C285: Bitterness to Betterness

Ole was surprised when Urchin approach him last year about Saga falling in love with her. Ole did not mind it and played along There were times that it gets between her and Saga but she endured not to confront him. Even Cherith who always made fun of Saga made sure Ole would know about it. She already kept quite that she can hear everything but Cherith needed to spill the beans.

"See, your starting to act unnaturally." Urchin pointed.

"No, were too young for this. Ain and Fur will be angry for sure and they will feel more pressured since they are still single." Ole defended.

"If you say so, Oh don't tell Saga that your my aunt or my fun will end." Urchin smirked.

Ole pinched Urchin's cheek and corrected.

"Cousin not Aunt dear Urchin."

Urchin begged for his cheeks to be released.

Following the genealogy, Urchin was right she is his aunt. From what she heared her father was his grandfather's ancestors. When Urchin tried to call her grandma while making fun Ole end up punching off some teeth from Urchin since then Urchin never bothered tp address her elderly up until the present.

"What are your plans about it? You can't play safe forever Ole." Urchin stated.

"Plus, you can just directly reject him." Sycamore butt in.

The triplets were having their own fun as well. On the other hand, Selah had some admirers falling in line as customers.

"Are you sure you that Selah does need any brotherly affecfion or protection?" Ole diverted the issue and established a new topic.

"Not really." The triplets shrugged.

"Besides you cannot avoid the issue forever." Nimrod hummed.

Ole remain speechless as Saga tend to the customers.

Ain countered the punch coming from Kahieli. He pulled Kahieli's heel and jammed him. on the wall.

"Aren't you getting rusty each day. Your Highness." Ain sarcastically commented.

Kahieli stood up and launched another attack. He had his palm spread and aimed to Ain's chest but Ain shifted to his side and kicked Kahieli upward.

"Now that is what you call flying kick." Ain remarked."

Kahieli twirled and steadied himself like a lizard on the cieling. Kahieli is getting annoyed by how Ain is running his mouth.

Kahieli used the cieling as his foundation and threw himself toward Ain. Ain smirked and transported behind Kahieli. Ain was about tp draw another kick but Kahieli used his elbow to hit his jaw and yanked him on the ground.

"This is what you call taming the arrogant technique." Kahieli winked.

Ain complained and argued that he neglected to train the others saying that he was tired but the truth was he was embarrassed by Kahieli. His really had the King's nature.

Ain cannot believe that the babies before are now grown ups who did not hesitate to disrespect their masters. Ain looked at Urchin and sat as he instructed.

"Sycamore and Urchin take a duel. No gift are to be used just combat."

Urchin took the center stage and Sycamore instantly move to his neck but Urchin was faster to move on the side and pull him backwards. Urchin twirled his wrist and was about to dunk him on the floor but Ssycamore grinned he stepped on Urchin's heel. He used his palm to push Urchin with force but he collided it with his elbow. Sycamore released Urchin's heel and balance himself to halt Urchin's elbow. He balled it to fist and punch him with all his might. Urchin got pushed back on the door and Sycamore was declared a winner.

Fur helped Agsus with his digital draft when they heared Ain murmuring.

"It always happens when the kids get the best out of him." Fur commented.

"Yeah right, why don't he grow up?" Agsus added.

Ain glared at their direction and said I can hear you.

Cherith giggled non-stop when Saga froze in his spot. He can't help but be cunning when teasing them.

Saga can't meet Ole's gaze every time they would pass each other by the hall or when they are walking to school. His actions started to be in a concealing defence. Saga would sit, stand or walk far from Ole. He would go home first and attend school first. Urchin and Cherith who noticed it observe how was Ole reacting but she was just ignoring the circumstances.

When Urchin heared what Ophir did. He was not surprised that Saga started to drift away from Ole.

Saga put on his shoes to jog and visit the orphanage since it's a holiday. He stretches his joints when Ole stood by the gate. She seemed to be expecting him to leave. Ole waited for Saga to talk but he just passed her, pretending that he did not notice her.

"Really, now your ignoring me." Ole muttered under the lamp post as the chilly kiss of dawn enveloped their ground.

Saga increased his pace and was trying to escape from Ole but that's not possible this girl is not ordinary.

She appeared in front of Saga as she established an eye contact that intimidated him.

"Why are you suddenly avoiding me?" Ole asked.

Saga knew that Ole was ignoring all of his actions but it hurt him that in the end she did not pay attention to all his efforts. He was holding back his feelings since that day. But knowing that she can hear everything even if she wanted it or not made Saga realised that she never acknowledge his feelings all those years.

"You really don't know why?" Saga uttered in slightly cold tone.

Ole tilt her head and waited for Saga to continue but he just sighed and pass her.

"No." Ole yelled as she yanked Saga's hair backward.

Saga raised his fist mid air to protest.

Ole released her grip from his hair and waited for Saga to speak.

"Just what do you want me to say. You already heared it from ages. So there is nothing to tell." Saga pointed as he comb his hair with gis finger. It's been her habbit to instantly grapple his hair out if nowhere.