Owning a Dominant Bitch 1~3

Chapter 1

My first three year of high school could have been better. I was a pudgy boy and only five foot nine inches with a pimply face. My confidence was low so it didn't take much to bring out my shyness and that is what made my first year horrible.

Although I was on the football team, I didn't get to play much. The coach, an ex-NFL lineman, told me I had natural strength and ability but I just couldn't come out of my shell. To make matters worse, the Johnson twins had singled me out as their punching bag.

The Johnson brothers were my age but six foot tall and lean. They had the reputation of being bullies and constantly harassed me from day one. The locker room was the worst as they would pull pranks on me like putting hot muscle balm in my underwear, or hiding my clothes.

The last day of my junior year they took it to the next level and tried to start a fight with me. I guess I had enough and responded first with a punch to the face to one twin that broke his nose and knocked him out. The second twin swung wildly at me which I easily ducked under and caught him in a choke from behind. By the time Coach Smith pried me from his back both the brothers were unconscious and I had a new reputation.


My senior year everything changed. It seemed the entire school had heard about the fight and I was treated a lot differently. No one wanted to mess with me and a few girls started trying to get my attention. I still lacked any real self-confidence but I was faking it and being fairly convincing.

Diane was in my first class of the day and she approached me just a few weeks into the semester. "Hi Jimmy," she smiled, "how is your schedule this year?"

We talked for a while but I had no experience and didn't realize she was interested in me. It took almost three weeks before I understood what she wanted and asked her out. We had fun on our date and by the end we were in my car making out in a deserted park.

As we were kissing I ran my hand up her stomach but when I reached her bra she pushed me away. "Let's not go too far," she said. I was disappointed and horny but being the gentleman, I stopped and took her home. I got the distinct impression she was surprised that I didn't push her more.

The next week at school she was cold to me and I couldn't figure it out. It didn't help that some kid at school had heard about my fight and wanting to make a name for himself.

By the middle of the week this kid, who was actually quite bigger than me, met me in the hall and pushed me against the wall as I walked by. He started to say something but I had already decided to beat his ass and the first kick landed square in his nuts. He doubled over in pain and I started beating the shit out of him in the middle of the hall.

As I was being pulled off the kid by the principle, I saw Diane in the crowd. She was flush with excitement as she clutched her books to her chest. The fog began to clear from my brain and I realized what she wanted.


I was expelled for a week for beating up the kid but I now had a plan. I was waiting for Diane in the parking lot after school and when she saw me, her face blushed. She looked so cute. I figured I had nothing to lose so I played it just the way I had rehearsed.

We're going out tomorrow night," I told her, "I will pick you up at 7." I turned and walked away hoping I had read the situation correctly.

The next night I rolled up in my car at her house right at 7. She was out of the house and halfway to the car before I could get out, so I just waited on her. We went straight to the park and she seemed a little nervous.

"We're not even going to dinner?" she asked.

"Nope," I said, "we have some unfinished business from the other night." I pulled her to me and kissed her hard on the mouth and she seemed to melt. I went straight under her shirt and to her bra without waiting for her to protest. As I fumbled with her bra she finally decided to say something.,

"No, stop. We can't go any further." She moaned.

I ignored her and kept fumbling with her bra until giving up with the clasp and just pushing the material up over her breasts. I sucked her cute tits and played with her pussy without another comment until I begin moving her into position to fuck her.

"No," she said more forcibly than before, "we can't!"

I was going to stop and just take her home but I remembered last time and decided to press on. I grabbed her panties with both hands and pulled hard. The panties fabric ripped in pieces and I threw them in the back seat. Her nicely trimmed pussy was now in view and pulling her legs to me put her back flat on the seat. I dropped my pants and pushed my cock into her in one fluid motion.

Diane squealed as my cock impaled her and then groaned as I pounded her relentlessly. I came inside her pussy but was so excited I never slowed down. She wrapped her legs around me and began to orgasm as I pumped frantically until I was ready to come again. By now we were both sweating and she was increasing her movements to match mine as we rutted on the front seat of my car. She came first and that was enough to push me over the edge as I came inside here for the second time.

Finally satisfied, I resisted the urge to lay and cuddle with her. Instead, I stuck with my plan by pulling up my pants and, without saying anything to her, cranked up the car and drove off.

Diane was shocked by my actions and scrambled to get her clothes straightened as we headed back to her house. She looked perplexed but as we got closer to her house she flushed again like she had in the hallway the day before. I was confident I had read her correctly.

"Wednesday we are going out again," I told her as I pulled up to her house.

She got out of the car, "But… but, that's a school night and my parents won't let me go out." She looked worriedly through the car window hoping I would reconsider.

I looked straight at her and with my new found confidence said, "Wednesday." Her face turned the brightest shade of red yet and I drove away without another word.

Chapter 2

That week was a turning point in my life. Diane did whatever I asked of her, any time I wanted it. As an 18 year old, it was great having all the pussy I could want on demand. 'Demand' was the operative word with Diane because she got really turned on when I told her what to do without asking for her input. If I tried to talk to her about what she wanted, her attitude changed and she would clam up. As long as she felt I was forcing her, she loved it.

I found out, after a week of suspension, that the kid I beat up had a broken jaw and had to have his mouth wired shut. He would be drinking soup from a straw for the next few weeks. Because of this, I was kicked off the football team, much to Coach Smith's dismay. He was upset that I wouldn't be able to play on the team the rest of my time at high school and told me I had just messed up a shot at a scholarship to college.

I was beginning to understand why Coach had pushed me so hard at football. In the past year, I had grown to 6 feet and packed on some more muscle. Diane appreciated this but it was difficult to have a conversation with her that didn't involve me ordering her to do something sexual.

My reputation as a brawler put me in a completely different category at school. The guys that pretended to be bad asses didn't want to have to prove it, so we got along, but they were also a bit afraid of me. The nerds liked me because I would stop the jocks from hazing them. I guess the old wounds from my lower class years and the ever lurking Johnson twins made me see a bit of myself in the nerds. The jocks knew I had been suspended for fighting so they used that as an excuse to never square up with me. After a while the hazing stopped when I was around and the nerds seemed grateful.

I was able to go anywhere in the school and talk to anyone without being excluded. The most popular girls were curious but afraid to approach me. Diane followed me around like a puppy waiting to please her owner and the rumors abound. I wasn't really 'popular' but everyone knew who I was. I never bullied anyone but I was still sort of an outcast because of the past fights.

Now that I had an idea of what Diane wanted I began trying new things to see how far I could go with her. I made her go without panties to school and I would play with her pussy in a corner of the hall where no one could see us. She would be dripping wet from the contact and I kept her horny all day at school. By the time the last bell rung I could make her do anything.

One day at the beginning of school I had her against the wall stroking her clit.

"After the final bell," I whispered, "I want you to go to the last stall of the boy's bathroom and wait for me."

Her breath quickened and I stopped touching her because she almost came. The rest of the day I teased her mercilessly. "What if someone sees you go in?" "What if someone comes in before I do?" "What if you get caught in the boys bathroom?" The constant thought of being humiliated like that had her literally dripping.

At the last bell I watched her from a distance to see if she would do it. Diane hesitated in the hallway near the bathroom. As she finally got up the courage to go in and crossed to the door a boy coming out almost ran into her. She blushed profusely as the boy apologized and then hurried on. Diane stood there for a moment but when the boy looked back, she turned and walked away like she had simply been going in that direction.

It took her a few more minutes to regain her composure and head back to the bathroom door. There was no one left in the hall as it had been almost 30 minutes since the last bell rang. Finally, she pulled open the door and ducked inside.

I waited a few more minutes before walking down the hall and into the bathroom. To make her more nervous I said nothing and went to second to last stall. I peed in the toilet so I was sure she could hear that someone was in the stall next to her but she would have no idea it was me. I flushed the toilet and then, taking my time, washed my hands. I looked under the last stall door but I couldn't see her feet so I assumed she was squatting on top of the toilet.

I went back outside and waited a few minutes before heading back in and straight to the last stall. I pushed on the door and but it was locked.

"Unlock the door Diane," I could hear her sigh of relief as she unlocked and opened the door. She was visibly shaking and I immediately made her bend over the toilet. Her pussy was dripping wet. W and within a few seconds I had my pants down and was hammering away at her from behind. She came almost as soon as I got in her and, as I pounded against her ass, she continued to come on my cock. I held off for a while but I was wound up from teasing her all day and shot load after load into her pussy.

After that day I would push a little farther each time. I had her wait with the stall door unlocked and then with the door unlocked and her skirt off. By the end of the second week of playing our little after school game, I wanted to try something I thought would really get her cranked up.

I waited until Friday morning and told her we were going to use a different restroom this time. It was in a different part of the school so it would be unfamiliar to her but I had classes in that wing and had picked it for a reason.

"This time I want you completely naked." She had done this before so to escalate it I added, "Put your clothes in your backpack and leave it in the hall by the door."

I had her attention now. She would be naked in a boy's bathroom with no way to cover up if someone came in and discovered her. She shuddered but said nothing.

"Be sure to leave the door unlocked," I said as I walked away.

A few minutes after final bell I was in a classroom down the hall from our rendezvous point and within ten minutes Diane was in the hallway looking at the bathroom door. She stood there for a long time before walking forward and standing in front of it. Glancing around nervously, she started to unbutton her blouse but then stopped. She looked around again, started to unbutton the next one but couldn't. After a few more minutes she seemed to have and idea and pulled the door open before stepping inside.

Before long, the door reopened and an arm popped out and dropped the bag in the hallway before quickly disappearing. 'Clever girl,'" I thought to myself.

It took a few minutes to get everything ready before heading her way. A quick stop at the supply closet next to the bathroom was in order. Rummaging through the closet I pulled out a mop and bucket on wheels. The closet was next door to the bathroom so I am sure she heard all the noise. I pushed the bucket down the hall and into the bathroom where Diane hid.

I began whistling like I was a janitor at work, banging the mop into the walls near the door. I'm sure in her mind the janitor was mopping the stall floors and it was just a matter of time before she was discovered. As I neared the last stall she had to be freaking out but I didn't hear anything.

I pushed the mop around the second to last stall and under the divider so she could see it. Diane stayed quiet until I popped open the last door to find her squatting on the toilet naked, her arms wrapped around her legs. A look of relief swept over her when she realized it was me and she jumped off the seat and hugged me tightly.

Diane let me go after a few seconds and slid down to undo my pants. Without hesitation she pulled out my dick and started sucking on it feverishly. She was getting good at giving head but I wanted more. I pulled her up by her hair and bent her over the sink before driving my dick into her soaking pussy. She moaned and writhed as I pounded her hard from behind, making her come over and over again. Finally, I pumped her pussy full and backed away from her. She lay on the sink, catching her breath, as I leaned against the wall.

"Suck it clean," I told her suddenly pointing at my dick. I had never asked her to do this before and the look on her face made me think she might refuse.

"Now!" I barked.

She pushed off the sink and fell to her knees in front of me before taking my cock in her mouth. She started and cleaning it by licking and sucking it. It was great, and I was getting hard again, but decided it would be too risky to stay longer.

I pulled up my pants and headed to the door to retrieve her bag but stopped. "Go get your bag."

She flushed again but headed to the door. Opening it just a crack, she reached out with only her arm to grab the bag with her clothes. After a few seconds of groping she opened the door further and looked before turning back to me.

"It's gone!" she exclaimed.

I had my gym bag in the car so I ran out and got a shirt and shorts for her to wear. I had worked out that morning, so the smell was pretty bad, but it was all that was available. She took one whiff and pushed them away so I turned and headed for the door.

"Wait!" she called out suddenly realizing it was her only option other than going naked. "I will put them on."

"I don't think so," I pouted, "if If these are not good enough for you then find your own."

I walked out the door and waited outside while she peeked out and whispered to me to come back in.

"I'm sorry," she whined when I ignored her request, "I will wear them."

"No,. I know you don't really want my clothes, so I'm going home." She panicked as I started walking past the door and down the hall. She had to open the door and expose herself more to be able to see me.

"Please, please stop. I will wear them! Please don't leave me here like this!" She was frantic.

I stopped for a minute about 20 feet from her., "Ok," I said. "You can have the shirt." She reached out her hand expecting me to throw it to her but I dropped it on the floor and walked away.

I could hear her scramble out the door and looked over my shoulder to see her grabbing the shirt off the floor and pulling it over her head. Once it was on, she realized it was one of my cutoffs I had from football practice. It went down to just above her pussy if she stretched it over her front and back. She finally let go of the back of the shirt and pulled it down enough to cover her slit. Her ass was now totally exposed in the hallway.

I walked out to the parking lot with Diane close behind me. She was in a hurry to get into my car and close the door, so she was visibly relieved when she saw I had moved it right up to the entrance. She rushed down the steps in front of me to get in only to find the door locked.

"Please hurry before someone sees me!" She whispered desperately.

I pushed the remote to unlock the door and she jumped quickly inside only to land on her bag of clothes.

"You bastard!" She squealed as she ripped off the sweat soaked shirt and began pulling her own clothes from the bag. She was blushing again as she got dressed.

Chapter 3

I happened to be driving through a part of town I rarely went and noticed a boxing gym. It was only open nights so I came back later that evening and went inside to check it out. There were a few people in the gym working out with heavy bags and the weights in the corner. The gym was old and had a musty smell but I liked the atmosphere immediately. Along the wall were dusty framed pictures of a heavy weight fighter delivering knockout punches to his opponents.

"Them was good days," a deep voice boomed from behind me. I turned to see a large black man in sweats. He was older now, but it was obviously the man in the pictures.

"Smitty," he said and as he thrust a giant hand in my direction.

"Jim," I replied as his monster hand completely enclosed mine, "I would like to try boxing."

Smitty smiled and nodded. We talked for a while and I took and instant liking to him. He had been a pro for years and his undefeated record came with all but one as knockouts. An injured knee ended his career prematurely, sidelining him from a title shot and the really big money. He barely made it ends meet as a boxing coach and he was hoping I would join his gym.

We made plans to meet the next day and I was excited about the prospect. After nightly sessions for a week I was hooked and, with Smitty as a trainer, I was having a blast.

"You got some potential," he told me, "an' tons of power. We just need to work on yo' technique."

The cost of the gym wasn't too bad, considering all the time Smitty spent with me, but I needed a source of income. I had taken the aptitude tests at school and scored extremely high in the mechanical portion. I did well enough that the military was driving my mom crazy with calls from recruiters, hoping to entice me to sign when I graduated.

I stopped by a mechanic shop and talked to the owner for a while. My dad had gotten work done there before so he hired me on the spot as a helper. The job would take up some of my time but I would have enough money to pay Smitty and, hopefully, save up for a new car.

My time at the gym was going well and I could feel the changes from all the working out I was doing. I knew my arms and chest were getting bigger because my shirts were becoming too tight. Smitty was teaching me to be quicker and my endurance increased as well.

Diane came to watch me practice one time and after that Smitty was constantly telling me stories of how the white girls threw themselves at him after his fights. He told me crazy stories of two girls at once and how they would do anything for him He never said anything specific, but it was obvious he was quite taken with Diane and how cute she was.

"You can bring your girlfriend by anytime," he told me.

"She's not my girlfriend," I replied. I tried to explain our relationship but I didn't think I was getting through to him. After a while he stopped me.

"You all are fuck buddies," he said cutting to the point. "You take her out and fuck the hell out of her, and she likes it, but you don't relate any other way.��

This was a better description of my relationship with Diane than I had been able to come up with. Smitty had defined it for me perfectly and I actually felt better about it once he explained it wasn't uncommon.

The changes in my life were affecting the amount of time I had with Diane as well. We still played our after school game in the bathroom occasionally but I took it down a notch to avoid being caught. Her parents were very strict and, if we were found out, it would be the end of a good thing.

It was obvious Diane wanted more but I didn't have the time to put anything together. I teased her with what we had done and how she had been naked in the hall that day. That got her going and she usually wanted to use the same restroom that we had before.

I made her start coming to the gym and she did her homework on a table Smitty set up for her. He place it with a reason in mind, and I realized from up in the ring we could see under the table and up her skirt if she was wearing one. I made sure she always wore one and that she knew what was going on. She really enjoyed going to the gym after that.

We were usually the last ones out and Smitty gave me a key so I could come in early or lock up late. Smitty had to leave early one night, so Diane and I stayed behind as I finished my workout.

When I was done, I made Diane come with me to the men's locker room. It was dank and smelled of sweat, which made her cover her nose. I made her strip and together we stepped into the shower room. She washed me down and rinsed me off before sinking to her knees to suck my cock. She was excited at the prospect of being in the locker room but I wanted to push a little further.

We grabbed towels and headed out into the open gym. The front door was locked but being out in the open like this was an aphrodisiac for Diane. She was wanted to be fucked now right then but I made her wait until we were up in the ring. Once on the canvas I put her down on her back and was on her in an instant.

I pounded her long and hard as I was in better shape than ever. We both had several orgasms and an hour later we were still going at it in the middle of the ring. I had Diane on her knees and was fucking her from behind when I heard the front door open. We both looked over to see Smitty coming in.

Smitty stopped short when he saw us and we all froze for a second. Since I was in the middle of something, so I started pumping into Diane again even as she tried to get up and cover herself. I grabbed her hips and pulled her back into position while so I could slam into her harder.

"Oh, sorry," Smitty said, embarrassed by his intrusion. He backed out the door slowly and winked at me with a grin on his face.

Diane went crazy on my dick as the door closed. She pushed back into me faster and harder than she ever had and I banged against her ass for a few more minutes before we both came. I fell on top of her in the middle of the ring, both of us exhausted from our efforts.


I realized at school Diane had a bit of an attitude toward some the people I knew. It was especially noticeable around the Three Amigos. The three geeks that I had known since freshman year were nice guys, but still awkward around girls. Diane made it worse with her snooty behavior to the point that I had to say something to her about it. After that she was better, but it still upset me since I would have been one of those guys had it not been for the fight I had the last day of school.

Diane wasn't the only thing bothering me at school. The aptitude tests caused a problem for me that I couldn't dodge. It never occurred to me that the tests were used to place students in advanced classes and within a week after receiving the results, I was in the principle's office with my parents.

Apparently I hadn't been applying myself and the principal recommended I be moved to all advanced classes immediately. I had no intention of changing in the middle of the school year but the principal was convinced I would be able to take on the extra work without a problem. After an hour of back and forth I settled for one advanced class. My parents agreed and I was bumped into a different math class for the remainder of the year.

You should have seen the faces of the other students as I walked into my first day of the advanced class. These were honor students and, although I was cool with them in the hall, they didn't seem to be very excited to see me there. The only people excited to see me were the Three Amigos. Those guys were pumped that I was going to be in their class and wanted me to sit in the front row next to them. I politely declined and moved to the back of the room as usual.

It turned out that the class was freaking hard! I wouldn't wasn't going to be able to coast through like I had in algebra. For the first time, I had to do homework and study for a class. I also met Katy in this class and we got along great. It bothered me a little that Diane was so cold to her but Katy didn't seem to mind.

Because I was getting so much sex from Diane I never pushed to get anything from Katy. We were friends and although she was hot she never dressed to impress. It didn't matter to me; I enjoyed her company and her sharp wit. Katy was funny and quick, always with a smile and joking around. Diane was definitely jealous but, as Smitty reminded me, she was just my fuck buddy.

After a few weeks I asked Katy out and she seemed surprised. "What about your girlfriend?"

"Diane isn't my girlfriend," I told her. Katy looked suspicious and I decided to tell her the truth. I told her about Diane and our adventures. I figured she would tell me to screw off but she listened and even prodded for more detail. When I finished she sat quietly thinking about it.

"Ok," she finally said.

"Ok what?" I asked.

"I will go out with you but I have one condition," she hesitated, "Diane has to go with us."