C361: Hinges

Saga trembled as he washed off the smell if flesh and blood from his hand. For the first time he started to regret desiring a power that he can't even control. When his eyes scooped out the source of the enemy's strength. He instantly rip out the heart as if he was a wild animal. A prowling beast that wanted to devour his prey. He kept rubbing off his hands till it got reddish.

"You will peel off your skin." Cherith spoke behind him.

"I... I.. can't get the smell out of my hands." Saga admitted as he applied another round of soap and bubbles.

"Is it really the smell or the feeling?" Cherith pointed.

Saga halted as he allowed the water run to his now aching and soggy skin.

"The water won't be able to wash off the feeling you know." Cherith reminded before leaving Saga to think.

Saga wiped his hand dry as he stared at it's trembling state. For the past few months that he unleashed his gift all he did was smashed, crushed and rip out people's flesh. He shut his eyes and carefully removed his eye glasses made by Kahieli. He can see from the funeral outside the cave. He can see the space slit open and found the other guys bringing in all the needed materials for Lila. He can spot on Ole even from a far. Saga opened his eyes and put on his glasses he moved out and decided to follow the course of the stream. Ophir and Ain decided to have Lila and Hexel be transported in this place.

When Ole arrived she found Urchin by the side. He was gloomy and was silent. She approach her friend and hugged him. Urchin just nuzzled his head on her shoulder and took in her scent. She smelt like the El Oathniel fabrics. Her presence made Urchin recall the palace. She was someone Urchin wished to meet since long time ago but he never expect to be by her side on a different world.

"Thanks but I think you need to go and check on Saga for now." Urchin whispered.

"Yeah, we saw what happened." Ole replied.

"I will just sit by for a while then get my feet on the ground." Urchin assured.

"I know but you need to lean on us sometimes. Stop being the prince you are." Ole teased as Urchin tiredly smiled.

"Yeah, too bad for you grammy. You got a prince as your grandchild." Urchin smirked.

Ole pinched Urchin's cheeks and said.

"Yeah and he is so spoiled even at an age where he can get married. Bring me a great grandson already chubby cheeks!"

Selah heared from Ain that he wanted to move Hexel, Kiel and Natalina's grave by where Ophir was. She can't help but appreciate that her father's friend would still ask her permission. Selah widely smiled and helped them perform what is needed. The triplets carried off the jar where they stored their mother's ashes. Agsus carefully lift Kiel's jar as Ain and Agsus take on Hexel's body and for the first time in the neighborhood. The Tale Bearer's tea shop put on the signage CLOSE.

Ophir curved a smile to see how Ole can easily comfort Urchin. He can't help but chuckle to how the two adress and tease each other. He was about to paced towrad the kids when the space opened and Ain brought in their team mates grave. Ophir just solemnly watch as Hexel got transferred to the tomb they created. He noticed the triplets lovingly placing Natalina's jar as Ain walked toward him and handed another crimson jar.

"This is Kiel's body that was trapped in the painting." The youngest spoke.

"We also found Lehi's grave do you want to transfer it here?" Ain asked.

Ophir shook his head and said

"No, it might be the same in Sage's case. Besides, we are only putting our team mates together since you suggested that it might not be preseved from where you are."

Ain shrugged and lead them to where they started burrying Lila and Hexel. It was a sentimental scene. No one dared to speak, it was a comfortable silence. Only the sound of soil being shovelled and dug was creating a noise.

When it was done Agsus and Fur started interviewing Ophir. They chit chat and draw him. It was like a get to know set up. Urchin was with the triplets cleaning and securing their parent's jar. Everyone was busy except for Saga who went to isolate himself after the meal.

Ole felt a little torn, she waited for Saga to walk a mile before advancing to where he went. Saga went up the mount's peak. It was the aftermath of their battle. It was where Urchin and Kahieli opened a trance. He stared at the cliff hanged and allowed the cold wind to brush his skin and hair.

Ole concealed her presence and surprised Saga but he did not reacted. He just kept his eyes on the in depth bottom.

"Are you planning to jump from here?" Ole voiced out. Saga did not respond, he glued his eyes on the pit as Ole cleared her throat to get Saga's attention.

Saga started to search for his glasses from his pocket and was about to put it on but it slipped and his hand. The wind blows as it almost had the glasses fall on the pit. Just why did he took it off. He can't look at Ole even if he wanted to. He can't use his gift to see people's naked body. He was about to pick up the glasses but Ole stepped in front of his hand and her heel had his glasses fell totally on the cliff.

Saga fixed his eyes on the cliff to go after his glasses when Ole grabbed him by the collar and stood him up. Saga averted his eyes away from her body.

"Are you ignoring me?" Ole asked in annoyance.

Saga shook his head to indicate a no.

"Then face me!" Ole hissed

"I can't!" Saga breathed as his face started to get red.