C260: Pictures in One Word

Agsus got released in the hospital and was fetch by Fur and Ain.

"We need you to be safe with us. My friend here who is a famous painter already spoke to your parents and they agreed since the lemon grass tea worked." Ain explained.

Agsus blushed and nod as he followed them. When they reached the shop. Agsus was welcomed by Selah clapping her hands and gigling. Ole and Cherith came after worrying about their drawing homework. Urchin greeted him with Kahieli and Sycamore extended his hand to confirm what he heared. Sycamore was satisfied and Nimrod waved at him.

"I did not know that you have a lot of children." Agsus stated toward Ain who looked pissed.

"I am sorry to disappoint you but I am a bachelor." The slicer of space stated.

Kish and Fur chuckled.

"Agsus don't say that or Ain will truly end up to be a bachelor forever." Nimrod warned.

Ain raised his brow and started chasing Nimrod.

"Sorry about that. I am Kish their oldest within the family. I am Ole's grandfather."

Ole scratch her head when Urchin laughed at her drawing.

"What is that?" Sycamore inquired.

"What do you think it would be?" Ole asked hoping that Sycamore would recognize it.

"Is that a head lies." Sycamore stared making Fur and Urchin to laugh harder.

"No! It's butterflies." Ole stated.

Agsus took a peek and can hardly imagine a butterfly. It was looked like a colony of dots in his eyes.

"Here, I will teach you how to draw one." The ten year old boy stated. As his orange curl bounces matching his kind sapphire eyes.

Ole bowed her head. Agsus taught them how to draw their assignment and Ain teased Fur.

"Looks like your spot was taken."

Fur just smiled.

"That won't work on me Ain."

Ole got pranked by the paper once more and she did what Agsus said. She ignored it. Her class went smoothly without being thrown out and punished. During their classes the paper would follow Ole around and would cause her to trip and distract her but she endured.

When they got home. Ole found the record book as Agsus stated.

"It's this one!"

They did the same process by calling the teacher who owned the record book. The teacher with her brown eyes and creamy black hair fetch it. Agsus confirmed that it was the same person who came for it.

"Isn't that it's careless for a teacher to misplaced her record book?" Kish asked

"I am sorry." The teacher just bowed.

"I wonder why it happened for the second time around." Kish added to test the woman.

Her facial expression changed. Her eyes glared and her posture became fierce.

"What are you trying to imply sir?" The woman raised.

"Nothing, I just thought it's weird. It felt like you were expecting our call." Kish pointed.

Fur and the others are cheering Kish from the sideline.

"What do you mean sir?" The woman sounded like she snap at any moment.

"When I called you and mentioned about the record book. You replied with I am sorry."

Kish enumerated.

"And so, what could have been my response sir?" She answered with sarcasm.

"You could have said. That strange or reacted violently since it is in my granddaughter's bag." Kish concluded.

Fur and Ain vigorously nod their head in agreement. He is going well with script prepared by Fur and Agsus.

"Well, is that so then next time I'll know what to do." The woman said as begun to walk away.

"Give it back." Kish warned.

"What now?!" The woman raised in annoyance.

"Give back what you have stolen from Agsus."

Kish stated.

The woman clench her jaw and balled her fist.

"So you found out!" She hissed.

"Of course." Kish confidently assured that made the woman angry.

The woman started to open her record book and the papers truned it's faces. The rattling noise became loud and froze Kish. The woman was about to do her own thing when the space got sliced. The whole gang jump in to save Kish with Agsus and Fur. The woman was surprised Urchin.

She tried to escapes but Urchin halt the time. Kahieli used his bulletproof glass to immobilize the record book. Nimrod summon his coin and Sycamore had his leaf out. Ole just stood their as the woman started to tremble and surrendered.

"I will return Agsus' dream please spare me Tale Bearers." The woman begged.

"So we are well known?" Ain asked.

"Of course you vanquished our kind and we are able to survive through the century." The woman exclaimed as her form got revealed. She was just a ball evil spirit that manipulate things and eat a child's dream. Kahieli sealed it with his glass as Sycamore recite and seales it in prayer.

"Our Father who is the God of movement. Thank you for the refuge and gift for us to fight and finish our assignment. This is for your glory. Amen."

The first feather got placed in the card with Fur's confirmation. The kid rejoices as they gained their first feather. Agsus thanked them for retrieving his dream. It was Sycamore who said that the demon was a dream catcher. Ain researched from old periodics that dream cathcher demons steal people'd dream and exchange it with nightmares. Ain recalled how long has it been since he heared the title Tale Bearer. They were like the kids back then after every assignment. They would rejoices and celebrate.

"Does it remind you of old memories?" Kish whispered.

Ain nod his head as he shut his eyes.

"Those days were priceless."

"Look at the young prince at the corner who felt the same. He stood well in grace and royalty just like his ancestors." Kish said.

"I never thought that things would come to this. I was so happy back then." Ain admitted.

Agsus was a huge fan of Fur and took the courage to become his apprentice. He is glad that he was accepted by Fur. Agsus felt special to be part of people who are extra ordinary.