C352~Deprived Fill

Saga coughed as he stood up. He clearly recalled how the enemy's black smoke bombed them. He was able to subdue it and minimize the impact by using his gift without his companion's permission.

When the smoke cleared, Ain had formed a dimension that protected them. Kennan put on a pillar of lapis lazuli to wall Ain's space. Sycamore and Ophir raised a roof made of roots and bones.

In the end Saga was the one who got protected.

"You did well in magnifying the black smoke on the ground." Kennan stated.

"Yeah, i am able to take the nature in this confined spaced by resizing the mount." Ain supported.

"And we are able to put a roof on the wild life." Sycamore smiled.

Ophir nod at Saga who had his hands limp low and shoulder slump. Their words put a bright expression in his face. He was able to do something. It was not grand but it is more than enough.

Ain observed at the palm size mount that he used his gift with and instructed.

"Saga, Let us test your control, Carefully magnify the black smoke from the mount that is poisoning the trees."

Saga trembled at the thought. He can't even control to lift a single leaf. How is he going to magnify those gas out from the mount.

"I... I... am afraid. I might take more wild life." Saga muttured in between his mouth.

"It's fine, Sycamore already laid the contrast against your gift." Ophir convinced.

"You can trust us, if you can't trust yourself." Kennan touchingly advised.

"How sweet, Now I am bashful." Ain hummed.

Saga nod his head as he released a heavy breathe.

Saga recalled how Ole would shut her lashes and clasped her hand. He gently rub his hand in a circle motion. He felt a warm tingly sensation under his eye cover. He started to pray.

"To the God who sees what I can't. You know my fear. I cast it on you and I am allowing you to move in my midst. Let your mighty deeds worked on this. Give me faith to access the gift that you have purposed in me. Amen."

Saga opened his lense, His eyes turned like of Sage's iris. It was like a calm egg that is freed from the shell. It's white meged with the yolk. He cleched his fist as he gather his courage. He slowly open his palm and magnified the black smoke from the resized mount. It was slow but it was sure. It was like a bright glitter that left the whole mount into a new creation. It was beautiful and warm despite how the black smoke invoke a deadly bombed.

Saga released a breath that he held for like how many hours.

"Your gift is more on purification. You used in a wrong way that is why it's effect went backward. You are the opposite of Sage's all powerful gift." Ophir chuckled.

Ain unleashed the space. Kennan did the same as the original mount got restored.

Saga looked up to everyone as his eyes saw a certain radius. He can even see within his friends flesh. The heart beat, the blood flowing. The flowers budding, the birds singing, trees dancing on a cliff hang and the stream cascading even the small fishes in it.

He can see how the aura the feelings or even if the person is lying. Saga heared that his father put on a blindfold in order to penetrate his vision but he can tell that the bondage was a less helpful.

"Kish saw right Sage's eyes and gifted him an egg. So that is how it looked. Your eyes is like a peaceful sleeping yoke." Ain commented.

"Yes but I can see under your clothes. I can count your hair.This is too much." Saga confessed.

"Just how far can you see?" Sycamore asked.

"You can just held my hand to know. It's too much." Saga said as he repeated the same phrase.

Sycamore indicated Ophir, Kenan and Ain joined Saga as Sycamore activated his gift.

They were surprised to see even the ocean bed.

"Wow, it was like a teaser from a tourism agency." Sycamore remarked.

When they were done. Ophir stood in front of Saga.

"Does that mean you can see me as naked right now?" Ophir asked.

"yeah." Saga averted his eyes away.

"Then look at me in all my naked being in your eyes. Your gift is the vision that is why your magnification purifies. Your gravitational gift is your offence and defence. We will equip you but for now let us go back. This mountain had more than we can handle in your state."

Ophir spoke which was awkward for Saga who can see his system and his uncloacked body.

Saga nodded Ophir walked out then stared at the young Lapidoth.

"Let us do something with that eyes of yours. I don't want you seeing my daughter's bare chest." He warned as if the whole area became heavy and dim.

Saga blinked and shivered. His knees were shaking more than what how he was a whila ago.

"Yes, I never thought of that but now that you mentioned it... It will be harmful for Selah as well." Saga stated.

Sycamore beamed at Saga.

"How about hitting the swimming pool and find Ain some wife."

Saga just forced a gigle.

"That will be hell for me. Ole might gauge out my eyes." Saga replied as Sycamore and imagined with Ophir and they shivered.

"Yes, You better not." Ophir advises.

"I can ask Selah to sew some thing for you. I will be with the guys and will get back by morning. Agsus sent an update." Ain said as he sliced the space and slipped in.

Saga saw behind the small crack it was Urchin and Cherith with their wound healing. Kahieli came in with Nimrod holding a plate for dinner. Agsus and Fur entered after resigning from the shop. Selah came into his view which Saga avoided to glimpse. Ole went out from her room as she yawned and stretch. Saga blushed when his eyes almost penetrated her white laced bra. Ophir yanked his hair backward and said.

"No peeking."