C363: Mani-pedi

Ophir yanked Saga's hair from behind as he swiftly transported behind the two.

"Your glasses fell? Then I ak certain that you might have been witness something that you shouldn't." The fatherly gesture hissed as Ole helpless tried to plead her father.

"Yes of course, I was able to survey the pit and bottom of this cliff and nothing else sir." Saga clearly replied as he stop himself from groaning. Saga knew that Ole's hair pulling was now an inborn habbit.

"Really?" Ophir mocked as he kicked Saga's back knee that made his knee cups collapse on the rough surface.

Ole yelp as she tried to help Saga but his father glared at her action.

"You found a good place to train in. Urchin take Ole with you.. Saga and Ain will have some exercises with me." Ophir instructed.

Urchin felt bad for Saga but he knew it's best to obey. Urchin pulled Ole who is protesting and opened a trance that connects them to Ophir's cave.

Saga screech at the pain when Ophir released his scalp. Saga knew that he needed to answer correctly or else Ophir will have any means to measure how true his words will be.

"Tell me, why did your glasses fell again?" Ophir interrogated as Ain tried his best not to laugh.

"I was inspecting the bottom of this cliff when Ole suddenly tried to tease me. My glasses fell from my pocket. I was not able to pick it up since she is in front of me. So I averted my eyes. Her heel accidentally kicked it down here before she fell. I swear that I closed my eyes before jumping." Saga stated like a machine.

Ain blinked at how fast Saga spoke. It was like he gobbled all the words but Ophir caught on.

"Then what were you doing before we arrive?" Ain raised as he winked at Saga who looked terrified.

"Ole, comforted me about Urchin. She assured me that he was not angry." He spoke.

"Is that really all?" Ophir inquired.

"Yes." Saga gulped in and maintained an eye to contact with Ophir.

"I got it.. How about you fetch Sycamore for me." Ophir aired as Ain nodded.

Saga panicked and blurted out.

"She hug me and asked me out on a date. I did not initiate any of it."

Ophir raised a brow and summoned his bone blade. He unscathed it mid air and pointed the edge on Saga's chin as he hissed.

"You made my daughter say that to you? Are you even a real deal. Your supposed to be the one to initiate."

Ain butt in to clarify things.

"For your information Ophir, Ola can just bully our poor Saga here. Ever since they were kids Ole held the upper hand. Besides she is a lot like you. Except that she got Lehi's grace but personality and character...the bunch are all from you. She can even inhale a whole burger you know. You can't blame Saga here."

Saga silently thank Ain who shrugged. Ophir glared at Ain and asked.

"Are you saying that I lack manners?"

Ain sighed as he faked a laugh and step away from Ophir.

"No, I am just saying that Ole is a beast and Saga here is a pitiful rat."

Ophir rested his bone blade and spoke.

"Stand up gentleman. Let me do a fact check if Ain here is telling the truth."

Saga hesitated but Ain gave him the look that he better behave or he will be dead.

Saga stood up as he waited for Ophir to instruct him.

"Ain, summon Sycamore!" Ophir insisted.

"You will regret seeing how brutal your daughter is my friend." Ain sighed.

"I said bring him here!" Ophir hissed like a snake that was ready to snap Ain's neck.

Saga remained stone cold. When Sycamore heared about the current situation he wanted to laugh but when he arrived and witnessed how intense Ophir's aura was he started to get nervous.

"I am here, what do you need me for?" Sycamore twitched a smile as he played innocent.

"Give me your hand. Show me how my Ole was when she is an innocent dove." Ophir nagged.

Ain just fake another laughed and assured Sycamore that it was fine.

Sycamore just lazily held their hands. He linked in the past that was wanted to be witnessed by Ophir. When it happened Ophir saw Ole yanking Saga's hair from behind. He even witnessed Ole wrestling with Agsus and Taffy but had the two injured. It flashed another view where in Cherith and Urchin was arguing but Ole just head banged the two. Ophir saw all that manly and vicious side of Ole's version. She is like a leader of a gang that overtook a town.

Ole fidget as she paced all over the place. Urchin can't help but giggle.

"Are you that worried that Saga might end up in broken bones? "

Ole shook her head and replied.

"I am worried that he might turn Saga into a hairless monk."

Urchin can't help but chortle as he steady his voice and said.

"I hope not. He is a lot the same as you.. very clumsy and unreasonable."

Ole had her shoulder fallen as she anxiously wait for the space to slit open.

Ophir had found himself turning into a white sheet. He had no excuse of what he have seen. In what he saw it is impossible for a guy to like his brutal and beastly daughter. Ophir had been staring blankly for a while. He felt in denial at how Ole would easily yanked people's hair and colar. He even can't acknowledge that she head banged Urchin and broke Ain's ribs on training.

Ain caught Ophir's soul that almost left his body in shame with disbelief.

"Didn't I told you that you will regret it. Your daughter is a lot like you except that she had a guy wrapped in her finger even she always brutally bully them."

Ophir can't help but nod his head.