C399-Avenue of Intimate Bliss

Ole sobs as she was called for dinner but did not turned up. Saga knocked on her door to convince her but she locked herself up. Her mind was scared to lose another family. Her heart aches for the pain of not being able to see her father again. A strong wind gust out of the window and Saga climb up.

"Ole you need to eat. Don't be like this." Saga softly spoke.

Ole turned her back away from Saga.

"Don't ignore me." Saga patiently warned.

"I am not, I just don't want to eat. I don't have the appetite." Ole professed.

"Everyone is worried." Saga informed.

Ole sat up as she wiped her face.

She was about to stood up but her left foot was caught in the blanket. She was about to fall flat on the floor but Saga caught her. Due to the unexpected moment Saga was unable to stable their stance and fall down. He flipped himself for Ole to land on top of him. Saga blushed at the close skin contact as Ole established an eye contact. For some reason Saga can feel a chill run down his spine.

"Just what are you two doing?" Ophir glared.

Ole and Saga looked at him and was flustered to what just happened. Saga panicked and pushed Ole out of him. Ole suddenly got banged on the floor by Saga. Ophir glared at the two as he opened the door from Ole's room and said.

"You two stand up and follow me."

Saga felt like he got skinned alive.

Ole pouted at Saga as he helped her stood up.

"You just banged me." She pointed.

"Sorry" Was Saga's shivering reply.

Ophir appeared by the dinning table and everyone started to hold a feast and celebrate. Saga and Ole sighed in relief when Ophir got caught in the moment. They sang, danced and laughed. Ophir requestes for a silent night after the dinner but had Saga and Ole left with him. The triplets were chuckling. Fur and Agsus were shaking their heads.

Ain, Urchin and Cherith were winking and cheering Saga. Selah just send out a good night kiss as she walked out.

"I was only delayed to land her for how many hours. Ole, I heard about what you did." Ophir started.

Ole shivered in fear. She knew exactly what was he speaking about.

"I got caught up with the moment." Ole honestly raised.

"Saga your supposed to decline gently right?" Ophir pointed.

"I am sorry but I don't want to get beaten by your daughter." Saga replied in transparency as Ole glared at him.

"You have a point there she might break yiur neck." Ophir stated.

"Why are you agreeing with him dear daddy?" Ole asked with sarcasm.

"Don't use that tune to me, It's scary." Ophir replied.

Saga stood up and bowed.

"I believe that you need your own private time. I am now bidding good night."

Saga started to pace toward his room and sent a sweet glance at Ole. Ole returned the gaze as Ophir cleared his throat.

"Good night SAGA."

Saga burts out running to his room and slammed the door.

"That was nerve wrecking." He breathed.

Cherith just laughed at his sweated face.

"Ole, you understand what I am trying to teach you here right?" Ophir stated.

Ole nodded her head.

"You know what my first kiss with your mother was months after our wedding. I only kissed her forehead during our wedding ceremony." Ophir recalled as he smiled sweetly.

"I heared from Urchin and Ain. So is with mother." Ole confirms.

"Don't act out of your character. True love does not compromise." Ophir advised.

"I understand father." Ole stated.

Ophir stared at the ray of light from the window and said.

"It will be your graduation next week right?" Ophir asked. Ole glanced at him and Ophir pulled her into a fatherly hug.

"What would you like for me to do?" he whispered.

Ole smiled and said.

"Go on a date with me tomorrow."

Ole put on a dress that was given by Lehi. It was white floral laced shirt dress. Her hair got put in a crown bread as she smiled.

Ophir just put on a casual white polo and pants.

"Are you two visiting a church or a weeding?" Ain commented.

"Shut Up Ain." The whole family ganged up.

"Nope we are going on a fatherly date." Ophir replied.

"Oh, that is good to hear. Just enjoy." Fur chimed.

Selah truthfully smiled unlike before. If it was back then she could have been bitter but now she only have joy for the two.

Ophir and Ole visited a family restaurant. It was old and antique.

"This is where mother takes me whenever we celebrated." Ole stated.

"So you just want me to see where she used to take you?" Ophir caught on.

"Yes, And I want to have a memory of you two in this same place." Ole giggled.

"I see, this place suit your mother very much." Ophir complimented.

"She used to visit this place with uncle Nevi." Ole informed.

"I kinda knew that." Ophir chuckled as their meal got served.

The two visited a the orphanage and the library. They even went to Eyel and Kish's grave. They played at the amusement park and stroll in the mall. Ole just held her father's hand all day long as they go around the city. By afternoon Ole took his father in her favourite place.

"I will put a blindfold at you eyes. I will put this earphones at your ears. This place is my favorite place." Ole hummed.

Ophir just went agreed to whatever Ole was asking.

Ophir just allowed Ole to lead him. He can sense the waves but was not sure. He was deducting that Ole took her to the beach but he can't feel the sand. Ole unravel his sense and Ophir felt like his heart will leap out from the incredible view in front of him. They are in a aquatic park. The fish swam like they were dancing. Ophir was glad he took the courage to cross over.