C396- Unspoken Expectations

Sycamore released his gift and said.

"That was a out of this world love story."

"That's it?" Kennan raised.

"Yep. Nothing less." Sycamore confirmed.

Sycamore accidentally knocked the painting down and noticed a short phrase by the side of the canvas.

"To Our son." Nimrod read as he sat the painting back.

"This is bad." Ophir stated.

"Why?" Ain asked.

"The side says release your mother." Ophir read. The whole cave went silent their mind were bug as to how will Saga take it.

Selah slide her sword and pointed it at Litrez neck.

"See, I can cut your head right now. But it wont be me who will cut you."

Litrez coughed as she fell on the ground.

"You did well Lapidoth."

"Don't call me by that name!" Saga demanded.

"Oh, but i gave you that name." Litrez professed as she erased the wound left hy Cherith's grip. And her skin regenerated, her voice got restored.

"Stop saying those things." Saga hissed.

"It's the truth." Litrez giggled.

Cherith gnashed his teeth in anger as he balled his fist.

"Are you letting this friend of yours kill the one who gave birth to you." Litrez confessed.

Cherith felt the chill went up his spine. Ole and Selah were speechless as Saga looked enraged.

"Don't you dare bring out my mother."

Litrez pointed to herself and said.

"I am your mother."

Saga stepped backward. His heared were in a wild rhythm.

"No, this can't be.. You.. are not..." He stuttered.

Cherith eyed as Saga losed himself. Ole run to support him as Selah stood by Cherith side to guard the two.

"Stop messing us up." Selah roared.

"I am not. " Litrez shrugged.

"I am telling the truth, you just don't want to accept it. " she delivered.

Cherith launched himself as he started to have a fight with the witch. He striked with his wings as it turned into a poisonous arrow. Litrez just slapped it with her dark magic and sent it back to Cherith. Selah summoned her sword and defended their ground swiftly.

"I will take my son with me." She announced.

"We won't let you." Selah hissed.

"I really hate your tongue." Litrez pointed

"No, you hated the truth about your fate." Selah corrected as she charge with her sword. The witch had a combat with Selah as she glared.

"Who would have thought that a singel person would bear such a woman like you." Litrez mocked.

"Well, I am not as bad as you. I can tell that by now your nervous. You won't be loved by your son as you did back to him." Selah delivered that made Litrez losed her ground.

Selah slide her sword and trimmed the shoulder legnth hair of Litrez. She pointed her sword toward her neck and said.

"See, I can cut you now. But it won't be me."

Selah winked with confidence.

"How cocky. Then who do you think will be able to cut me." Litrez asked in pure curiousity as she swat the sword away.

"You can guess but I won't spill it. It will be fun for you to not expect it." Selah grin mischievously.

Litrez got provoked and used her dark magica against Selah. It was a piercing wind but Cherith covered Selah under his wings and retaliate the attack with his wings. Litrez blocked her own magic that exploded in her face.

Saga was staring blankly as he tried to look back. Litrez was unusually kind to him. She was there at the orphanage. She was with him in the class. She would offer her a meal that was his saving grace when he won't have any left over. He was like a an abandoned cat and only Litrez was there to offer a comfort and feed him.

"This is insane. I can't even see any reason to deny what she said" Saga admitted

Ole just listened and did not speak. She can hear that the woman is not lying. Looking back she found it strange that the woman seemed to be too attached of Saga.

Ole can hear the nerve and the painful beat in Saga's heart. It was like he felt astray. Ole can relate when they losed Kish. Ole glanced sideways and saw Selah and Cherith working well. Ole pulled Saga behind the fountain and gave him a kiss. Saga was taken aback but Ole gave him a hug later on.

"I have named you Saga. Don't embrace the name she gave you." she whispered.

Saga hugged back when Ain cleared his throat behind them. The whole gang was with him except for Ophir.

Nimrod was covering his eyes as the others are averting their eyes.

"I did not see anything." Nimrod spoke.

"How can you be lovey dovey while Selah and Cherith are having a fight?" Kennan commented to tease the two who had their faces blushing.

Urchin and Agsus were holding their phone and was taking a video.

"I will let Ophir watch this." Urchin declared.

"No!" Ole and Saga protested.

Litrez felt the increasing presence of the gang. She wanted to escaped but Cherith and Selah was quick enough to entrap her. Selah draft forward with her sword.

"It was because of you that I am left alone. And thanks to that I became the daughter that was carried by my father near his heart."

Litrez glared at her as she can't find a way to run.

"I don't care such things."

Cherith flight toward her back and cornered her as Selah advanced with her stunning swordsmanship.

"But your son does." Cherith replied.

Litrez got hit pushed by Cherith's palm and Selah pointed the sword in her face for the second time.

"I told you, I can cut you now but it won't be me."

Litrez hissed as she created a spiral and tornado to escaped. Selah and Cherith were blown away but her sight caught a view of her face. It was in loom darkness, the time was paused and her face is drawn in dust. It was trance that she could never deny.