C394- Soul-weary

The tint of rust and blood stains were all over the room. It was where his mother was last seen. Young Cherith trembled in fear as he started to get overwhelmed by the disgusting scent. His mind flashback a figure with hood as it rips his mother apart. Yet Cherith closed his eyes as he blink the tears cascading. He witnessed what happened behind that small cieling nest that was built by his father since his dear mother made a joke out of it. Cherith never thought that the warm nest will be where he will take a whole view of his darkness.

Cherith's wings continue to swirl like a round tornado trying to send it's fierceness toward Litrez. It was his anger and rejection toward the devil who dragged her mother out. Cherith can reply the memory fresh and full. It was like the hooded killer fancied his mother's gentleness. Cherith covered his ears despite the silent cries and plead thrown by his mother. It was more scary and painful. It was devastating and terrible that Cherith wished it was a dream but it wasn't. His father chased after them but ended up sending him away.

"Someday you will understand." was his last whisper.

Cherith clenched his fist as the swirl turn into a storm.

Cherith can't fathom which to understand back then. When his weight fall unto a gravity that seemed endless. His tears drop upwards.

"How will he understand?"

"His mother is being tortured?"

"His father were in a mess?"

"How can a child who witnessed everything would want to understand how his mother's body were bleeding or his father face were in bruises?"

Cherith felt the suffocating chain from that darkness. His back leaned back to nothingness as he descend toward an unknown world.

Saga can see the sorrow and resentment drawing out from Cherith. Litrez just looked amazed as she started to cheer as Cherith dominate the wind. Saga looked around to see Selah and Ole arriving at the front door. Saga had tp held bacl himself when he saw Ole's reaction toward Cherith. Saga had to convince himself that it was not it. She is only concern for Cherith. She is not pain for Cherith. There is no way. She already choose him. He can't just sum up what he saw. He switched his gaze toward Cherith and saw him attacked Litrez who easly held his neck by force. He was like a bird dangling from a hunter's bow.

"Now, I remember that little kid on the nest. I sparred your life..and now you are this ungrateful." Litrez chuckled as she turned her wrist around to reach for Cherith's neck and slam him down on the ground. The force was intense that the ground were crushed and it created some cracks.

"I should have did the same to you." She hissed as she planted her nail in Cherith's neck.

"And like your mother, you withold your scream. I commend your courage and control but how long will it be?" she challenged as she lift him up single handedly.

"See, you can't even do anything. How powerless and helpless. "Litrez mocked.

Cherith felt her nails get injected to his flesh. It was sharp and cold. It was writhing and awful but Cherith recalled the view. His mother did not scream not because it was nothing but because it was something he can't handle.

Cherith reached out from her grip and bravely pulled it up from his neck.

Litrez just blink in shock as the young owl like child she refused to touch because she thought is was a pitiful thing easily untangled her claw. Litrez felt how the kid accurately press her pulse that had her body unmoving. Her lips twitched in amusement as Cherith suddenly twisted her hand for her to bend downward as he used his knee to attack her. Her body jump off from the blow as she straightend her body.

Litrez had no time to yelp nor gasp when the kid's hand reached for her neck and burried his nail.

"It's not because I can't do anything but because I don't want her to see me like this...merciless and unforgiving." Cherith confidently delivered.

Litrez tried to laugh to mock him but Cherith pressed her vocal tube that she squiked like a rat.

"See, I can rip off this chords and have you muted." He added as his eyes displayed his anger.

Saga even got awe by Cherith but it was wrong for him to admire that side. It was an attack full of anger and resentment. A direct attack killed his soft and gentle nature. This is not the Cherith he knew. It was like a different person. It is unfamiliar and scary. Saga grew up beside Cherith but he never really saw the him express any anger or bitterness but now his eyes are witnessing someone that is foreign and frightening.

The shine from his wings is contrary to the darkness shown in his eyes. It was a blood thirst. It was vengeance and unforgiveness. Saga saw Cherith pressed the woman's vocal tube and from his gift it's bleeding within the woman's throat. The woman protested and struggled as Cherith kept digging in.

Litrez stretched her hand as if she is drowning and asking for help.

Saga run toward Cherith and held him by his free hand in a friendly manner.

"Cherith come on! Snap out of it." Saga whispered as the bleeding got evident in Litrez throat.

Cherith got more furious and fierce that he lifted her from the ground. He was planning flight up and avoid Saga's voice but his friend held him firmly.

"This is not the Cherith we know. You won't like us to see you this beastly right?" Saga's voice rang like a bell. It was ear splitting that Cherith loosened his hand.

"LET IT GO." It was not a command rather it was a comforting phrase as Cherith removed his hand. He pulled back and the witch fell on the ground.