C400- Tale Bearer's Heart Beat

The sound of marching band were celebrating. The highschool students are now receiving their diploma. Urchin bagged all the awards as the triplets did the same. Saga and Ole marched and graduated together as Ophri happily guided the two. It was a new season for them all. It might have been different from what is supposed to be but this is destiny.

Ophir can't help but look back to how everything started. His heart cannot contain the joy of seeing his daughter growing and maturing as she makes him proud. Ophir looked up and whispered.

"This is it, guys.. our kids are starting their own legacy."

Ain stood beside Ophir and said.

"We did a good job helping them."

Ophir just nudged him by the side and replied

"You did a good job keeping it all together even when your all alone."

Ain looked up and said.

"I don't think so.. their prayers just paid off. Our God is faithful."

Ophir scoffed and asked.

"So when are you getting married?"

Ain hissed at Ophir as they started to tease each other.

Fur propose to Tryff and the two got married. Taffy was happy to be adopted in the family. More happier than his sister. The wedding was all simple. It was in front of the green house. The triplets went wild and started teasing when will Ain get married.

Sycamore knew better that Wifey was pregnant with Ain's son but he needs to keep the promise and kept it silent. His mind wonders how was wifey doing.

Kennan started to adopt in this era's lifestyle and opened his own bakery. It was a shock but Agsus and Selah supported him. Selah became a famous magazine model as soon as he entered college. Ole reigned the softball field. Saga and Cherith studied to open a restaurant while the triplets opened a jewelry shop. Ophir was glad to see that Urchin took the step to be a lawyer as Ole became a coach.

Ophir never realised that what he started will be finished by the people he was connected with. He stood in front of the grave he was looking for. Ain and Sycamore had him visit Lehi's grave. He was suprised to see that Lehi carried his last name even after life.

"Hi, Sorry it took me long but I finally found you. I am home now, my love."

The flowers blooms as his words ascend like pollen from the dancing petals.

Wifey was able to relax when she heared that Litrez died. She can now finally give birth. Her labour was a turmoil since she is alone. But she was surprised to see Sycamore appears and helped her to give birth. Her very pain is being brought forth into the world. A line that she longer and yearn for. Sycamore was able to assist her well. Her womb has finally beared fruit when the cry was heared.

"It's a boy." Sycamore spoke.

"Welcome to the world Ore." Wifey claimed as she wept.

Sycamore smiled as he heared the name.

Ore-something that was formed out of darkness. A life born from a shadow.

Sycamore laid his hand and prayed for Ore.

"Our Almighty God who directs our path and is the destiny maker. Thank you for the heart beat of a new son that will bear your tale. Amen."

"The End. "