C335- Rejected Trust

Ain jump in to hold Ole but he got slammed on the burnt floor causing him to crushed below. Cherith was about to help Ain when he saw Sycamore glowing with the same amount of light. Cherith flighted to help Sycamore but within his grasp he disappeared. Urchin tried to halt it and entrapped them with his trance but for some reason his trance were fenced.

Urchin desperately tried to break the boundary but it won't reach out. Ain groaned from below as Sycamore and Ole vanished with the enemy.

Ole can't help but punch on the air. When she opened her eyes the enemy victoriously laughed and declared.

"You will go through the wilderness your mother has put others by leaping. Hope you enjoy...." The man's eyes widen when he caught Sycamore.

"This is now even for the odds that were left. Your boundary has honorably damaged me. Young royalty." The enemy spoke as the barren land eradicated his presence completely.

Ole glance at Sycamore who just wave at her.

"I put on some boundaries before leaving. I am curious what does he mean that is why I allowed us to be leaped back?" Sycamore stated.

Ole unleashed her armour and spoke.

"You did well Syca but we need to examine this place first. It seems that all the trees here are bald and old."

They walked around and found that even the weeds were dried. There was no sign of water, houses nor life.

"I wonder if this is also affected by my mother's leaping." Ole muttured.

Sycamore touched the dried oak tree and prayed.

"Our Lord who created the existence of such place that we did not know existed. I am grateful to be a vessel that sees the past and secret of things. May it be that you let us see what you want us to see. Amen."

Sycamore extended his hand to Ole and showed her what he is seeing.

The vast blooming and fruitful trees withered when Lehi returned back at El Oathniel. She waltz with a shadow and stole glances at Ophir every single day. Every time the gang finished sealing the cracks before Lehi would empower it by applying her oil. But Lehi's mistake altered some people's life and timming. Fur who was on a ship for his internship and field trip got sucked in and was with the Tale Bearer's.

Sage even saw Lehi back then when he confronted the gang. Thankfully the lad kept it a secret from Ophir. Yet Sage got thrown unto this place after the whistle got blown. The vast forest died. The animals were moaning in fright and the people started dying from hunger and famine.

Sage slept with a prostitute within the area and did later know that he had a son. He died after trying to heal the forest but cracks followed Sage to this world. His stamina and health deteriorated and later on recieve the conclusion that this place won't be alive. He called on the shadow that was breaking the seal and said.

"In exchange of my life, Save my child. Sage left a word carved egg bracelet and misspelled his name into Saga."

He created another Easter soviener and gave it to Wifey to pass it to his child when the right time comes. It was a simple token of his appreciation that he had a son.

Wifey agreed and killed Sage as he requested. Wifey entrapped Sage's gift on the wooden egg.

"I am not bad you know, after all. You were kind to Lehi and me. I did as you requested Sage. I killed you so that your body won't be a bird's feeding when you got left here alone. I will plant this oak tree that will not bear fruit but will hold out it's leaves and flower. In memory of you in this place." Wifey announced.

Ole and Sycamore did not know but Sage went to a difficult path. Even Saga was unaware that his father prepared a future of him in exchange of his breath.

"This is too much to see. I did not know a small wrong decision would create this much." Ole whispered. They made the tree as their base and burnt some wood for Sage.

When Saga, Kahieli and Nimrod heared what happened they were frustrated.

"What happened?" Kahieli asked

"the time leaper's were blaming Lehi for the leap and was determined to use Ole as the patch for the past accounts." Ain explained.

"I will inform Ophir." Urchin volunteered as he entered his room and leaned on the door. Kahieli should have insisted to go in behalf of Sycamore.

"i don't think this is a good time to talk. I need some space and air to calm down." Saga announced and walked out.

He is still mourning for the orphanage and now Ole vanished and no one knows where would she be. Saga regretted acting cold and dramatically.

Nimrod started to whine and sobs as he whimper.

"Will Syca be back? How about Ole?"

"What if they won't be found?"

"What shall we do?"

His non-stop question were delivered in between sobs as Selah rub his back. Selah maybe the youngest but she had a motherly instinct.

Urchin nervously dialed Ophir's number and instantly cried when Ophir recieved his video call.

"I am sorry, Ole vanished like Lehi back then. We were powerless."

Urchin expected Ophir to hate him and yell at him but he just asked one question.

"Is Sycamore with her?"

Urchin nodded and Ophir smiled

"My daughter is strong. You said she is a monster right. She will be fine. She's a time leaper since she was a fetus. Her ancestors are time-honoured. So i am kind of expecting this ever since Kish's death."

Ole and Sycamore started to gather anything to eat. They walked through each forest and found a single dilapidated house.

"This must be Sage's house." Ole described in awe.

"Yep, I found some thing here. There is way underground here. Under the rubbles." Sycamore informed.