C351~Mocked Gravel

Goosebumps travel from the Ain's spine an indication that he is witnessing Ophir on his new version. He fought along side their leader for years. He knew how he looked and strong he was back then. But his presence and aura he ignites emits a new level of power. Ain can tell that even Saga and Sycamore are feeling excited. They knew how Ole would rip an enemy in a split second.

Kennan smirked at Ain who shrugged as he encourage Saga and Sycamore to watch Ophir.

"Be prepared an army is before us. Their feet are thin and tiny. They seemed to be boneless." Ophir warned.

Saga was about suddenly flop on the ground. Ophir swinged his bone blade Saga felt his right foot freed. Saga had no chance to be alert when another attack happened from his back. Ophir pointed his bone blade and it killed the large hairy spider.

Sycamore can just laugh at how amazing Ophir was.

Sycamore saw a glimpse of Ophir's past. He saw how he affectionately loved Lehi. How he lead the tale bearers and how he became a conqueror. Sycamore idolized how he was able to manage every role he had. He was happy that Ain choose him to join up with Saga. Sycamore saw how Ophir release a transparent circular bubble as he swinged his bones. Sycamore can't help but pump his fist in excitement. Sycamore summon a single tiny thorn. He rolled it's leaves and blow on it.

He implanted the thorns on the wild soil can concealed by the weeds.

When another spicies appeared it got shredded into cubes as Sycamore transformed unto his usual gear and spoke.

"I kind of inherited my father's gift in blood."

He muttered.

"Your trying to impress Ophir aren't you?" Ain pointed.

Sycamore blushed since he was right.

"Well, I always fought with Ole, it kinda pump me up." He reasoned out.

"You did great Sycamore." Ophir praised.

"Don't compliment him. He will get rotten." Ain teased.

"I am well behaved old man!" Sycamore screeched.

Kennan snapped his finger as he prayed.

"O, Almighty God that uses us. Let your glory be displayed. Speak over this rattled mountain. Clean up and reclaim it. With this let your joy be displayed through our strength.Amen."

Kennan had his hand grew some spike. It was glamourous that it made Ain clapped his hand.

"I never knew you can do such things, I thought you love paper works."

Kennan smirked at him as the edge of his temple got clothed in his lazuli. He was like a warrior from thr ancient era.

"I used to take down your mother with this." he pronounced.

"Guys we are here fro training not for boasting. Ain gear up." Ophir butt in.

Ain winked as he raised his fist. It was Hexel's insignia.

"Father, I am here in response to the revelation you have shown me. Work in our midst. This is your purpose for us. Your arena will wave you heart for this forsaken mount. Amen."

Ain got armed like a human in a galactic and Estelle pattern.

"Nice one Mr starwars." Sycamore commented.

"Your not that better than me leafy branch." Ain responded.

The two argued as Kennan and Saga ignored them.

"You know what you two remind me of how childish Ain and Cyprus was." Ophir remarked.

Sycamore and Ain halted as they cleared their throat.

Saga saw a few red stains on the soil. They were like a mixed blended crushed fruits.

"I did not know that my gift can kill this much." He sadly stated.

"Surely it was not fine but their is a reason behind it." Ophir advised as they pace deeper the flattened mount.

"Like see, You altered the gravity of those venus fly trap and now they are ready to snap on us, Upside down." Kennan added as he extended his palm and released a screen that wiped up the said plant.

Saga just bowed his head in sorrow. He is a helpless lad till the end. Sycamore uprooted all of the human length weeds to clear their way. The view showed a number of ants that are carrying their food supplies. The sizes were not that large but it was not that small either. They passed the said obstacles and moved forward.

"This is strange, Just a while ago, I am certain that I heared some foot steps but now, we only found the organic and natural things in the view." Ophir spoke.

"What if we are being lured to be caged or we are being watched by someone?" Ain raised as he slightly raised his index finger to check the space.

"Nope I bet we are being lured." He concluded when the slice went through the space. The slight rustle from their sides made them plant their stance on a pose.

"I was expecting you whistle blower. Yet I am a shodow that exist under the sun." A voice came out roaring and unpleasant. It was like a noise that comes from a television that losed it's signal.

"Oh, it's an honour to be expected by the likes of you. You might be a fan of mine." Ophir smirked.

"wahahhahahaha, How impudent and arrogant! I know that you are gifted with the hearing but not with sight." The shadow whispered as it linger on top of Ophir's ears.

"But I can hear you!" Ophir smikred as he swiftly rip the shadow with his bone blade.

"Your no shadow. You are a camouflage!" Ain hissed when he supported Ophir to trap the enemy.

"This can't be.... I was informed that you are only gifted by hearing." The shadow spoke as it expose how the foe truly looked. He is a good looking demon.

"Way too handsome for a demonic spirit." Sycamore remarked.

"That is how they are... they will form themselves to a display that will tempt you." Kennan notified as the demon turned into a black smoke.

Ophir observed how the black smoke turned into a foul odor.

"it's not poisonous but it's scent is deadly." Saga commented.

Their whole circle received an explosion that came from the enemy's death wish.