C286: Concealed Quiver

Kennan took a step back to hide. His long years of investigation were not in vain. He spotted one of their long term comrade alive. Kennan badly wanted to rescue Hexel inside a frozen and coffin. It had a spooky vibe but if he would make a move he might be led into a trap. Kennan removed one of his earing spy camera and positioned toward Hexel's spot. He witherew to inform the others but was hit behind. The last view his lashes curtained faded into a shadow of arctic.

Mem paced through the halls. He was promoted as a peace marker of the heavenly regime. It's been three days after visiting Urchin and the kids. It was the same time that Kennan got sent for a mission. He checked his friend's room but was left the same way.

Mem cannot brush off the anxiousness arising within his instict. As a knight who was serving the King, his experience and gut as Knight did not fade.

Mem sighed and had his gear working when one of the informant summons him for another work. He was about to inquire about Kennan's mission but was silenced by the judge.

"You already know that such questions are not be responded or better yet not asked." The eldest councillor pointed. Mem got deployed to mark the next accomplished mission.

Saga knew that his coldness made Ole clenched her jaw. She twirled away from his face and confrontation.

"I got it." was her short reply and advanced away from his ground.

Saga wanted to imitate how the male lead from a drama that was on the television. In his mind he wanted to pull Ole into a hug but he is a coward. Saga gulped the bitter taste of their morning exchange and headed to where he is supposed to be going.

Kennan felt the tip of his tongue getting frozen. He walked up seeing himself in a comic situation. His capture had his tongue glued to an ice. He tried to make a sound but his words became an endless chirping.


A loud and ear splitting laugh is happy about the situation.

Kennan sinked in embarrassment. How can he save himself from this humiliation?

The man with bulky and gigantic body started to laugh. The whole area almost shoke by his gigling. Kennan was helpless since they have turned him as their entertainment. If only he can smash the ice glued to his tongue then he can atleast seal his mouth.

"This guy is funny." one of them stated from the shadow.

"We can just have him as our source of laugh all the time." a girly voice squeaked.

Kennan can handle a tension from the battlefield but being the core of jokes and laughing stock is unbearable.

Kennan scanned the area to examine any sign of Hexel. The coffin he found a while ago seemed to have been hidden.

"So what brought an esteem official like you here?" A raspy voice with fox like feature.

"Ngnnhhhh.. bweunnskdjnm." Kennan replied with his tongue out. He was like a mute expressing himself.

The foe tilt his head and clasp his stomach.

The foxy man started laughing and mocked Kennan.

"Your like a dog having It's saliva flow like a rain shower."

"Let me take a shoot of that using this gadget of yours." A man with civilian posture spoke. He was like a sales man with his natural scarlet eyes and crimson spiky hair.

Kennan had his eyes wide in disbelief. They have taken his earing spy camera.

He started to expertly operate and said.

"Let us utilize this as a bait to lure his company. Maybe we will find the prophetes' daughter." The bulky guy claimed.

Kennan struggled aiming to take back the earring.

Agsus just finished his project and logged out as Taffy rendered their work. The screen became static and Kennan's tongue came in to view. Agsus' started to release a explosive sound as he banged the desk in front of him. The others joined him and started laughin, not until Kennan's frame got established.

The view shifted an entrance. It was the fountain from the park. It advertises the location and it showed a mirror view of Hexel's side.

Ain grabbed the screen as Selah stared in disbelief. Even Urchin was speechless.

The text appeared to have them more enticed.

"We await your arrival. We are not cowards to pose a threat. Don't forget to bring the duchess." The emoji did not go well with the text that Agsus got irked.

The screen switched off with Kennan's epic view once more. The whole gang end up scoffing. Ain and Fur had Agsus edit it as their screen saver.

"Let's get back to business." Ain aired.

"If that was real, Then I can commend their bold request." Urchin muttured.

"It's not a request rather it's a bait." Cherith corrected.

"Aren't they doing this on purpose? Could it be that they are in need of Selah for some thing urgent?" Kahieli raised.

"It might be a ritual or a prophecy which is hard to believe in this digital era." Sycamore introduced.

" I will try to read on any myth and tale about the area or any connection related to the fountain." Agsus volunteered.

Nimrod comforted Selah as Ole had her eyes bowed in gloom.

"It's arctic, I saw a glimpse of fox if we review the video then we can get something valuable." Saga suggested.

"How about inquiring to Mem? It's better to have him sneak in some information." Kish said.

Kenna was glad when the infroze his tongue out of the ice. He felt like his tongue got longer that of a frog. The foxy opponent that had him chained stood by the small shade of light coming from underground.

"The duchess will solve my eternal grieve. I have been waiting to uncuff this invisible yoke from my root." He uttered with yearning.

His silver hair waved like silk as it untangle a casket that's been long awaited by the gang. A sign of the duke is just one but it's not a bad step.