C362: Plate Shatters

Saga can feel his face getting hot and warm.

He shook his head to clear out his head.

"Then why are you looking away from me?!" Ole asked as he pulled his collar closer to her face. Saga quick looked up as if he was thinking.

"My... my... glasses fell.. and... i can... see literally everything... so please just let me... take my glasses back.. " Saga awkwardly explained.

Ole paused for a while and started to realise. He can see her stark naked. Ole released Saga's collar and step backward forgetting that behind her is a pit. Ole blinked and covered herself but it was too late. Her back leaned on an empty space as she got pulled backwards.

Saga's eyes widened. He extended his hand and was aiming to grab Olebut his vision had him hesitating. Saga just clicked his tongue and jump after Ole.

"Just so you know, I am not looking at you on pupose. Just grab my hand." Saga extended his hand as he shut his eyes to minimise his view.

Ole can't help but smile when Saga jump after her with his eyes closed. She can't help but yearn to tease him. Ole grabbed his hand and Saga pulled her in to hug so that he won't see through her. He searched for his glasses and found it by the side of a rock. Saga controlled the gravity and safely landed them on the ground. Saga instantly took his glasses and put it on before facing Ole.

"So, you were blushing a while ago because you saw a glimpse of my body right?" Ole accused as she acts. She wanted to tease Saga so bad since she wants him to open up.

Saga gaped at Ole's question.

"No, I tried my best to look away but you kept grabbing my collar and making me face you!" Saga pointed.

Ole raised a brow and continued her acting.

"And now you are blaming it on me?!"

"What? I don't get where your coming from?" Saga pointed trying not to show his irritation.

"Oh, really and now your the one who is getting irritated." Ole pointed.

Saga gnashed his teeth, he always forgets that Ole's ears are gifted.

"I don't even know how to answer that."

Ole laughed as Saga started to pout as he pressed his lips in annoyance.

Saga watched as Ole kept laughing and instantly she hugged him.

"I was trying to pass through your wall." She whispered.

Saga paused and was taken back to what he was dwelling in.

Selah and the gang started to look for Saga and Ole. Ophir started to get suspicious and anxious as Kennan and Ain teased his featherly instinct.

"Oh my youth this days." Kennan hummed.

"I bet they are in a secluded place." Ain supported.

"But who are we to get in between them?" Kennan smiled as Ophir glared at his friends.

"Stop it guys.. you are not helping at all."

Urchin caught on and said.

"I heared that they already confess their feelings for each other."

Ophir stated to get his eyes on fire and his head perked up an invisible horn.

"It's fine, Saga is a gentleman but Ole is a little ferocious." Ain chuckled as Ophir's ears get enlarged.

"Yeah, maybe they are hiding in a cave right now or a shade." Kennan giggled as Ophir's face fume in anger.

"Will you stop those teasing or I will debone you guys." He hissed as Urchin started snorting and laughing.

"Stop worrying. Ole can just punch Saga when it comes to that kind of stuff." Ain assured when Ophir started to summon his bone blade.

Saga returned Ole's hug and spoke.

"I felt like I kept killing ever since I got this gift. It was too strong to the point that I get scared."

Ole just hummed and indication for Saga to kept going.

"I... rip out her heart. It was dead but it was coldly beating. The feeling of the rustic liquid felt fresh in my hand. The smell is driving me insane as well." Saga admitted.

Ole released him from the hug and said.

"Urchin is not angry rather he was regretting that he allowed you to pull it off. He felt coward at the moment and was taken a back to see his mother after a long time. It was not your fault."

Saga blinked and nodded as he stared at Ole. She really sooth him easily ever since they were kids it was her who relaxes him.

"You know what we should start taking what is between us seriously." he suddenly muttured.

Ole winked and smiled at Saga.

"Then are you saying that you finally want to go on a date with me?"

Saga blushed at how cheerfully and brightly Ole brought out the topic.

"How manly, that should be my line!"

Ole can hear her father's voice right above the cliff. She covered Saga's mouth and pulled him under a shade. She mouthed and gestured hoe Ophir was fuming and searching for them. Saga felt a shiver run down his spine. Ole laughed at how Saga started to panic and get nervous. Ole pulled Saga closer and whispered too low.

"Don't worry he won't kill you!"

The moment Ole finsihed her line Ophir landed right before them.

He caught their close interraction as Ain and Urchin followed behind.

Saga stood up and raised his hand as Ophir had his face glaring at him.

"What are you two doing down here?" Ophir hissed as he step closer toward them.

Ole can sense her father's discomfort and step forward.

"I accidentally fell and Saga caught me."

Ophir eyed Saga who vigorously nodded.

"Why would you fall on a cliff in a mid day light dear daughter?" Ophir sarcastically asked.

It was at that moment that Saga knew Ophir is really Ole's father.

"I step backward and knock over Saga's glasses and it fell here."

Ophir's horn got more longer when he heared Saga's glasses fell.