Chapter 229: Cowering

Kish smiled at he watches Eyel tend the garden his face painted a glowing love. Sienna and Sage felt like their existence were a nothing but a bother. Sienna arranges the ambience. Three days from now a new love is engaged.

Sage watches as Kish helped Eyel water the plants.

"I noticed you getting fat." Sage commented.

" Yeah, Yeah I am hearing that a lot." Sienna nonchalantly replied.

"Are you pregnant?" Sage raised.

Sienna just laughed nervously. Truth to be told it did not cross her mind.

"You should visit the duchess. I mean especially that Hexel frequently visit and stayed here." Sage teases as he winked.

Seinna blushed at the thought but silently noted Sage's advice.

Sienna smell the fruity incense she started to get dizzy and collapsed.

Thankfully Sage noticed her strange way of walking and caught her before she hit the floor. Sage informed Eyel who tapped the arriving guest. It's two days before the weeding and the Tale Bearers arrived. When Hexel heared the news he instantly rushed by Sienna side. When the Duchess examined Sienna she proclaimed the good news.

" I am finally a grandmother. Sienna is expecting a baby!" Tera beamed with joy.

The whole Tale Bearers rejoices as they clapped and congratulated the two.

Lehi and Ophir genuinely understand what they felt. Ophir held Lehi's hand tightly. Nevi came from the back and hugged the two as he whispered.

"You don't need to act. I knew your feeling glad right now but what about later?"

Lehi and Eyel were preparing the garments. Lehi felt happy that she will surely witness the love story that she countlessly heared from childhood. Lehi felt torn, she wanted to celebrate and wail at the same time. Lehi recalled what the old woman has said.

"An era will end." Lehi pondered with the thought that it was not just her child but Sienna's child will also end.

"Young mistress, how come you look like your lamenting. Is there a problem?" Eyel politely inquired.

"Nope, I am just feeling sad that my loyal maid and friend is being snatched away from me." Lehi dramatically stated.

"Do you want me to decline?" Eyel inquired.

Lehi laughed till her stomach twisted and was reminded that her womb had a life. Lehi held herself and spoke.

"Your always the same up until now and before."

Eyel tilt her head in confusion.

Nevi observed how Lehi and Ophir were very glad and was getting along well. Nevi felt like he is the only one worrying.

Nevi's nerve are wrecking in shambles. Tomorrow will be the day that an era will end. Nevi clicked his tongue only to calm himself. Nevi can't take it any longer. Nevi pulled Lehi by the side and asked.

"Aren't you scared?"

Lehi shut her eyes and her eyes moisten.

Nevi hugged her. He regretted asking the question. That was stupid of him.

Hexel cannot contain the joy he was feeling. There is a child inside his wife's womb. Hexel cannot hide the creepy grin from his face. Sienna did not notice that her double portion of eating were increasing in amount.

"I look fat." Sienna suddenly blurt out

"No. your not." Hexel stated.

"Sage and Kish said so!" Seinna added.

"Well if they say so... then you are." Hexel finally agreed. Hexel heared from his mother that all he have to do is agree with everything a pregnant woman would say but by the moment Hexel agreed he found himself being drive out of sight.

Nevi smiled and laugh all day but deep within was his fear are growing as the day ended. He examined the venue and checked it all prepared. Nevi found Hexel sulking at the garden and approach him and quarried

"What's with the long face?"

Hexel explained what happened and explained why was Sienna angry.

"A pregnant woman should never be called fat." Nevi pointed.

"I did not called her fat! She insisted it."

Hexel reasoned out.

"Yes but she is still pregnant. The mood swings are normal." Nevi explained.

Nevi sent Hexel back to his wife.

When Nevi spotted Sage and Mem having their tea time he waved and passed them. His eyes did not escape Kish and Eyel sweet talking. Even Kiel and Lila who are stargazing with Urchin. Nevi's last stop was with Lehi and Ophir who just calmly watches the sky.

"Are you counting the stars in here before we fully bid goodbye on this era?" Nevi muttered.

Ophir and Lehi smiled at Nevi.

"yeah right." Ophir answered.

"I wonder if we fulfilled our task by completing the underground shelves?" Lehi voiced out.

Nevi and Ophir just chuckled.

"It was a good adventure. If ever I won't be able to be in the same era as you two. Please be with Lehi and my kid Nevi." Ophir suddenly professed.

The chilly air got heavy and it took the three into their current issue.

"Yes, I will be there for her in your stead. I will support her and your kid no matter what. So come and find us when you can." Nevi replied.

"Wait what if our gift vanishes by the time this era end? What if we won't remember all the memories that we spent her? What if we vanish but no one will remember us?" Lehi suddenly opened up.

Ophir and Nevi remain silent. They understood what bothers her head. They can only symphatise upon Lehi's concern.

"I don't feel like sleeping tonight." Nevi stated and stood up.

"I am giving you a chance to be together alone." Nevi winked as he faded from the couple's view.

Ophir and Lehi grinned at Nevi and stared at the stars.

"Will the baby be alive even when an era ended? I am scared that the kid might just been an illusion." Lehi confessed.

Ophir kissed his wife and uttured.

"The woman said that the kid is not for this era. Meaning he will live but not in this time frame."

Lehi had Ophir lay his head on her belly. Ophir heared the tiny heart beat that have him the sense of faithful love and everlasting sign.