C387-Ommitted Details

Ole checked the gate before fully entering the main house and closing the shop. It's been three days since Urchin and the others went to his father but he she haven't heared anything yet. Ole started to get worried, she recalled hearing her father say that Urchin need some time for himself. Ole glanced back to the gate before fully resigning for the day.

Ole walked in and found the seat where Urchin and Selah used to stay. Ole just gobbled her meal and wnet straight for the shower. She stayed within the warm shower she brushed her hair and carefully put on some shampoo. After her soaking she sat by the room and looked at mirror. Usually, Selah would help her dry and comb her hair.

Ole sighed one more time as she lazily untangle and tend to her hair. Saga knocked from her door and saw Ole having a hard time to blower her hair. He can't help but smile at how cute she was.

"Let me help you." Later on Saga regretted. The ends of her hair are knitted. Her curls are hard to comb and the blower seemed to have selected which strand to dry out.

"I can tell that Selah had a good skill when it comes to your hair. This is a pain." Saga mumbled.

Ole eyed him from the mirror and said.

"Stop complaining! Call on Cherith he can help me with it."

Saga halted from his moments and formed an eye contact with Ole.

"Cherith helped you before?"

Ole just nonchalantly nodded.

"Yeah, He was good with it. He even styled my hair after drying."

Saga raised a brow and started to pout as he carefully untied her tangled hair.

Ole stole a glance from the mirror to see that Saga was pouting. She did not realised what she did wrong to have the atmosphere drastically changes. Saga went silent as he started to work on her hair.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Ole asked.

"Nothing, I just stop complaining." Saga pouted as he tried to free his finger from Ole's locks. "But your pouting?" Ole pointed.

"I am not. I am just sealing my lips from complaining." Saga replied as he emphasized the word complain.

Ole stood up that made Saga step backward.

"Your not happy helping me at all. " Ole spoke as her lashes bow down in glare.

"What, no... you asked me to stop complaining." Saga demanded.

"That's not it!" Ole roared as she shift her gaze up the cieling.

"Then what is it? Just what do you want me to do?" Saga nagged.

"Get out!" Ole mumbled.

Saga tilt his head trying to make sure if he heared it right.

"What?" He asked.

"Just leave!" Ole yelled as she glared and pointed to the door.

Saga was surprised of her sudden burst of anger. At first, she mentioned Cherith's name and now she is asking her to leave just because he pouted.

"Why shoul I?" Saga asked.

"Because I don't need your complaints or pouting right now." Ole directly delivered.

Saga widened his eyes.

"Do you even know why I started pouting?"

Ole just pointed at the door as she firmly eyed him.

"Okay, Just so you know... Recollecting memories with the guy you used to like really hurts and irritated me." Saga spoke as he yanked the door and slammed it back.

The sound of the door banging stratled the others.

"Hey, don't vent your anger at our doors.. they won't be able to get back with you! And that is way unfair." Fur warned with a hum to lighten the mood but Saga just bowed his head and entered his room with Cherith.

"What was that? Another lover's quarrel?" Cherith asked.

"No, it's just.. I don't understand."

"She was the one who kept hurting my feelings and now she even roared, glared and kick me out of her room." Saga hissed as he slump on his bed.

"She might be having her time of the month." Cherith advised.

"Time of the month?" Saga asked innocently.

"Menstruation, Lover boy." Cherith teased.

"Oh, is that so..." Saga started to ponder and realised that all through out the day she looked annoyed, sad and restless.

"Or she might be worried of Selah and the orhers." Cherith supported.

"I see." Saga toned down as he stood up.

"Where are you going?" Cherith asked.

"I will apologize to her." Saga smile thinly as he exited their door.

"I suggest... you... that's up to you.." Cherith was cutt of as his room mate walk out.

Saga knocked on the door and heared Ole lazily drag her feet to open the door.

"What is it?" She inquired as she avert her eyes.

"I just came to say sorry.." Saga muttured.

Ole blinked and pressed her lips. Saga was right. She brought up something that would hurt her. She hurted his feelings.

"No, I was wrong. How about you sleep with me?" Ole offered.

Saga's face went red and stutterer to ask.

"W.... wa... what?"

"No, i mean Selah is not with me.. I kind of miss her.. so how about you sleep over me."

Ole replied.

Saga's head was spinning and was furiously blushing.

"ooo.. oover you?" he manage to form his word.

"Yes, you can use Selah's bed." Ole stated.

Saga's face instantly went back to it's original color. Saga felt stupid for thinking something he should have not. If Ophir was around and heared his thought his head will surely roll on the ground.

Saga climb up toward Selah's bed and laid down. Selah had some pure white and black things. On her bed were, pillows on all sides. Her blanket was too cute for him to use. Saga jump out of the bed and picked up his beddings. When he settled he stared at the colorful cieling. He looked down to see Ole hugging a pillow as she curled herself by the side. Saga knew that he was too excited for himself and was insensitive with Ole's current dealings. He scoot down to sat beside Ole and silently sat with her till she felt better.