Chapter 228: Road in Depth of the Sea.

Ophir can't conceal the worry in his mind. He wanted to jump off the from his own thoughts when suddenly her wife jolted up to run at the bathroom. She started to vomit and feel sick. Ophir can only comfort her as she go through the sickness.

Lehi smiled at Ophir who looked concern and mentally troubled.

"You look anxious. Are you alright?" Lehi asked.

"I should be the one asking you that." Ophir gently said as he embraced his wife.

Lehi leaned and started to run back again inside the bathroom. Ophir followed suit seeing that her wife almost kissed the sink and cubicle.

Lehi woke up in the morning to see Ophir putting on his vest and usual uniform. Lehi greeted her husband and whispered

"Can I take a break? I still feel weakened."

Ophir encouraged Lehi to rest and was planning to visit the duchess when his ear caught a good news.

Kish personally stated that he will get married with Eyel next month.

Ophir gladly congratulated the two and escorted Kish unto their chamber to see Lehi putting on a simple dress. On Kish's opinion she looked radiant and glowing.

"Is it just me or your glowing?" Kish mouthed with a wide grin.

Lehi giggled and sat beside Kish on the couch.

"So what brings you here?" Lehi asked as she gestured Kish to follow her.

The two walked on the hall and Kish finally confessed that he will get married with Eyel. Lehi felt sad for some reason but she held herself in and smiled.

"Congratulations. Finally your settling."

The whole time that Lehi was with Eyel and Kish had her mood were sinking.

Lehi eventually sent them away and was heading on the port when Ophir came to wave them off. He noticed how Lehi would stare blankly at him. Ophir can't take it any more and sat beside Lehi.

"What's wrong you looked tense?"

Lehi again tilt her head and stared at Ophir. Her eyes meet his but there was no connection or spark on it. Ophir sighed and suddenly leaned in to kiss his wife. Lehi's eyes widen in surprise. After the distractive kiss.

Lehi fidget as her jumpy and queasy posture showed up.

"Kish and Eyel are getting married. The old woman was right. Our era will end with their marraige." Lehi muttured.

"Your right. They are your ancestors. What should we do?" Ophir asked.

"Let us attend the wedding together. Let's remain silent with the child. If they find out they will probably halt the wedding." Lehi proposed without any remorse.

Ophir gaped leaving his mouth half open. He know well that if the wedding will halt. Something might happen to Lehi. If they interfere something might happen to this era. Logically the safest route would be to go with the flow and let this era end. Ophir shut his mouth in silence as the twirling wheel lead them back to where their life in this era started.

They arrived at Myrrh Library Cinnamon.

Lehi and Ophir walked in silence not with comfort but with a gap. Nevi instantly noticed what was wrong. Nevi pulled Ophir on the side for a pep talk.

"What's wrong? Is it another fight?"

Ophir just sighed and stated about the issue. Ophir can't see anything bad by giving Nevi the heads up since he is from the same era with Lehi.

"What? Now that you mention it, Kish and Eyel are Lehi's direct blood line. If ever they get married smoothly this era will end but if someone interferes something worst might occur! That is quite tough." Nevi reacted.

Ophir just breathed tiredly. He felt drain and exhausted. He felt the worst possible situation that might occur.

"Then what will happen to your child?" Nevi inquired.

"The old woman mentioned that it won't happen. Because this era will be sealed by their marraige." Ophir informed.

Nevi gazed at Ophir and said.

"How about we visit that old woman once more?" Nevi proposed.

"Nope. We won't be able to find her." Ophir countered as he walked toward their chamber door.

"Why?" Nevi asked.

"Because she is one with the wind." Ophir replied and waved as he enter their room.

Lehi knew that Ophir won't be able to shut his mouth with Nevi.

"How did Nevi react about?" Lehi voiced out.

"He is beyond confused." Ophir honestly answered.

Lehi just blink her eyes and entered the bath tub.

Lehi remained inside their bathroom longer than expected. She was staring at her flat belly. She embraced it by encircling both of her hands. Lehi knew that it was her selfishness that led them to this situation. Lehi can't even bring herself to halt the wedding that bore her soul and very breath. She is scared to lose the new formed life within her. She is starting to cry and feel depressed.

Ophir kept waiting for Lehi to exit the bathroom but his patience faded out.

When he silently twisted the door knob to take a peek. He found the most heart breaking sight. Lehi is silently crying as she embraced her belly. Ophir walked in and hugged his wife from the back.

"Stop crying. If you keep being depressed the child in your womb will also feel that sorrow." Ophir advised softly as he copied Lehi and rubbed her belly in a caring and gentle motion.

"I am sorry. If I was not selfish enough to deny you something like this because of a past that bounds me then this child could have been a good friend to Urchin."

Lehi spoke in between cries. Ophir gently twirl her around as he started to lead her in a waltz. Lehi smiled at his out of the blue invitation. But the mood changes when Ophir started singing. His voice sounded like the many waters and chirping bird.

"From a word a galaxy is born. From a breath a soul came to life. From an everlasting sign faithful love became my joy. That faithful love is you. No shame, No guilt and No pain. My faithful love concieved from words is from you."