Chapter 225: Monthly Astrologers

Kiel needed to hassle up. He cancelled and postponed all the distribution of medicine. Cyrus gave him the task to apologize with the suppliers and knights. When he bowed his head most of the people and knights were embarrassed with his action.

"Our prince you don't have to bow your head. We will obey your every words." The captain in his uniform as a royal knight stated.

"But we wasted your time and effort.This kind of work were also tiring. Besides it's our error." Kiel pointed.

The knights and supplier just acknowledge their prince's humble abode and repacked the things they displayed.

Tera got alerted by Baron Rudu's wife. Her eyes twinkled that finally she can look for a reliable and credible assistance. Her medicine department need more hand anyways. Hessie heared about her plan of going out their gate and strongly disagreed.

"Your going out again? As the head of this household I am not giving you any permission to do so."

Tera tried to win his heart by her usual antics. She strated to gave him the puppy eyes. Hessie maintained his poker face and warned.

"Keep doing that and your lashes will be plucked off."

Lehi and Evi hike up a huge rock on thr valley. Ophir led them to communicate with Baron Rudu's wife. Ain would escort his mother all through out their walk. Cyrus minimized the number of people to be sent in order to prevent any intimidation.

The house was vast as people say. It's not tall in height but is large in width.

"I bet this house has a larger green house than the main house." Ain commented.

Ophir and Lehi nodded in agreement. Ophir blew the horn that indicates their arrival.

The wooden gate opened like a curtain. When the team entered. All the household's maid and knight lined up to greet them. At the end of the line the Baron and his whole family bowed toward them.

"Aren't we the one whose getting intimidated?" Evi asked.

"They are going overboard."

Lehi also commented not knowing how to react.

Ophir can't even led his team to walk like a celebrity in the middle of such welcome.

The Baron and his wife approach them and said.

"We are glad to have you here. Please make your self at home." Baron Rudu stated.

Ophir followed the couple silently as they looked around. Ain almost chuckled when his hunch were right. Almost all of the surrounding area are a prosperous garden and herbal plants. Lehi applauded the bonsai garden that was at back of the proch.

The couple led them inside a mat and with a square pillow foam as their chair.

Lehi can relate at this lifestyle. This kind of cushion were used in their church as kneeling pad for morning prayers. Lehi comfortably sat on it and was even more amazed to the view in front of her.

A garden full of various white flowers.

"Sorry for the late introduction, I am Pyo Rudu and this is my wife Vid Rudu. I have received the letter from the King." The Baron with his silver hair and scarlet squinty eyes introduced.

Ain stared at Vid Rudu. Her brown jelly fish hair emphasizes her dandelion eyes.

Her purple traditional dress made her stand out. Ain can tell that this woman is pretty but is suspicious. His eyes scanned her every posture and decided that he needs to avert his eyes away from her. Their is something about her that magnifies anyone's eyes.

Ain felt like that if his eyes linger to her he will be enslaved with it. It's not attractive but it's more like a force.

Ain excused himself reasoning out that the conversation will be boring. But the truth was it is part of their plan to help investigate more.

Evi started with a formal greeting.

"Thank you for having us. We have heared about the rumours and we are here to inquire about it."

Rudu scratch the back of his head and replied.

"Yes, it was because the animals were pitiful. Since we have a lot in here. We extended a hand to those in need. This is where the herbal plants come in handy."

Evi praised the baron but Vid suddenly cleared her throat.

"My husband is good with his hands." Her comment left the atmosphere awkward.

Evi faked a laugh as Lehi and Ophir just pretended that they did not heared it.

Ain strolled within the area as he sliced the space and changing his size. He heared the maid talking. He followed the source of the noise and entered not knowing that it was the maid's changing room. Ain was surprised to see a woman's body on sight. He was about to leave when his ears narrowed it's focus.

"Our mistress is kind of mysterious isn't it. She would always leave after midnight and would return before dawn. I suspect that she might be meeting another man other than our master." One of the maid with broad voice stated.

"Yes, I also caught her walking out from the backdoor. I trailed her toward the garden but i was dismayed to hear an astrologers fortune telling about her monthly." another maid stated.

"And our master are well aware of it. The Baron can't contradict his wife's addiction to astrology." the last one mentioned.

Ain walked out of the room and ventured at the green house. He studied all that were there and secretly gathered some intel.

"We are fortunate to have a master that was kind. Mean while our mistress had some attitude and she is not even a noble." a middle age man commented.

Ain noticed Vid eavesdropping from the sideline. He followed the mistress and climb up as she hid in her pocket. Ain carefully concealed himself.

Evi bowed her head in gratitude to the warm welcome. The team headed on the valley to set up their tent as they wait for Ain to reunite with them.

Ain heared the rustling of leaves and chilly air. The evening wind carried a prediction that made the baron's wife gripped her pocket.