C386-No half truths

Selah had to pull herself together in order to recieve revelations about their current situation but she remained barren for the whole three days.

"I don't understand, this is the first time that I can't grasp anything. I think I need to check out myself. " She announced desperately.

"You don't need to force your self. Just your time." Ophir advised.

"I can't help but be angry of this fruitless endeavour and I can't even figure out what was wrong!" Selah added as he slumped her steady and balance shoulder.

"How about you try to evaluate or review your past events? There are times that you won't get the answer because you have some stone reserved against others or your self." Ophir explained.

"Reseved Stone?" Selah asked in confusion.

"Yes like judgement againts others or undealt issues or repressed emotions... " Ophir expanded as he observed how Selah resembles her father so much.

"Yeah, it is something you stuff within you. It's like you know a secret.." Ophir clarified to help the young duchess.

"Oh, I think I have those." Selah realized.

"Then dig it out.. you don't need to let us know... but choose the right person to help you in that process." Ophir grinned as he leave the young lady alone.

Selah started to ponder and looked back. The past is something she does not wish to visit. It was uncomfortable and shameful on her part.

Selah practiced the art of denial as her defence mechanism. She would use light words to cloth her true self. She would brush off the emotion and on another one that can help her move forward. She would help Agsus and Fur within the house and shop so that people would see how capable she is even without having her family members. She would put on lovely cothes and establish a smile that hid all her worry, pain and wounds. She would take on people's compliment and affirmation with a cheerful display but the truth was it felt empty. There is the void that keeps looming within her heart.

A void that she cannot identify. Was it because she envied Ole for meeting her father again. Does she felt jealous because Kahieli had Sycamore and Nimrod all along? Which was it? It was an ugly and disgraceful emotion that she desperately keep in. It was like a box that she would take to the grave. Selah realized that she hated other people's situation. She hated the kind words that were superficial and ungrounded.

Selah started to form a map to where did it started. It was when she started to wonder what her parents looked like. It was when Ole had Kish all along and she only had no choice but to depend with Ain and Urchin. It was when Kahieli would smile and be friends with other girls. It was when her father descend and unconscious and eventually died.

Selah wept as she realised that she was never honest of her self. That she did not cherished or treasured herself. She begun to wept and prayed.

"Oh Lord who loved me when I can't love myself. My heart was bitter and rebellious. I never thought that I burried and concealed this feelings within me. I have rob off myself with the right to express who I am.. I return to you fully surrendered. Take this stones that I have piled up. Take it as I lay it at your feet. Even the reserved one that I have against myself and other people. You added my life for someone to be blessed through me. Yet I selfishly mistreated myself. Amen."

Her words that created a block for her not to maximize her gift has been unleashed. Selah literally felt her body started to gain it's rest and peace. It was warm and lighter. She can now feel her heart rejoice as she started to meditate and seek for the answer and solution to there problem.

Ophir sat by the entrance of the cave. He was waiting for Kennan and Ain to get back. It's been three days since the two ventured out to search for files about that incident and since then he haven't heared anything from them.

Ophir sighed as he watched Sycamore and Urchin bathing by the river side. He wanted to join the two but he needs to be in stand by just in case Kennan and Ain arrives.

Ophir watched as Sycamore glided and be one with the water. He was surprised to hear that he was scared to see and peek on Urchin's past. The young kid was terrified to peek on the prince's private life which was disturbing. Sycamore was gifted with such power and discernment yet he still have the choice to respect other people's past. A gift that was dangerous and far more sketchy. Sycamore needed to discipline his lips to preserve all that he takes in.

Ophir saw Urchin waving as he jump and took a tumbling. He can't help but chuckle.

"That kid never really grows old. Carefree but transparent."

Ophir can't help but look back how Urchin looked pitiful back then. The kid was nameless and went through some unknown and awful event as a young kid. His power and gift were beyond anyone. Back then it scared Ophir because he was unable to hear how his nerve or cells would react. Urchin somewhat had this nullifier that Ophir cannot violate or take in.

Urchin laughed as Sycamore had some water entered his nose. He was glad that Sycamore was able to detect his anxiousness and silent refusal. He was scared of what else to see about him. He already had more that he can bear. His life was beyond description and miserable. The only comfort and joy he had was Tale Bearer. Tale Bearer became his home and sanctuary. He gained his name and freedom. He was able to laugh and enjoy life but was that really it? His neck coughed as the water surrounded his body. It was cold and in depth and his feet could not touch a solid ground.