C334- You will also

When Urchin and Cherith heared the situation. They bolted and scolded Ole. Sycamore just tag along not trying to join the nagging.

"You guys are annoying that is why Ole can't be a proper lady when it comes to you." Sycamore scolded.

Cherith and Urchin started ganging up with Sycamore.

"You dare to talk back to your elders??" Urchin nagged.

"How come your taking her side when she is so stubborn to begin with?" Cherith raised.

"Stop bullying the kid." Ain complained.

Sycamore was glad that Ain is with them. They went back at the orphanage to where Sycamore spotted the scarlet silhouette.

"Be careful. Work as one. Don't leave each other's side." Ain instructed.

The four nodded as Sycamore lead them to where everything started.

"Fur mentioned that the fire was alive." Ain quickly briefed.

Urchin opened a trance and found a scarlet silhouette by the window. It smiled and eyed Ole.

"The odds are here." The shadow stated as he giggled.

"I can hear you." Ole warned as she clasp her hand and prayed.

"Our God who avenges, care and love us. Let thy sword and plague fall upon to whom it should be. Your the God that made it all happened.You are the destiny maker. Let all thy will be done. You are our refuge and strength. Amen."

Ole got put on the same wardrobe but with different weapon. Her heels and palm were clothed in bones and coals. Her hair were braided with coals as she flame up in rage.

"You took off innocent lives. You destroyed a home for this children. You nailed the wrong button." Ole yelled as she went through straight the source of the voice.

The shadow mocked her thinking that it will be pointless for her to hurt him but Ole did the impossible.

"Let thy blood expose you." She chanted as the silhouette revealed the same face as the man she destroyed.

Ole yanked him by the hair as she dragged him in the midst.

"You are making me angry. I am too furious to hold back and interrogate you." She hissed.

Ole stepped on the man's ribs without planting her heels but she put on enough force to disable the enemy.

"What are your goals? Speak up before I strum that ribs of yours." Ole threatened.

"I know that she is a monster but I can tell how she striked two of the enemies." Sycamore commented.

"She can't just hold herself in." Urchin remarked.

"Better yet trap the enemy in a trance." Cherith added.

Ain can tell that Ole had inherited her father's wit but her temper is not that far from Lehi.

"I won't tell you!" The enemy decided.

"I see then say goodbye to your ribs." Ole notified as she pressed her heels and the bones cracking were heared.

"I can also break the other side if you remain muted" Ole yelled.

"Stop!" Ain yelled.

"Your like a merciless boss lady that is bullying her employee." Urchin described.

"Is that even bullying? It's beating." Cherith added

"But I can say that it's way sexy." Sycamore commented.

Ole halted when Ain came to rescue the poor hostage and soothed the enemy.

"Sorry about that our lady here forgot her manners."

Ole just shrugged and said.

"I am being kind comparing to what they did."

"Yes... Too kind." Ain sarcastically assured.

"I heared that you are part of those hunter. Tell me what is your goal." Ain asked the foe.

"To get back everything to normal. When you leaped through time you hijacked some lifestyle. Many died and were severely suffering. Yet here you are continuing your time while many stopped living." The foe replied in full remorse and anger.

"I see but it was hard on our part as well. It was awful on our time as well. Did you asked as why we got here before killing our family? Does death brings back anything?" Ole asked.

The opponent just glared at Ole and said.

"You are the cause of leaping. You are not meant to be born in this era." The hunter pointed.

"What do you mean?" Urchin asked.

"You will pay for what your mother did. She leaped through time more than twice. And even had a life within her. Her selfish action have caused a death to many innocent lives. It altered a lot of living area. Yet here you are alive. I am glad to hear that she died because her single soul won't be able to make up for the thousand she selfishly hijacked." the foe chuckled.

Ole slapped him on the face as she yanked him by the collar.

"She did not meant it. Those lives were as precious to her as you are. If she knew, she won't leap and leave me behind. Well congratulations your wish came true. Unfortunately I can't show you to the grave because even I... does not know where!"

The opponent just smirked and suddenly grabbed her heel.

"I will take you with me. You will be the price for all the odds to make it even."

A light engulfed the whole area and as if the wind has taken the area so is Ole and Sycamore.

Sycamore had the hunch that the enemy might plan something. Sycamore somewhat had this thought that it might take him more strength to solidified his set up. If the enemy ever notices it... Then he is done for. Sycamore basically waited for the enemy's timming. He launched his own boundary and get in sync with Ole.

When the light engulfed them Sycamore uttered a prayer to unleash his boundary.

"Our God who sees us in every place we are in. We call on unto your attention to set us in a process where in we get and achieve the purpose you got for us. For you are the one whose name is Lord. Amen."

Sycamore made sure to had it sustained them as he cheerfully embrace the journey ahead of him. It was thanks to Wifey whom he helped when she got out of the hotel. He saw what she did. He knew as well that she is planning to escape. Sycamore had this burden that he needs to protect the secrets he discovered from every person's past.