C364: Cavendish

Saga checked his scalp after the incident with Ophir. He was able to be sent him with Ain's supervision and week end training with Ophir he can now have his bed back. He rubbed his knees that were scraped from kneeling down. It was thanks to Ain that he got spared. Saga made his way to the herbal garden and found Urchin watching the blooming herbs under the cool summer night. Saga literally heared Ole's voice replaying about Urchin. He wiped his hair with the towel and sat beside Urchin who acknowledge his presence.

"It must have been tough on you to be yanked backward by your father in law?" Urchin teased.

"Don't even remind me of it. It was scary that i thought my head will be cut off." Saga shivered.

"It's like you have seen a glimpse of hell." He ended as Urchin laughed and professed.

"Ophir is a good friend of my father. He is a good commander and he was the one who named me."

Saga remained silent as Urchin continued.

"I used to adore him and would pester him to give me a friend. It took a while but Ole was able to be concieved and given birth but was far from what we all expected. Anyways you got a tough future ahead of you!"

Saga nodded and allowed the air to sooth the paused between them. Saga decided to speak as he watched the flower sway with the cool summer wind.

"I really am sorry, I got pressured thinking that some things bad might happen to Ole."

Urchin nodded and said.

"No, I should be the one apologising. I made you do some things that is meant for me to deal with. Besides I bet everyone who was with us felt pressured at how badly Ole got wounded."

"I have this questions in my mind ever since I heared about you asking for Ole back then. If your not relatives will you take on a intimate relationship with Ole?" Saga blurted out his curiosity.

"Possible but there is no way I am going to put up with a woman who can swallow a whole bunch of burger in my face." Urchin tottered.

"How was your training with Ophir?" The prince asked trying to divert the topic.

"Fun really. He instantly found out the remedy for my lack of self control." Saga states as he grin.

"I see you are lucky to be mentored by Ophir. Not even Ole can do that." Urchin wrapped as he stood up and said.

"Let go and join the others for dinner. Selah might get angry."

Ole made her way toward Saga's room and knocked. She wanted to talk about what her father did to him back at the bottom of the cliff. Saga openes up and was surprised to see Ole looking anxious.

Ole invited herself in as she fidget and walked around.

"Did he hurt you?" Ole asked. Saga tilt his head to appreciate Ole for a while. He is grateful that he had his glasses on when she knocked.

"Nothing much. He just interrogated me. Thanks to Ain I am spared." Saga assured as he can't help but put on a smile.

"Really, I felt better." Ole softly murmured.

"I heared from Ain that he had pointed his blade unto your chin." Ole spoke as he got closer and examine Saga's chin. Saga was hoping for woman's gentle touch but had recieved a forcefull examine that made his neck create a clicking sound. Saga protested and held Ole's shoulder on both sides.

It was like a romantic scene but Saga knew that his neck is struggling. He was about to speak when the triplets stood by his open door that he forgot to close.

"We did not mean to interrupt." Kahieli raised.

"We are just passing by?" Sycamore shrugged unsure and Nimrod smiled as he said.

"Keep going. Have a safe night."

Saga blushed and carefully lead Ole outside his room.

"Sorry, It's just that I need some rest. In regards to your father it's no big deal really."

Ole just nodded dumbfounded and was still processing what the triplets meant. She walked her way unto her room when she finally understood how cheeky the triplets was, she started to blush as well.

Saga exercised his neck from how Ole held it. Saga can't help but recall how he was reminded that he should never allow Ole to take the first move. He was just so nervous and shy to do everything. He slump in his bed as Cherith finally cleared his throat.

"You should take her to the sea. She loves the aquarium after all."

Saga hummed as he asked.

"How was your wings?"

Cherith just breathed a simple fine as he snuggled ti bed.

"Do you hate it?" Saga raised.

"What?" Cherith asked.

"Me and Ole together." Saga pointed.

"Not really. Maybe because I missed my mom that I got so attached with Ole. We are family and I knew that from the start." Cherith notified.

"Then what if your not relatives will you fight for her?" Saga asked he wanted to know the real deal but the answer he recieved made him regret that he asked for it.

"Yes and I would have never let her go near you." Cherith's voice was strong, firm, serious and bold. It was like a warning that if Saga messed up he will not be able to have a chance with Ole.

"Do you feel threatened by me?" Cherith asked as the moon gleam from their window.

"Yes, I also felt insecure of you." Saga admitted that made Cherith sat in disbelief.

"Seriously, I know I am more appealing and charming than you but Ole's taste is not that bad, you know." Cherith teased as Saga started to stood up and threw a pillow in his face.

Nimrod felt left out at how the people he innocently love are now becoming adult. He maybe the youngest but he got his father's wisdom and observation. He can tell that even Kahieli and Selah had some thing special. He watched as Sycamore snore from his daze.