C306: Winds that is Unseen

Fur called Agsus and Ain to accompany him toward a exhibit. The paintings are being bid to every rich people in the room. Ain cant help but have a sense of deja vu. His mind went to journey a past before the queen's death.

"The Gaza smile." Ain had his head shot up and stood up to see a painting of Kiel with his knee on the ground as he smile looking upward. Fur was surprised and finally realised the reason behind Ain's action.

"I golden coin." Fur shouted the bidders cannot equal Fur's offer and the painting successfully got sold to them.

Ain kept galncing at the painting.

"This will make Urchin happy." Fur hummed.

"Yes, but whoever the painter is, it's talented to draw every stroke correctly." Ain commented.

Agsus observed as the two got mesmerised in the painting. He can see a resemblance with Urchin but to see a painting of the prince is an honor. Agsus started to research with Taffy about them since Selah's birthday. Agsus learned that Urchin's mother is from the most powerful demon worshipper Jezebel.

According from what he heared the prince was a spoiled and arrogant prince but it seemed like the painting showed a soft side of him. It' simple white turtle uniform speaks of his humilty. His knee positioned to the left as he smiled and look up. It was a smile that is not warm but is refreshing. When they arrived, Urchin was in awe. He instantly grabbed the painting and examined it.

"Who painted this?" Urchin asked

"It was anonymous. I tried to speak with the seller but they needed to kept it private." Fur stated.

Urchin took it inside his room and was watching it till he fall asleep. When the sun hit the painting a lone drop fell from the side of Kiel's eyes. Urchin rubbed his eyes and found it gone. He touched the painting to check if it's wet but it was not. Urchin took a bath and another drop fell from the frozen canvas.

The school is preparing for the auction that will be held and hosted by Fur. Since it was the time for the month of arts. Fur who graduated from the school felt like his age had him getting wrinky. Highschool girls bump at him as if he did not exist.

Highschool men tried to gang up at him but he easily rebuked them. Thanks to the kids who taught him to defend himself. The boring lesson ended as Fur started his greetings for every art classes. Too bad for him, only Urchin and Sycamore are left with him. Saga, Cherith and Ole are on their sports club. Selah is in her herbal club. Kahieli and Nimrod are in their crafting club.

Fur discussed about drafting each people's symbolism. Some student put on a crown, heart and flowers. Sycamore drew a ribbon and Urchin put on a cane.

Fur also thought them to paint when one student asked.

"Sir, is it possible for a painting to melt?" A male with chubby body and cute smile asked.

"Yes, depending on how you treat it." Fur stated.

"But paintings before are used for ghastly practice." A girl raised.

"Yep, it was even used to protect a secret." Fur notified.

"Have you done it?" Sycamore sarcastically asked as he feign innocence.

"Yep, A lot of times. Most of my paintings spoke of my secrets." Fur countered back.

"Do you regret it?" a girl with dull looking face asked. Her pinkish and lavender hair curled in a wavy manner reaching her neck and her eyes are nude.

"Sometimes." Fur honestly replied.

"Then why do you keep doing it?" the same girl asked.

"Because I wanted to. That if the right person understands the essence behind it then he can unlock it." Fur smirked.

Sycamore and Urchin exchange glances and passed their drawing with a note.

"Stop acting cool. It does not suit you."

Fur almost yelled at the two when he recalled that he is with them at school.

The same girl who asked the wierd question approach Fur.

"Then how about the paintings that entraps people?" She whispered.

Fur found the question ridiculous but he know

that this person might have something going on.

"Possible, if the painter is a demon." Fur whispered back. The girl suddenly had her eyes widened and step backward. She stumbled on Urchin who happen to observe what was going on.

"I can help you with it." Fur offered.

The girl run away from them and pushed Urchin away.

"Who is she?" Fur asked.

"She is not from our class." Urchin answered.

"Check her painting clumsy teacher." Sycamore bullied.

The class got emptied and saw the others waiting by the gate eating some cotton candy.

Fur inquired about the girl when Saga was the one who replied.

"She is Litrez Oxilus. From class C. She is like the female version of you during your age. She is smart and clever. She already compete worldwide."

"You seemed too close with her" Fur teased to see Ole's reaction.

"Well, she was seating beside me the whole middle school." Saga stated.

"And did you two get to know each other?" Agsus caught on Fur's vibe.

"Yeah, I even have her number. Her family is also one of the foundation that is helping the orphanage." Saga extended.

"Oh and did you two went strolling together?" Urchin butt in as he yanked Ole to join them.

"Not really. She is stereotypical. So, it's not that bad." Saga replied not knowing how they are ganging up on him and Ole.

"Can you call her and invite her to have tea with us?" Fur winked.

Saga innocently dialed the number.The men eyed Ole who was eating the whole time. The pizza they ordered were graciously emptied.

"This two are hopeless." Fur said.

"Yeah, they can't even catch on." Agsus muttured.

Their chat ended when Saga confirmed Litrez said yes.

The men just move their head in disappointment. They even grunted when Ole unwrapped another pizza and shared it with Saga.