C305: Escorted Storm

Sycamore and Ole did not find anything suspicious except of Tryff's room. Kahieli and Cherith found the bath all cleared as Nimrod and Selah did not confirm anything suspicious with the area. Ain shut his eyes when Taffy and the rest joined Tryff.

"You could have told me about this!" Taffy hissed.

"It will just burden you. It's already been tough for you to train being the heir." Tryff stated.

"I am sorry but as much as this wealth are important among that is your the only one alive." Taffy countered.

Kish sat beside Tryff and was about to touch her shoulder when Kish's hand got burnt. Ole and Selah run to aid Kish.

"It seems that we know where it is." Urchin stated. He opened a trance and tried to to separate it from Tryff but it resisted.

"She won't let me go." A hoarsed and bold voice yelled.

Ain eyed Tryff who started to get pale. He tapped Urchin's side to indicate that he can release his trance.

"You guys should get out for now. Taffy and Kish will remain with us." Ain instructed.

The gang exchange glances and respected Ain's command.

Ain sat infront of Tryff and spoke.

"Your the host. Why is it that you did not mention it to us."

Tryff fidget and kept averting her eyes.

"Explain it, I knew that you were caught by some thing unexplainable but I did not expect you to be suffering from this." Taffy firmly stated.

Tryff got more restless as if she got caught cheating. Her expression became jig that Taffy clicked his tongue from the silence.

"You have to let us know in order for us to help you." Kish softly advised.

"But it's shameful." Tryff muttured as she bow her head.

"What do you mean?" Taffy asked.

"It happened three years ago. The business venture went smooth that we decided to get some drinks. I got wasted and slept with a guy. I woke in the shrine butt naked. The guy I slept with that night disappeared. I was curious and researched about him. A year later I found out that the man I slept with never existed. It was like a nightmare

When I got the confirmation. He died decades ago in the shrine from drinking and getting wasted. The same occurance happened to him and me. But what I feared was, I might disappear like he did. I visited a shaman near the shrine, he explained that the best way to be alive is to allow that man to be with me." Tryff confessed with flustered and ashamed gesture.

"So, you mated with a ghost and had allowed him to violate you?! Why?!" Taffy expressed with disapproval and sibilant sound.

"I was scared to die." Tryff admitted with her grim face.

"That is insane!" Taffy fizzed.

"Anything else aside from the sex?" Ain nonchalantly spoke.

"He.. he would overtake me to preform certain ceremonies." Tyrff spoke.

"Like what?" Kish asked

"like drinking some animal's blood." Tyrff responded.

"It means he is trying to kill your soul." Kish explained.

"He won't overtake you now because of what I have hedge on you." Ain said.

"Be prepared to be separated from it. It is him who is killing you." Kish pointed.

Urchin got called in for another trance.

Taffy held Tyrff's hand as Urchin prayed.

"Our Lord who delivers. You are the only one who can puff up the bad things of this world. You lead us out from any ambush we are in. We are a part of you as you are within us. Separate what blocks and leaks your vision to us.Amen."

Urchin had his trance dissipate Ain's space caged and forced the possessing devil from Tyrff. It was reluctant to be pulled out that Sycamore needed to join in and show the man his past.

"It was summer when his friends asked him to drink by the riverside. When they got drunk they pulled a woman who passed by and violated her. They threw the woman by the river. The next summer they did the same thing but their actions has birthed unto a vengeful ghost. The woman slept with all the male eating their breath out. But he was excempted for trying to stop his friend in the end the woman killed her for not telling the truth. And it had him trapped by the shrine. As a it signify the woman's mercy but was contrary. The man's spirit lost it's light when, he can host a body. Aside from it's greed and lust it overtook Tryff's self confidence."

Tyrff screamed in between those flash back. The evil started to wail and wept as it started to toss Tyff's body around. Taffy embrace his sister and said.

"Release her, she had nothing to do with you."

The ghost roared and pushed Taffy away.

"I can't give back what I have stolen. I have consumed someone's significant piece." He roared.

"No one is asking you to return it. We just wanted you to live her alone. You don't own her. She belongs to someone who is greater." Kish pointed.

Sycamore took the opportunity to seal him when it smoke out. Urchin dropped on his knees from separating the demon away.

Ain called for Selah to support and heal Tyrff.

It was settled when the feather mark a new completed task on the card.

Ole used her oil to sooth Tyrff's exhausted body. Taffy had interrogated the Tale Baerers and admitted that he already knew what they were doing. He also took a research about El Oathniel and found it on books as a myth.

"So your saying that Urchin is the King's grandson?" Taffy asked.

Urchin nodded his head.

Taffy opened one of the few paintings and found Ain with the royal Aid.

"You guys are reel. You are our ancestors." Taffy exclaimed.

"What do you mean ancestors?" Ain stated.

"Ah, I am from the line of old man Sotai." Taffy said.

"Your Mem's descendants!" The whole gang explained.

"Who? Maybe. My mother is a Clavi." Taffy stated.

"This is crazy. I felt like I lived a hundred years." Kahieli commented.

Ole tag them with the good news that Tyrff is now better.