Chapter 227: Hewn Quarry

Natalina sighed in relief. She finally put their kids on sleep. She gently slide on under the blanket and got some sleep. She moved back to reach the lampshade attempting to turn it of when Cyprus opened his eyes and softly asked.

"Are the kids sleeping?"

Natalina nodded and turned off the lamp.

Cyprus muttured a sweet good night and get back to sleep. When he turned around to embrace his wife. He found the bed empty. He rubbed his lenses with the back of his hand and sat up. He saw the door slightly open. He checked the nursery room and found Natalina asleep on the cushion.

Cyprus checked on the kids and decided that he would just carry the blanket and pillows on the mat. When he arranges their sleeping area he gently moved his wife and cuddled with her. Cyprus woke up earlier to bath their kids and had them stroll outside. At the leisure room he found Nevi and Ain having their coffee.

He sat the triplets on the table and had the two help him feed the children. When Mem summoned Cyprus for another session. Nevi and Ain tended the triplets.

Natalina yawn and found herself properly tucked in on bed. She stride toward the nursery room and saw how it was neatly organized and managed.

Natalina started to attend herself and walked out of their chamber. She saw her kids playing with the Tale Bearers. Natalina used to be the one seating their talking and laughing with the Tale Bearers but now her kids are there as her representations. Natalina widely grinned when one of her son gigled to see her approach.

Ophir and Lehi were checking all the animal welfare posted by the knights. Kiel and Lila were assigned in announcing the new law. It was a boring and simple task but some how it had them tired. Ophir and Lehi halted on one of the village to eat their lunch.

As they dine in on a table. A strange old woman approach them and pointed.

"Woe to you people who are an outsider to this world. Woe to you who leaped through time and is seeding this era with someone that is not meant to be here. Woe to you!" Her voice sounded like megaphone with full of accusations as she banged her hands on their table.

The owner of the restaurant came to halt the old woman and apologizes with the Royal Aid.

"I am sorry for the inconvince." The owner with shy face and brown curls and fair slender skin stated.

Lehi and Ophir were shocked. It was the first time that someone stated who they were.

"It's okay but who is that lady?" Ophir inquired.

"Ah, she is part of this village. People say that she had some mental illness. " The man replied.

"Why would people say that about her?" Lehi asked.

"Well she would suddenly appears and started declaring weird stuff, but the scary thing was most people confirm that here words always came true." The restaurant owner said.

"I see. Can we eat here?" Ophir cut off and diverted the topic.

The restaurant owner had her recommended their main and special menu as he excused himself to prepare the food.

Lehi glanced at the old woman who was gazing at them from the door. Her mouth moved in repetition to what she just said. Ophir's hightened hearing caught all of her words.

"She said the same words. But she added something strange. Our life will end with someone's marraige." Ophir informed.

"Can we talk to her? I mean she might be sent to help us or to warn us... right?" Lehi added.

Ophir stood up and approach the old woman not long after Ophir returned.

"She said she will wait on us under a henna tree by the east before this restaurant."

Lehi and Ophir ordered another take out and left the place. They followed as the woman instructed. They ventured deeper in the forest and found the old woman staring at the flower tree that is out of season.

"I am expecting you two." The old woman with braided scarlet hair and bubble like transparent eyes.

Ophir and Lehi offered the food they wrapped for her and she gladly eat it.

"Your destiny will end before it even starts. A legacy had it's own order and time frame." The old woman spoke.

"What do you mean?" Lehi questioned.

"Their is a life in your womb." The old woman proclaimed the good news.

Ophir and Lehi stared in silence. The woman's word left Lehi and Ophir surprised and dumbfounded.

"I.. I am pregnant?" Lehi recited with confusion.

"But I feel just fine. I did not go through the vomiting or cravings.. " Lehi trailed.

"Yes, but each concieving is unique. The morning sickeness may come later. " The old woman stated.

Ophir digested the thought and was able to formulate another concern.

"But you just pointed that something will happen. That this child may not be born." Ophir asked.

"Yes, An era will end before this child will be birthed." The old woman replied.

"You mentioned earlier that it will end with someone's marraige. Who will get married?" Ophir asked.

"That! I am not allowed to tell you." The old woman hummed.

Ophir grimaced at her response and inquired.

"Then why did you bothered to catch our attention then?"

The old woman just grinned at him and said.

"Woe to You."

A strong wind gust and as if she became part of the wind. She vanished into thin air. Her features faded with the it as the leaves fall on the ground.

Ophir stared at Lehi who claspped her womb. She is rubbing her flat belly in a circular motion. Her face looked glad and joyful. Her features glowed and is more mystical in comparison as to how Ophir viewed his wife. His eyes were locked on her sincere yearning. Ophir heared how Lehi recited her very words in pure genuine.

"There is a life from above. We recieved a gift that is heavenward."