C258: Same Story.

Kish purified the dark aura and said.

"It might be an old spirit he caught while walking this morning. Look, the vase got broken in a uneven manner."

Ain nod his head Urchin tried to seal it but it was just a passing spirit.

"I bet this sealing is just a beginning. We need to study how would the books to be sealed are to be identified." Kish added.

But the days just got continuous with number and amount of dark entity swarming. Ain and Kennan got busy. It drained the two who flew every evening till dawn. It was hard and unpleasant for him to go through such hardship. Ain felt like he is moving outside his own container. Urchin just kept yawning when it is the first day of school.

Ole pulled him from the road when a car dash with a strong wind.

"Watch out. Don't go dying before the school starts!" Ole scolded Urchin just nod his head aas Kahieli, Sycamore and Nimrod tag with them. Ole and Urchin walked the two on their way to the nursery and arrived at their class.

It was the same set up like the modern day. Each person introduced themselves. Urchin lazily stood up and smiled which charm the little girls heart.

"Urchin El Oathniel."

Ole can't contain her irritation when it comes to the girls in their class who was squealing.

Ole stood up and recite her name tired from eavesdropping with the women's whisper.

"Ole Lattice Glockenspiel."

Their first day was a same boring half-day where they only get to know each other. Most of the girls encircled Urchin as Ole got pushed into the background. Ole just ignored them and went to check on the triplets who are in the same situation with Urchin. Ole just got left in awe and decided to walk around the school.

She found a grassy plain and took a nap for a while. She was able to wake up with the wind calming down. Her eyes was zooming a figure of a man falling down from the sky. If she was a normal school girl whe would immediately sum up that it's her prince charming. But as soon as she realised that it's trully a human with owl like hair and emerald ash boren eyes. Ole raised her leg that hit the kid on the stomach. He looked like a cloth that got hanged to die with Ole's left leg.

Ole swinged the bird like kid on the side and saw him got knocked down.

"I guess that went to harsh?" Lehi commented.

Sycamore found her approaching the gate as she dragged a helpless and unconscious boy with her.

Urchin run to meet her and said.

"We've been looking for you!"

Ole just shrugged and replied.

"I took a nap and this boy fell from the sky."

"Aren't you the cause of his fainting?"

Kahieli commented.

Ole just cleared her throat to confirm that he was right.

"I thought he fell from the sky?" Nimrod remarked.

"Yes but he looked like a huge bird, So I kicked him." Ole defended.

Sycamore just giggled.

"For now let us help him."

When Sycamore touched the boy. He was a rewind of his past. Sycamore remained frozen at his spot that made Kahieli wondered.

"What's wrong Syca?"

Sycamore just nodded his head and kept blinking. Sycamore had the same ability with Urchin. If Urchin can see the future Sycamore can see the past of every person whom he touches willingly and with good intention.

Fur and Ain keep pacing and clasping their hands together. They were both worrried for the boys. Kish who is babysitting Selah just manage the shop. Kish can understand their anxiousness and worry. He was on the same spot before. He kept on doubting. His double mindedness got enlarged that Eyel even nagged him to drop it off. When they had a child it got bigger to the point that he get sick when their son don't eneter the house on time.

When Lehi was born his peace got restored. She was like his source of strength. Lehi was their firm connection but when her parents suddenly perish in this period due to avalanche from where they vacationed during Lehi's absence. It had Kish mourning till Lehi got back pregnant that is out of the blue. Lehi's pregnancy was not that sensitive. She would eat everything that is im her table and would cry if there are left over thus Ole grew with the same habbit and characteristics.

When their door swung open, Ain and Fur rushed to welcome the boys but they brought home another kid. Ain heared from Ole the whole story which made Fur and Kish focus their lense. Ain volunteered to have the kid properly tended. Kish noticed the child's feature and his suspicions got arises.

They all impatiently waited for the him to wake up and his metallic gaze meet theirs. His ash granny gray owl hair stood out but his face spoke of someone familiar even Urchin was shocked.

The child was beyond friendly and cheerful. His clothes were like of an animal skin.

Ain inquired about his name and he replied.

"Cherith Guadalupe."

Ain literally wept. Nevi was able to produce an offspring without him knowing. Ain was the only one who was not able to snatch a bride from their era. Selah comforted Ain by gently brushing and tugging his hair.

Cherith spoke about his origin.

"I was raised by birds from where I came from then suddenly a man with line like wings came to push me on a strange pipe and i saw that girl who broke my waist and damaged my intestines."

Fur and Kish kneeled to apologize.

"We are sorry from her rudeness. Pardon us."

"That is because you looked like a huge bird that is about crush me!" Ole defended.

"A bird?" Cherith wondered and Kahieli handed him a mirror.

Cherith was surprised to see that his hair was too long. Ain volunteered to snipped it but Fur took the liberty to call a barber who complained about his hair being tangled and too dry. Nonetheless the barber groom him. His owl like facade got stylish. When Cherith looked at his new girly cut, he clarified.

"But I am a boy."