got deflated.

Oath felt like his ribs were electrified. His bones created a vibration that is not of his liking. Oath tried to suppress it but the effect had him hammered mid air. The attack looked weightless but it was fierce, the wind has scraped his skin. The cut were numerous and is adding up as he fall down.

Ophir groaned when Vine touched his back.

"He burned you real bad young man." Vine commented as he checked Ophir's back.

"Yeah, I literally felt my skin bending and melting." Ophir replied as straightend his back.

"Bear with this. I will make it quick." Vine instructed.

When Vine touched his back and started to vibrate his skin. It shook and parched his skin. Ophir screamed silently as he bit the bones like a dog. When Vine successfully cured him. Ophir threw himself on the soil, his countless sweat cataracts the face of the ground and his body.

"I am able to cure it but the mark is still there." Vine stated.

Kennan saw the vicious man fall down from the sky. Kennan used his lapis lazuli to replicate the ground. When the man got inside his trap. Kennan instantly wrapped it and entrapped the enemy. His lapis lazuli easily got shattered when the man send a ray of his gift toward Kenanan's direction. Kennan created a wall as he went backward yet he got his back recieved an impact that is awful and made him almost losed his sanity.

Kennan launches another attack to save himself. When Oath broke the lazuli with his bare hand. It was enough to give Kennan some time to escape. Oath snickered at how Kennan's move out-witted him.

Kennan hassled to run away as his vision is fading. It's a battle against his consciousness. When Kennan finally hid himself under a dried branches at the garden, he finally dozed off as blood and sweat streams from his temple toward his jawline. Kennan can't help but chuckle to himself.

"In the end, Novena's face and name is my last minute thoughts."

Cyrus splitted the team as he wait for another powerful qauke coming from the battle field but was surprise not to hear any.

"We need remnants, Lila open a portal to Kisiena. Kish, Gatsby and Tera will head back with the wounded. The only person who will wait for them here is me, Hexel and Lehi. The rest place submit and evacuate. I will not respond to any pleas."

Kiel pressed his lips and was about to open his mouth in protest but Cyrus gave him the look that if he ever protest or argue he will recieve a fatherly punishment that he was so scared the most. Lila instantly open a portal and send everyone at Kisiena.

Hexel and Lehi sit with Cyrus as they waited for any more noise roaring from the fight. It was not that long when they heared the breaking of dried branches.

Cyrus was about to escort the team to check the source of the sound when Evi got resized.

"You'll get noticed if you move that way. Don't look at me like that. You need me here." Evi stated to seal Cyrus's bursting question. Cyrus can't find the right words to argue and allowed Evi to work in them.

The three little creature moved swiftly like an ant and reached the said area and found Kennan. Evi instantly resize Kennan when a blast headed their way. Lehi used her oil to protect everyone. She planted her coal shoes to have them stabled and floated with the latter impact to hide from the vicious attacker.