C385-Story Board

Ophir listened to Urchin. It was the very first time that the kid started to open up. At a young age he was always capable and strong. His wisdom and gift was different. It was unique that only him at a young age can handle. Ophir can't help but wonder how such someone innocent and kind got so skillful. Urchin released the las drip of his tears as Ophir spoke.

"I was just wondering how you learned to manage such dangerous and powerful gift?" Ophir asked.

Urchin wiped his face with the back of his hand and said.

"I was offered and sacrificed."

Ophir literally felt a goose bumps.

"If so, how are you alive?"

Urchin pressed his lips and admitted.

"I don't know either."

"Could it be that your royal blood have preserved you?" Ophir spoke.

"Maybe, I recalled hearing a song. I think it was Grandma's voice. The sacrifice was done through a running water. It was like a route to encircle the whole Kingdom. I recalled waking up right after when I reached the maximina lake." Urchin trailed as he try to look back.

Ophir realized something shocking.

"Does that mean you were used to open up a gate to the next era from that time? Have you recalled the name if the witch?"

Urchin shut his eyes and said.

"No, but I vaguely heared a line....It goes like this.

"Split the space and time. Open.. the gate for the future. This land will lead me out to the future. Take this innocent, pure and royal blood as your key."

Ophir just had this thought that the crack was caused by Fur being injected as part of the lock to open the era. The witch only crossed when the gate got opened. It was thanks to Evi's whistle blowing. It was not Ophir who opened the gate. It was Urchin. The sacrifice took a century to open but who is the witch who cruelly and mercilessly used Urchin? Kennan who heared from the side line can't help but traced back.

2 Caretakers blood to be pushed back on the cannals.

1-Death of the royal bloodline.

5 - sacrifice of Noble house.

1-blood from the future.

"It's known as the Breathing Shame Curse." Kennan perked up from behind them.

"What?" Ophir asked.

"Take note, The procession started with a descendants of light and dark. Those who are born in between beholds a blood is mixed. Urchin was directed to be born by the witch. Now the whole Kingdom got wiped out. It was bot because of the shadow but because of the final ritual. " Kennan spoke.

"Lehi's disappearance was an exchange for two people from the future to be summoned. Remember that Lehi's cross over took a life from the time reapers. Another thing two care Caretakers were killed by the cannal not brutally but was consumed by a rift and space and noble and royal blood were spilled." Kennan expanded.

"Then why is it that there are two for each while Lehi...?" Ophir questioned.

"Lehi was pregnant." Urchin reminded.

"Oh,.. now that you mentioned it. The scatter was caused by one sacrifice from the future. The crack happening was because, only one from the future died and Ole was alive. Lehi's death was delayed due to a shadow that helped her." Kennan analyzed

"Meaning the witch is alive in this current era. And I am being used as chain for the boundary that is why I can't leave this place." Ophir deducted.

"No, it's because your era got sacrificed and you can't belong to any era or period of time. The whistle protected you. The shadows were like you. they don't have an specific time line to dwell on." Kennan expanded.

"How about Cherith and Saga who was born in between the era?" Urchin raised.

"That we need to find out." Kennan suggested.

"Wait what will happen to me?" Urchin asked.

"That is another thing to be investigated. For now, let us keep this to ourselves." Kennan advised.

"How about Ain?" Ophir raised

"Let us inform Fur and Ain but not the kids." Kennan pointed.

"Yeah, better safe than sorry. So the Blue tounge king is to be considered?" Urchin raised.

"We don't know but we need to find out." Ophir honestly replied.

"Wait, does that mean we need to rellocate?" Urchin asked.

"No, just bring Sycamore here with Fur and Ain." Kennan instructed.

Urchin carefully carried Ole who was asleep and sneak in within the house. Urchin had Saga tucked Ole in as he summoned Sycamore, Fur and Ain. When Selah caught them.. Urchin had this strange thought that Selah might be able to help them on something and the crown prince decided to bring the duke and prophetess' daughter.

When they arrived. Ain, Selah, Sycamore and Fur was surprised with the revelation. Selahw as assigned to seek the heavenly armies and was left to meditate and pray.

"Our God who beholds the future. You are a responsible father that gives us what we can handle now. We earnestly seek you in this crises. We seek your answer to what we need to know. We humble ask for clarity on who is the enemy that outnumbered the our hairs. The ruin was not of disgrace rather you have given us the right to encounter you, You who behold a graceful desire. Reveal to us the depth of darkness laid in the past. Expose to us the source of sin and transgressions from. the past that visited the present and tries to destroy our furture. Amen."

While Selah is dedicating herself for revelation. Sycamore had to use his gift and search through Urchin's tragic past. Sycamore had no choice but swallow it all up because he knew that he will be seeing some thing that was locked up. A corner of Urchin's life that was never told. Urchin had to convince himself that it will be for the people he cherished. Yet within him was doubt. He can't help but withdraw his hand and pace in nervousness. Is he ready to show a page of his life that was causing him to bleed up until where he is?