C393- Barometer for the Heart

Ole tried to search through the book with a single feather. They were searching for too long but they haven't progress yet.

"This is tiring." Ole complained.

"Could it be that she already acquired it?" Selah asked as she innocently tilt her head.

"I don't know but from what I heared she was distressed. She was shaken by your words." Ole stated.

"How about asking the front desk?" Selah raised.

"Yeah, maybe we can do that." Ole agreed.

They trailed toward the front desk and asked. The librarian gladly searched for any feathered book for them and there were about a hundred. Selah and Ole was able to focus on reading through each book and checking it's content. Some were for erotic, romance, horror, thrill and suspense. Selah blushed and threw out the book she was scanning.

"Oh, Selah what were you reading? Your getting bashful.." Ole chimmed as she picked up the book held by Selah.

"Oh... it's a prince who fell in love with the duchess." Ole teased as Selah covered her face with her palm.

"I was just.. scanning it.. nothing else." Selah defended.

"I see, I think it suits you. There is nothing wrong with it. " Ole suddenly smiled.

Selah sensed the change from Ole's demeanour.

"How about you, have you read some books that you can relate with?" Selah asked.

"No, I watched movies and listen to songs." Ole replied.

"Have you ever thought that Saga might have been in contact with Litrez ever since then?" Selah raised.

"Possible but I don't want to dig further." Ole stated.

"What if just like every witch they already marked a sorcerer by thier side?" Selah voiced out that left Ole speechless.

Saga and Cherith stood to defend the fountain just in case Litrez suddenly attacked. Litrez marched in with confidence.

"Those who passes are the cursed and the blessed. I wonder which route did you take?" she insulted.

"Since we have our God then definitely we are not cursed." Saga replied.

"Oh, then how about the kid with owl like features and wings. He literally fell on the sky." Litrez pointed.

"What are you trying to imply?" Cherith hissed.

"Nothing just wondering.." Litrez summed up with an open phrase.

"Your saying that the cursed and the choosen can pass this fountain but now your bringing up that Cherith is an exception?" Saga asked.

"Wrong, I am only saying that there are passage other than the fountain." Litrez seriously uttured.

"Even if I destroy that fountain right now, There will always be another way. So why do I need to excert effort and waste of time.?" Litrez conivnced.

"Your the witch that lived so it means.. i won't buy that.. your a master of deception." Saga retorted.

Litrez laughed, it was a shift of awkward till her laugh became a roar.

Saga and Cherith sensed the atmosphere getting intense and ominous. Litrez just kept her hee-haw as her face and eyes started to display wickedness.

"How lame and funny, Is that all you can say? I have watched you grow up Saga, or should I call you Lapidoth.. your parent's torch? What a cliche name. I never expected that the second sacrifice to be given and offered to me is such a naive fool like you?!" Litrez ranted as she walked and paced toward Saga's face.

Saga and Cherith unconsciously stepped backward to avoid her increasing damaging aura and presence. The weeds and leaves all over the place started to die.

"I caused all those death. I can snap an inhabitant and turn it into nothingness. I have this cup in my hand that if I grip it. Your heart will stop Lapidoth." Litrez spoke.

Saga was paralysed her fingers twirling and slowly curling had his heart beat slowly It was like his chest were being manually pumped by her action. Saga was paralysed at his spot. Cherith can't believe that the familiar presence he was longing to find is now exposing itself before him. This presence has clipped his wings and withheld him from soaring high.

It was the presence that his father Nevi sweared to hunt and seal.

Cherith suddenly step upfront and spread his wings. It was like the clouds descend just to form a magical and new wings behind Cherith.

"I recalled this aura. It was the one that took my mother away." He murmured as the air tense like a spiral. It was gentle then it transition into a rare sparrow that pushed Litrez back.

"What a magnificent gift, How come I don't earn such elegance." Litrez purred in envy as she started a monologue.

"Maybe I can just rip it off in shred. I will paint it with blood and have the feather float all over the place."

Saga heared such threat that brush off his unwelcomed trance. It was a scary trance that had his body halted but not the surrounding it was the contrary gift of Urchin. Saga searched with his eyes since he cannot move. What he saw shocked him. They are under a occult circle. It was like a trap and net put there for them to purposely walked in. Saga gulped in and shift his gaze toward Litrez but he cannot penetrate through her clothes. Saga was surprised that his gift cannot fully view any physical form from Litrez.

Cherith felt like his fire and passion for vengeance enlightened his muscles and veins to willingly enlarge and adjust as his wings shined.

Ole and Selah halted when they felt the wicked presence spreading. The two rushed out to check on Saga nad Cherith. Ole felt like her heart would fal apart as her ears heared a piercing sound of cry from a familiar voice that she dearly treasured. They increased their steps as the smell of ink and paper lead them out of the hundred shelves that were sealed by their parents. Ole and Selah followed the trail. of dead weeds and leaves and it led them to a woman who is ripping some wings.