
Chapter 4

My job at the garage was working out well. It gave me extra money and I had come across a steal on an old Chevelle that one of the customers wanted to get rid of. Jesse, my boss, helped me with the paper work and gave suggestions on how to proceed on restoring it. He even stayed late on Tuesday nights to help me work on the car to get it in shape. I think because I caught on fast he was willing to be helpful.

"She's going to be a hell of a sleeper when she's done," he told me. All I could see at the moment was an old car with a blown straight six motor. He assured me I would see it differently later on.

The boxing gym was a blast. Smitty was always happy to see me and even happier when Diane came along. I had her wearing more and more revealing outfits just for him and I could tell he really appreciated it.

Smitty began trying to talk me into taking a match at a local boxing event that was being held in a few months. I wasn't sure if I would be up for it, mostly because I had to drop another twelve pounds to make the weight class. I was ripped already and I couldn't understand how it would be possible. Smitty assured me that it wouldn't be a problem, so I told him I would give it some serious thought.

I also confided in Smitty about the issue with Katy. He listened intensely as I told him about how she was a senior and the condition of going out with me.

"Boy," he said after listening to me, "You better take that girl up on her offer." I asked him why and what he was thinking, but all I got out of him was a grin and wink. I figured he was more experienced with this type of thing so I began making plans to take the two girls out.

The hard part of my Friday night date was going to be getting Diane to go along with it. I waited until the last minute and then I decided, what the hell, and just picked her up without letting on.

"In the back," I told her as she tried to get into my car. She blinked a few times before reaching for the rear door handle on my old sedan. She got into the back and moved to the middle of the seat.

"Who is going with us?," she asked.

"You'll see shortly," I grinned. I'm sure she thought it was another game I had planned and I could see her start to flush, a sure sign that she was excited. Little did she know it wasn't my game we were playing tonight, and I had no idea what Katy had in mind.

I pulled up to Katy's house but Diane still had no clue just who lived there. I took the keys with me as I got out of the car because I had no inkling of what was about to transpire given the history between these two. I headed up to the door and Katy answered when I knocked.

"Is she here?" was the first thing Katy asked. I was a little put off by this but nodded anyway. I guess she picked up on my disapproval because she gave me a quick kiss on the lips as she came out the door. We headed for the car and I could just make out Diane's strained features as she realized who would be joining us.

I opened the door for Katy and she slid into the front seat without a backward glance to Diane. I got in and made it almost out the driveway before the inevitable started.

"What the FUCK is she doing here?" Diane yelled at me.

I slammed on the brakes and skidded to a stop before turning to confront her. I never got the chance because Katy spoke first.

"Shut your mouth you little slut! If you talk to my boyfriend like that one more time I will drag your ass out of this car and spank you in the middle of the street!" Katy glared directly into the other girl's eyes and it was Diane that turned away and looked down without another word.

I was in shock as Katy calmly shifted her gaze back to me and in her normal pleasant voice said, "Where would you like to go tonight?"

I took in the situation quickly and decided to see where this would go. In my coolest voice I said, "Um, I'm open to anything you want to try."

"Ok," she replied, "How about a movie?"

It wasn't the answer I was expecting but I tried not to show my disappointment.

"Sounds good to me," neither of us looked back to check with Diane as it had already been made clear that she was along for the ride. I could see her face in the rear view mirror and I could swear that the tell-tale redness was back in her cheeks; although, it could easily have been that she was just mad, but I couldn't tell for sure.

After some thought, a movie did sound good to me. I was always working or at the gym during my free time, so I hadn't been to a theater in months. Katy suggested a film that had been out for a while and wouldn't be playing much longer on the big screen. Our local theater had already dropped it, so we headed to the next town over. The theater was older than the one I was used to, but I wasn't going to object.

Diane hadn't said another word the entire trip, at least, not when I was in the car. As I was pumping gas, I saw Katy had turned in the seat to talk to Diane. It didn't look like they were fighting, so I left it alone.

Once at the theater I got in line to buy the tickets but Katy pulled me to the side, took the money, and handed it to Diane with instructions on which tickets to get. Surprisingly, Diane complied without a word and got in line.

Since it was going to be a few minutes before she would make it to the cashier, Katy and I walked inside the theater to get drinks and popcorn. By the time we had our treats, Diane was back and Katy unloaded everything into her arms.

I let her treatment of Diane go for the moment but I wouldn't let Katy take it too far. I was also holding back because Diane had that familiar glow about her. It occurred to me that Katy was pushing buttons that I hadn't figured out where there yet. I decided to watch them closely but let the evening run its course.

The movie we picked was deserted with only one old guy sitting close the front of the theater. It was late by the time we got there, so it was the last run of the night. I was beginning to suspect Katy had planned it this way. We went all the way up to the back row and I was about to turn down the aisle when Katy whispered for me to make Diane sit in front of us.

I had a feeling Katy was going somewhere with this so I pointed to the second to last row, "Diane, sit in the row ahead of us." Her eyes grew big and gave me a brief look of despair before turning down the aisle before ours and then waited until we were seated before settling down in front of us.

"Diane," I said as I tapped her shoulder, "I need our drinks." She handed the snacks and drinks back to us before turning back to face the screen. I still couldn't tell exactly how she was feeling and my guess was she didn't either.

The movie started about that time and I forgot about it for the moment as the lights went down. It was a good flick and I was caught up in the plot when Katy leaned over and snuggled up close to me. A few minutes later she unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock, jacking me off as the movie played.

She stroked me slowly while licking my earlobe at the same time. It was driving me crazy and as I got close to cumming she stopped.

"What the hell?" I couldn't believe she was toying with me like this. I was used to getting what I wanted and I didn't like being teased.

"Get her to blow you," Katy whispered in my ear.

I looked at her again and she gave me a broad grin. She had set the whole thing up from the beginning. After thinking about it for a few seconds I realized that Diane would get off on being told to suck me like this.

I tapped her on the shoulder and when she turned around my cock was right at eye level. She balked for a second, looking from Katy and then to me. I pointed at my hard dick and she understood exactly what I was asking for. Her face flushed bright red again as she turned around in her seat, got on her knees, and began sucking my cock while Katy and I made out above her.

I was really wound up as Diane slowly took the entire length up and down the way she knew I loved. With the two of them working on me it wasn't long before I was ready to pop. I looked down and I realized she was not just sucking my cock; Diane was playing with her pussy at the same time.

Seeing her act that way put me over the edge and as it became apparent I was about to cum, Katy grabbed Diane's hair to pulled her face back far enough that I spurted all over her. She squealed as the hot streams of cum blasted her cheek and mouth and then, she came as well. She shook in the seat before us and let out a low loud moan that caught us by surprise.

I think we all realized at the same time that it wasn't Diane that was moaning so loudly. We looked to the stairway and standing at the aisle entrance was the older guy from the front of the theater. He had his cock out and was jacking it furiously. We had looked over just in time to see him shoot a load all over the first few seats in our row.

As we calmed down from what had just happened, the man took off quickly down the stairs and out the door. We all looked at each other and then burst out laughing. As Diane reached for a napkin to clean up with I stopped her.

"Spread my cum on your face," I told her, "leave it on until you get home."

She did as requested without hesitating. The mood was light and the girls continued to giggle as I put my dick away. The movie was still playing and almost over but we had missed quite a bit of it. Since it longer held our interest anyway, so we walked down the stairway and out the door. Katy was on my arm and Diane a few steps behind.

Chapter 5

After that night, Katy and I had a serious talk about our relationship. Even though she was a senior, she hadn't dated much through high school because the boys just wanted in her pants. Coupled with the fact that she wanted a scholarship, dating had gone to the back of her to do list. She was hit on constantly, but had turned everyone down the last few years thinking it wasn't worth the effort or the time it would take from her studies.

The rumors that Katy had heard about Diane and I intrigued her. The most popular one seemed to be that I had rescued her from some guy that was abusive and now, Diane owed me. It was almost comical but I guess the timing of the fight I was expelled over and our dating did coincide.

Katy was very analytical so she had observed us from a distance and, on occasions, studied some psychology texts that she thought were appropriate. This was how she knew to approach Diane so strongly in the car the first night we went out.

It turned out we were the perfect couple. She wanted to save her virginity for a special time and I had Diane to relieve my sexual tensions. We went on dates without Diane and had a blast. Katy and I had the same quirky sense of humor and she could keep up with me in every way. She took an interest in the things I was doing by coming by my job and the gym.

She and Smitty hit it off instantly and from then on she would come to the gym every night to study and watch me prepare for the fight I had coming up in a month. She even researched nutrition to help me cut weight and explained how the last week before the fight it would just be a matter of losing water to make the limit.

We got into a rhythm and about twice a week we had date nights. This was usually followed by picking up Diane at the end of the night and going to the park or some other secluded place. Katy would kiss and tease me while Diane would do everything else to get me off. I was having fun, Diane was always turned on, and Katy was having sex vicariously. It was perfect.

My birthday was coming up in a few weeks and Katy, being the imaginative minx she was, wanted to make it special. She quizzed me on what I wanted for a gift, where I wanted to go, and if there was anything I wanted Diane to do for me. I half-jokingly told her I wished Diane was nicer to the Three Amigos. They were geeks, but it bothered me that she still had an attitude towards them, even after our talk.

Katy listened quietly but didn't say anything. She had been able to get Diane to talk to her about things that she would never open up to me about. I figured she would discuss the situation with Diane and it might actually make a difference. Katy was good with her and I could see that she had gained Diane's trust.

The weekend before my birthday my parent were going out of town to visit my grandmother. Since I didn't want to miss work, they were going to allow me to stay home by myself. It wasn't the first time I had been left to take care of things but, it would be the first time I had company while they were away.

Katy was thrilled to find out we would have the house to ourselves for the entire weekend. She set about planning my birthday party but wouldn't tell me the details. I had plenty to do anyway, with my job and training for the fight, so I let her handle it. She recruited Diane to help with the planning so I didn't have to do anything but show up.

The last few days before my birthday party Diane began to act a little strange. She was hornier than usual and seemed almost embarrassed to look at me. I had never seen her this way before so I surmised that Katy had come up with a way to include her at the party. Katy asked me not to have sex with Diane that week so I figured that was contributing to her behavior.

Friday finally came and Katy came to the shop to get the keys to the house and asked me not to come home until 8pm. It wasn't a problem, since I never got home until then on normal days. I needed to spend some more time on the Chevelle as Jesse was helping me put the finishing touches on my new V8 engine. We had already installed it and tonight we planned to crank it up for the first time. Around 8pm we had it running and Jesse had been right on the mark when he told me I would appreciate the car soon enough.

I headed home and when I got to the door I found it locked. Ringing the bell brought Katy and she pulled me into the hallway before insisting I put on a blindfold. I had a good idea that I was about to see why Diane had been worked up all week so I let her guide me blindly into the living room. Once there she popped off the blindfold and I have to admit I was in shock to say the least.

In the middle of the room was a table with the Three Amigo's standing next to it. There were playing cards all ready to go and four chairs with the rest of the room decorated in a casino theme complete with a roulette wheel.

"Happy Birthday" Jerry, David, and Curt yelled as the blindfold came off. I was stunned and speechless as I looked around the room. Diane was nowhere to be seen and I had a hard time figuring out what was going on. It seemed uncharacteristically mundane for Katy to set up such a corny theme for my party. Especially when she knew I didn't gamble and had no interest in it. I looked at Katy and she seemed to beam at my reaction.

"Surprised?" she quizzed.

"You have no idea," I responded. I kept my disappointment from showing as the guys came over to wish me a happy birthday. I was glad to see them but I was still trying to figure out why Katy had only invited these three. I knew she was a bright girl so I waited to see what the real surprise was going to be.

We settled down at the table and, since I had never played before, the guys explained the rules of five card stud. We dealt our first hand as Katy went to the kitchen to get us food. In a few minutes, it was Diane that returned with a tray and the game came to an abrupt stop.

Diane was crimson red in the face and it had to do with her outfit. She was wearing a French maid costume which pushed her firm breasts almost completely out of the top and the skirt was barely below her pussy. She was swaying toward us seductively on six inch heels and, when she turned, I realized the back of the skirt would show her ass if she bent over even a small amount. She obviously knew this as well because she walked rigidly upright across the living room floor. I looked around the table as she headed directly to me and the other guys were following her with their eyes across the room as if in a trance.

"Happy Birthday Sir," she squeaked, straining to keep her composure. She began putting down my drink and some snacks as I looked her over close up. I ran my hand up the back of her thigh and under the skirt to find she had on a thong. She shuddered at my touch and I belatedly realized that she had called me Sir. This was new.

Diane continued around the table delivering drinks and snacks until the tray was empty and headed back to the kitchen. Four pairs of eyes followed her cute swaying ass until she walked past Katy, into the kitchen, and out of sight. Katy caught my eye and I could see she was pleased with herself. I had to admit, this party was getting better.

We resumed our card game with the dealer changing every hand. Thank goodness we were only paying for poker chips because I was getting stomped. In just a little over two hours I had almost no chips left. I wasn't too surprised since I was playing against three boy geniuses and Curt was using a freaking calculator to bet.

With only a few chips left it appeared I was done. Diane happened to be standing next to me and I could actually smell her arousal. I looked at the floor between her feet and I realized there were a few drop of moisture there. She was literally dripping wet!

I decided to up the ante a bit with the next hand. I pushed in my four chips and waited for the guys to explain that I didn't have enough to bet on this hand. I understood of course, but I played it up like I just had an epiphany.

"What would this skirt be worth?" I asked as I tugged at Diane's costume.

It became extremely quiet and I thought I had gone too far but Katy piped up to save me, "That should be enough to at least finish this hand."

The guys agreed readily and got their cards. All three now had calculators out and were busy punching in numbers. Of course, I lost that hand and now Diane stood shivering with anticipation. I had her move to the middle of the floor so we could all see her and then told her to take off the skirt.

She moved slowly out to where we could better look at her and then, with trembling fingers, she pulled the skirt away to show her now soaked G-string. The boys all let out a collective sigh and then Katy had her arms around me from behind.

"Time for a different game." she whispered in my ear.

We moved to the roulette table, which I thought was just for decoration, and Katy explained the rules. She produced a poster with a grid that had a picture of each item of Diane's costume.

"You each get four poker chips of the same color. You place them any single number on the field and you can pick one article to take off of our waitress. If the ball lands on double zero all the players win the prize on this card."

Before putting the card face down on the table she showed it to Diane. Her reaction was priceless as she put her hand to her mouth and gasped. It was apparent she wasn't aware of this beforehand.

"Relax," said Katy, "The odds are 37 to 1 in your favor." This didn't seem to relax Diane at all, so all the guys were extremely curious what was written on the card.

We all placed our bets and you would think with almost half the layout covered the odds were in our favor. It didn't work out that way. Eight spins later and nothing had been removed from Diane except the skirt I had lost for her earlier. Katy was prepared for this and handed out two more chips per player.

"That ought to increase your odds," She grinned.

The very next spin David hit and was trying to decide what article of clothing to pick. It took so long we all started harassing him until he picked her blouse. Diane stood quietly while David fumbled with the buttons before finally pulling the shirt free.

The bra Diane had on was barely holding her breasts and part of one nipple was visible. This spurred on the competition and every few spins someone was winning. It was a lot of fun and we all moaned or cheered as a group depending on which number came up.

We were down to just Diane's G-String when the improbable happened. The ball fell on double zero.

The room got quiet and then erupted in applause as everyone but Diane was pumped to see what the prize was. Katy was surprised as well but, when I caught her eye, she shrugged. Diane looked mortified. The look on her face was slowly replaced with her usual warm glow and I knew that whatever it was, she would be good to go.

The guys quieted down and Katy took the card, "Here it is boys. The best prize of the night."

She flipped the card over and I was stunned to see that the word BLOWJOB was printed in big bold letters. Everyone was silent for a split second and then Curt yelled, "I'm first!"

We all laughed and even Diane giggled at his response. We had the practically naked Diane hold three cards and each of the Three Amigos took one. The all flipped them over at the same time and Curt had the low card. We all busted out laughing again as Diane took David's high card and led him to the nearby bathroom to claim his prize.

Obviously the night was winding down and when Curt finished with Diane, she came back to the room completely naked. We said our goodbyes to the Three Amigos and then I took the two girls to bed.

We fucked like bunnies for hours and just as we were about to fall asleep at dawn, I thanked Katy for a wonderful birthday present. Both she and Diane giggled.

"Silly boy," Katy cooed, "This was just your birthday party. You don't get your presents until next weekend on your real birth date."

Chapter 6

Katy, Diane, and I were exhausted. We had spent the Saturday after the party screwing around, in more ways than one. We decided to take a break on Sunday morning to give us all time to catch up on school work and get ready for the week. I constantly pried the two nymphos to find out what they had planned for my birthday gift, but they weren't talking.

The next day I headed for work after school and found my Chevelle was gone. Jesse had taken it to a friend's paint shop to get an estimate since the first one we got was almost $4000. There was no way I could come up with that amount any time soon so it was nice of Jesse to take the time to help me get a better deal.

Jesse gave me the next two weeks off to train for my fight and he promised to attend. I headed over to Smitty's and he was happy to hear I had the extra time to train and pushed me harder than ever. By Thursday I was completely worn down but the extra training made me feel like I was ready for my fight. All I had to do was cut weight and stay healthy.

School was ending soon and prom was just around the corner. I wanted to take both the girls but I knew that wouldn't be allowed. Katy was going to be my date but I wanted to include Diane as well. I spent a lot of time thinking about it and finally decided on a course of action.

The week flew by and before I knew it the weekend had arrived. My parents had been back for a few days so when Saturday morning rolled around they woke me up early. This was unusual but, being my birthday, it didn't surprise me too much. Breakfast was already on the table when I got to the kitchen and both my Mom and Dad looked anxious.

After a few seconds of us just staring at one another, they both broke out in huge grins and yelled, "Happy Birthday!" Mom pulled out a card and Dad slid a small box over to me. I opened the card first and it had a $100 bill inside. The card said, 'This is for gas.'

They looked at me expectantly as I open the box to find a car key. I recognized it immediately as belonging to my Chevelle and I looked back at them quizzically.

Dad nodded toward the door and I jumped up and ran outside. In the driveway was my Chevelle. It had been painted dark blue with white racing stripes and looked incredible. It had the rims on it that I had purchased second hand and the exact tires that I had been saving for. I was ecstatic to say the least. The seats that Jesse and I had removed were now recovered and the carpet was new as well.

"How did you do this?" I asked them.

They explained that they had contacted Jesse to see how I was doing and when he told them about the car they wanted to see it. Once at the shop, Jesse had raved about what a good kid I was and my parents had suggested they pay to finish up the car for me as a birthday gift.

Jesse had sent the seats out to be recovered the day after we took them out and then delivered the car to the body shop for paint last Friday when I left for the party. This gave them plenty of time to paint the car and put the new seats and carpet in before today.

"This is because of the great job you have done this year in school," Mom said. Dad told me how proud he was as well and they both promised to support me by being at the fight next week. I was so excited I couldn't wait to show the girls and, with a quick hug and kiss for my parents, jumped in the car and took off.

I was halfway to Katy's before I realized it was still early. Too excited to wait I went straight to her house and was surprised to find her outside with a small bag. She got in as I pulled to a stop in front of the curve.

"Looks good, doesn't it," she said as I pulled back into the street.

"How did you know what was going on?" I asked.

"Diane and I were supposed to keep you busy after work on Friday; did we do a good job?"

"Oh yeah, you did a great job. How did you know I was coming?"

"Your parents called to let me know," she laughed, "We are going on a road trip!"

I pulled up to Diane's house and she was at the curb with a small bag as well. I guess everyone was in on this one. With the three of us in my Chevelle, I power braked a long burnout at the last stop sign before getting on the highway. The girls screamed in delight as tire smoke rolled in the windows and the sound of the V8 overpowered us. This was going to be a great weekend.


Our trip would take about three hours one way so Katy and Diane took turns telling me how they had planned this little adventure. My parents had actually asked them to come by the house while I was at work. They were both nervous, thinking our 'games' had been found out and the shit was about to hit the fan. You can imagine their relief when they were asked to get me away from the shop so the car could be moved. My mom knew Katy was my girlfriend but felt nothing would happen if both the girls were there. Diane had the presence to ask if the three of us could take a road trip after I got the car and my mom, not knowing our real relationship, had agreed. We had the weekend to ourselves in the city.

We rolled into town and checked into our hotel room. We called our parents to let them know we made it ok and would be going out soon. We had rented two adjoining rooms to keep up appearances and the girls went to change. I relaxed on the bed and fell asleep.

When I woke up I was greeted by a cock hardening sight. Katy was wearing a summer dress with heels. She had makeup on and looked stunning. Diane was also dressed up but in a much different fashion. She had on a cropped shirt that came to just below her tits and a skirt that couldn't have been more than six inches long. She had on a black choker and her eyes and face was heavily made up, making her appear quite a bit older.

I felt under dressed now and jumped up to change, only to find my cloths already laid spread out. The nice jeans and button up shirt that the girls had bought for me wasn't what I would have picked, but I had to admit they looked good. We headed out to a nearby club Katy had been to on a previous trip.

The teen club was packed and you could actually feel the loud music. We headed straight to the dance floor and began to find the rhythm as the three of us danced together. We never left the floor that night except to get something to drink and then right back out again. Katy stayed close and gyrated up against me while Diane came and went, moving around the entire floor as hands grabbed at her from all sides. She let them touch her and when they became too bold she moved back close to me and let everyone know who she was with.

One of these times, well after midnight, I reached down and found her wearing panties. She hadn't worn them in some time so it surprised me somewhat.

"Why are you wearing panties?" I demanded.

She looked at me and then to Katy before looking back to me. She stood frozen, without saying a word.

"Take them off," I told her. She hesitated, then nodded and began to move in the direction of the bathroom. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to me, "Take them off now."

Diane began to tremble as we stood still on the dance floor with everyone dancing around us. No one had noticed yet but Katy realized what was going on.

"Wait," she yelled at me over the music. The terrified Diane stood with the blood draining from her face, "Let's do this in private,"

I looked at her for a few seconds and then back at Diane. "Take them off I said."

Diane hesitated for a split second before reaching under her micro skirt and pulling down her panties right in the middle of the dance floor. With so many people moving and the darkness of the room, only a few saw her, but to Diane it had to feel like everyone knew what she had done.

She gripped the balled up panties in her hands and a young guy next to her stood open mouthed at her actions. Diane still looked terrified and I couldn't figure it out. I walked up to her and she put her arms around me holding pulling me her to her me tightly. Her breath was coming quickly but she didn't move from the spot where she had taken off her panties. I pulled her arms from around my neck and the guy next to us was still staring.

"Give him your panties," I told the terrified girl. She looked at the gawking boy and then pushed her hand in his direction, shoving the panties into his chest where he grabbed them.

"Can we go now?" she asked timidly.

"Sure," I said, not quite understanding her reaction.

Katy looked pale as I turned to lead them out the door. I hadn't gotten two steps when I heard a small thud and then a girl screamed, "OH MY GOD!"

I turned to see Diane blushing profusely with a small blue dildo, slick with her juices, lying between her feet on the dance floor! Katy grabbed Diane's hand and pulled her close behind as we beat it for the exit.

We were out the door before any trouble could start and I was pulling out of the parking lot with the girls before a group of boys came out looking for the Diane. We skidded out onto the road and left a couple tire tracks for them as we sped away.

Once we were clear Katy started laughing and within a few seconds Diane and I joined her.

"Did you see their faces?" Katy chuckled, "Those guys had no idea what to think."

Diane was slow to calm down and I could see the event had aroused her.

"Play with your pussy," I said, looking in the rear-view mirror. Diane didn't need to be told twice. As I drove back toward the hotel I could see she was ready to orgasm.

"Stop," I commanded. I heard a groan coming from next to me and I could see that Katy was following my instructions too. I floored the car and we made it to the hotel in record time.

Once we arrived, I hustled the girls into the elevator and hit the button for our floor. I looked closely at the two and both were obviously horny as hell. It was late so I decided to push my luck.

"Strip," I said. Diane needed no further prodding and began to undress.

"You too," I told Katy. She balked and turned a peculiar shade of red.

I turned to face her squarely and looking her directly in the eye, "NOW!"

Katy tugged at the helm of her dress and I wasn't surprised to find she was completely naked under the single cloth. She held the dress in front of her and continued to blush while Diane looked at her with an amused grin on her face.

"Diane," I said to her softly, "Would you mind holding Katy's dress, please."

Diane quickly pulled Katy's cover away and we both stared openly as she tried to avoid our eyes. In comparison, Diane didn't even seem to notice her nudity. The elevator door opened causing Katy to gasp. We looked down the hall to see it was empty and made or way to my door. I barely had the door open when Katy blasted past me and into the room, making Diane burst into laughter.

"You are so dead!" she yelled at me with a huge smile on her face. I had never asked her to do anything like this before, but I knew it turned her on to see Diane be submissive. She threw a pillow at me before she and Diane went to the adjoining room to get my gifts ready.

It took me about 30 seconds to get undressed, leaving about fifteen minutes to wait for the girls. Finally, the door opened and Katy stood dressed in a white flowing, see through gown. She stepped back to reveal Diane kneeling on the floor in a black corset that came just up to her tits. The sides were cut perfectly to fit over her hips and then came down to a point just above her crotch. She was still wearing the black choker and had her hands behind her back, her spread legs revealing her shaved pussy.

"Sir," she said in a husky voice, "May I give you my present?"

I nodded and she stood up and went over to the bed. She climbed up on her hands and knees to the center and then bent over with her face on the bed and her ass high in the air. She reached back and spread her ass for me to see the little black butt plug that had been inserted into her.

"Please fuck my ass Sir," she moaned.

I didn't hesitate and climbed up behind her. She continued to spread her ass as I pulled at the plug. It popped out and I was at her entrance with my cock almost immediately. I began pushing into her with slow easy thrusts and then began to quicken my pace as my shaft plunged deeper. Before long I was pounding her hard and she was moaning loudly as I pummeled her ass. I kept going for what seemed like a like forever as I enjoyed Diane's gift and finally, I began to cum. Diane reacted in kind as we both shuddered together in climax.

There was a moan to my left and I looked over to see Katy in a chair next to the bed, vigorously masturbating to an orgasm. She had a glassy eyed look on her face as she erupted in pleasure while watching Diane and I do the same. I rolled onto my back and lay panting as Katy took my hand and brought it to her mouth, kissing it gently.

"You took her virginity," She said seductively, "Now take mine,"

Diane cleaned my cock with her mouth, getting it hard again with her efforts. I pulled Katy onto the bed and, with Diane beside us, took her virginity as gently and romantically as I could.