C397- Insidious Culture

Urchin had to take a lot of effort to entrap the witch that have crossed through time. S

His heart was wrenched with what he found out. He was complaining about how he drafted on that river course for three years but he can't imagine how long was it for Saga since he literally followed to cross dimension and dimension without being held by nothing but leaves. At least he was wrapped in flowers.

Ophir carefully instructed them to lead the witch to self destruct. If she gets killed by anyone Saga will die. Urchin almost cussed at the realization that the woman was planning to devour his own son to hide.

"Could it be that she is scared of death?" Nimrod asked.

"Can be." Kennan confirmed but there was no assurance.

When Urchin caught a view of Ole and Saga he was able to breath freely. He was able to see that there is someone who can shake Saga to the core. Urchin recalled how Ophir emphasized that they need to prevent Saga from receiving his name from his mother or he will start to devour. Urchin was proud of Nimrod's growth when he spoke.

"I think they only devour those who give out a name from love."

Urchin was glad that Cherith and Selah were having the upper hand when they combat with Litrez that he was able to open a trance and have Kahieli set up a wall. Ain had to enlarge his trance as Sycamore and Nimrod were securing his trance with their gifts.

Urchin uttured a silent prayer to end all that have caused their life in hijacked.

"Dear Lord, I surrender this adversaries to you. You have taught as well that the pain of being us is the source and power of being the grace in being ourselves. We admit that at times we are the one that cuts our own self. We humbly ask that you would deliver us out from being ourselves. Glory, Glory, Glory. We call on the starting over that you have to us. We acknowledge that we are the keys to open those doors, Amen."

They waited for the right timing and used her own flaws to have her be entrapped in their trance. Litrez waltz in to the painting. She instantly recognized that it was from him.

"How dare you betray me like this?! I told you that you should never have given me a name. I already said that I will devour you but you did not listen." Litrez got overwhelmed by her emotions that she have carried as she kept crossing the time. She wept as she started to laoth the painting. She screamed as she picked up the painting and was about to destroy it when she saw the writings.

She started to hug the painting and basked in from the memory. She rocked herself with it as if she was holding her child. She suddenly stood up and examined the painting. She read through the side of it and saw the message. Her heart was in mixture of pure anger, betrayal and pain. Her heart cannot contain. It was not because she was numb but because she had no option and no escape of who she really is. This is her, a witch that was scared of death. A witch that only desired to live forever . Her mind went haywire and she started to monologue.

The painting was never for her. It is for their son. She started to laugh and go insane.

"In the end you did not choose me."

Litrez cried out her heart as she evaporated within the trance. She eyed at Selah and said.

"You were right. It will not be you. It will be me who will cut myself."

Urchin silently held himself back. He wanted to enter the trance and kill the woman. He wanted to dive in and rant at her. He wanted to smite her with his hands but that will be because of his personal agenda. Urchin can't help but be remorsed that the enemy who stole his very life will only kill herself.

Saga watched as Litrez rant and killed herself. It was like his heart was confuse. He had no any feeling as to what he is seeing. He then realized that he never had this love towards a mother that was long gone. A figure he never acknowledge to exist in his life. Saga recieved the painting and saw that it was true. The void in his heart sunk in deeper as he can't help but realized how twisted his identity was.

Kahieli released his walls. Nimrod and Sycamore let their grip go. Ain returned the original size and Urchin finally let go of that trance. A trance he allocated only for that person. A trance that he vowed to never open again. A trance that will only exist but won't be used by him. A trance that will only be part of his past.

Cherith watched as Saga blankly stared at the painting. He observed if he would act violently but there was none. Cherith was ashamed at how his desire and thirst for vengeance surfaces and almost losed himself. Cherith approached Saga and sat beside him.

"I heared that you recieved a kiss." Was his teasing approach.

Saga blushed and was taken aback.

"That was... Stop teasing me already."

Cherith went silent and looked at the painting.

"How can a single witch change the fate of many and at the same time had us tangled like this. It was like we only got connected because of her."

"I don't know what to say, I felt like a fool that had a dread of stalking darkness within me. I started to get scared when I realized that I am her son. What if I devour the very person who gave me a name?" Saga raised as he eyed Ole and Urchin talking by the side.

"If that happens protect her from me." Saga requested and Cherith nodded.