
Chapter 7

It was only a few days before my fight and Smitty had a plan. We decided I was only about six pounds over the class weight so I still needed to cut some more. I didn't realize at the time that Smitty had been keeping me well within our goal and now it shouldn't be too hard to get there.

When I wasn't at in school, I spent all my time in the gym and with the girls were always present. As I prepared, they sat at their table and pretended to do homework, but I knew what they were thinking about. I was worried about the distraction but Smitty had a way to handle the situation.

In the back of the gym there was an old sauna that hadn't been used in years. Smitty explained that he hadn't had a fighter that wanted to get serious to the point of cutting weight like I was. Until now, no one wanted to go through the torture, so they just fought in a higher weight class. He was going to clean it up a few weeks before the fight but had decided to wait.

"Get the girls to clean up the sauna," he told me at the beginning of the week, "It will keep them busy and you will have time to focus on what you need to do, rather than doing them." He grinned at his little joke since he knew everything about my relationship with them.

No one was at the gym this late so I took them to the back and explained what I needed done. Surprisingly, they were eager to help.

"Strip down before you get started," I said on the way out of the locker room, and then looking back at Katy, "both of you." I turned and left before she could react but I'm sure she turned several shades of red. I wasn't convinced she would play along.

Smitty and I slowed our pace during training and worked on technique the rest of the evening without interruption. By the time we finished I was exhausted from both the physical exertion and the reduced calorie diet I had to be on.

"You'll be ok," Smitty reassured me, "Just keep doin' what you're doin' and it'll be fine."

We were almost to the locker room when I remembered the girls. Smitty was right behind me as I grabbed the door handle and, after hesitating for just a second, I turned the handle and walked into the room.

The girls had their backs to us and were just finishing up the cleaning of the sauna. Both were naked and Smitty let out a low whistle.

"Damn," he said, "That looks good."

I didn't know if he was talking about the sauna or the girls, but either way, he was right. Katy and Diane spun around when they heard him and reacted by covering themselves. I didn't say anything but walked up to the sauna to check their work as both stood frozen where we found them.

"Get the spots on the inside of the door," I told Katy. She blushed even more but moved to the spot I indicated and began cleaning the glass.

"Diane, go turn the shower on and let the water heat up." She dropped her hands from her breasts and obediently padded off the take care of her task.

Smitty was quick to catch on and pretended like nothing was out of the ordinary. It occurred to me that with his background in the pro fight arena, it might not be that much out of the norm for him. We talked about the upcoming fight as he stole glances at Katy and even Diane when she returned.

I had Diane unwrap my hands while Smitty packed his bag and with a last glance at both the girls, told us good night and headed home. I'm not sure how I had the energy for what happened next but the shower, the locker room bench, the newly cleaned sauna, and a towel on the floor became locations for our fuck fest. First I took Katy, and then Diane, before simply going back and forth between them for another close to an hour. I realized I might not survive until fight night.


That week was a blur of activity as I prepared. Smitty and I kept the girls busy cleaning while we worked out our game plan and final preparations. I made them do the work in the nude and both Diane and Katy seemed eager to be moving about naked in the large building.

It surprised me that Katy seemed to be as excited about the prospect of being submissive as Diane was. Her demeanor changed when I ordered her to do something and the nudity was keeping her hot all the time.

Two days before the fight, Smitty called us all together when we arrived at the gym.

"I know this last week has been fun for all of us," he said somberly, "But this is an important time for our champ. He needs to have all his strength in reserve and his weight is almost perfect. Thanks for helping him lose fluids." He winked at the blushing girls.

He turned to me, "If you want to win this fight you need to do everything right in the next 48 hours. Do what I tell you, and I guarantee you will win" I nodded and he glanced over at the girls so I shooed them off to begin their ritual of stripping down to begin cleaning the next area of the gym. They were getting more comfortable with the idea but still moved to the far corner before undressing.

"You need to keep them off of you until after the fight," he said seriously, "You're beat down now and weigh in is tomorrow night. You need to lose three more pounds and I don't want you to lose any more energy. You need to leave the girls alone for the next two days."

I understood what he meant and I think I was actually relieved. The strain of the diet and training was beginning to get to me and I was irritable, even with the girls. I decided to talk with them after practice with the thought that I would come up with a good way to present the issue by the time I was ready for my shower. I was wrong.

Smitty didn't hang around this time. He left as soon as we finished and I was alone with the two of them. Seeing we were through, they both came over and began helping me by unraveling my hand wraps. With them naked and sweating so close to me I had gotten so hard it wasn't funny, but I was determined to do the right thing to win my fight.

The girls giggled as I finished stripping down and we all headed to the shower. I hadn't even gotten under the water before Katy had grabbed me playfully from behind and Diane was on her knees trying to suck my cock into her mouth.

"Stop!" I shouted as I wrestled away from them. They both looked hurt and confused at my reaction. "I need to…" I trailed off as they both looked at me expectantly.

"I need something different." I stated suddenly, "Diane, eat Katy's pussy."

I had no idea how this would play out but Diane was already crawling toward Katy as she backed up to the shower wall. Katy looked at me and I smiled. She seemed to relax as Diane caught her against the wall and dove between her legs, probing with her tongue.

While Diane began working in earnest, I stepped under the warm shower and watched them as I relaxed and rinsed off. Katy was gorgeous. Leaning against the wall with her hips pushed forward to meet Diane's tongue, she looked incredible. Actually, the two of them together like this was really turning me on and, as Katy began to climax, I noticed Diane was furiously rubbing her clit, cumming at the same time.

'Fuck this!' I thought to myself as my determination dissolved. I stepped out of the water and toward the girls and they immediately came to me. Katy dropped to her knees beside Diane and they both worked on my cock as a team. Within seconds I was ready to pop and let loose several jets of cum that took them by surprise. They looked at each other, and then up to me before Katy turned to Diane, and gently kissed her.


Fight night was finally here. The weigh in went without a hitch although I thought I would pass out from dehydration. This was my first time to see my opponent and he looked to be in shape. With a huge tattoo on his chest, and blond spiky hair, I figured he had to be at least five years older than I was.

Katy, Diane, my parents, and Jesse where all in the crowd of about 800 other people who had arriving arrived to see the show. My bout was scheduled first so I didn't have time to get nervous. Smitty had my weight back up and I had to admit, I felt better than ever. He worked my corner by himself and we went over the game plan until the first bell rang.

When I moved out into the middle of the canvas I was so focused it felt like everything was in slow motion. I followed the game plan, 1, 2, step right, jab, jab. My confidence grew and I realized I was much quicker than my opponent. I looked for the things Smitty had drilled into me as I backed him into a corner. I waited for him to throw a few punches and as he tried to escape I hammered him in the chin with a left hook.

He went down in a heap and the referee pushed me away. I was so in the zone I didn't even hear the crowd until the ref raised my hand declaring me the winner. It wasn't until then I looked out to my parents and could see they were beaming with pride over my first round victory. The girls were hugging each other and looked excited as I stepped out of the ring and headed to the dressing room.

Smitty was patting me on the back and giving the replay as he saw had seen it. He seemed very happy and I was pleased the outcome had lifted his spirits to a new level. We hustled into the empty dressing room and he began unlacing my gloves.

"I got to get back out and help Alex," he said, "His Pop asked me to be in the corner since he trains at the gym." He pulled the first glove off and I told him I could handle the rest. I saw the girls standing outside the door when Smitty walked out so I pushed it open again and beckoned them in.

"I need to get cleaned up," I told them as they began helping with my taped hands. Both the girls had on jeans and conservative shirts since I they knew my parents were going to be at the fight. They still looked sexy and it was having a noticeable effect on me.

My intention was to get cleaned up and head out to see the rest of the fights but it didn't quite work out that way. The combination of stress and reduced amount of sex over the last few days had me wound up and so I pushed both Katy and Diane to their knees in front of me. I didn't have to say anything as they both helped me out of my shorts and began working on my cock.

With very little effort I coaxed them out of their jeans and was on top of Katy as she lay on the dressing room bench. I lined up my hard shaft with her pussy and I began fucking her. Like a madman, with long hard strokes, I banged into her with a savage intensity I didn't know I had. Katy responded by pulling her legs back and moaning continuously while I had my way with her. By the time I was building to an orgasm, Diane had stripped off all her unadventurous attire and was French kissing Katy. I was so far gone that when I heard the door I couldn't stop pounding Katy against the bench.

"Son, are you decent?" It was my Mom!

"Mom, wait!" I called out, "I'm definitely not decent. Let me get a shower and I will be out in a few."

"I'll come in," said my Dad. The door handle began to turn and the wide eyes of the girls told how they felt as the color drained from their faces.

"No can do sir," came Smitty's booming voice from behind my parents, "Venue regulations say only contestants and corner men in the dressing room."

"Oh," my Dad said, "I didn't realize there was a rule. That's ok, we'll wait until he comes out."

"That will be fine," replied Smitty as the door opened and he stepped in. His massive bulk was the only thing that kept my parents from seeing what was going on in the room although Diane was already hiding in the small attached shower.

"Alex's cousin showed up to corner. Besides, I knew you couldn't wait," grinned Smitty grinned, "You owe me one."

He was right and there would never a better time to settle up than right now. "Diane," I called. She sheepishly peeked out the shower door.

Katy was still on the bench in front of me so I kissed her hard on the mouth, "You're up babe." Katy blushed as I pulled her from the bench and gave her a little push toward Smitty who had his back to the door. She slid down to her knees in front of him and began pulling at his sweat pants. She seductively looked up and licked her lips as the waist line moved down and his hard cock finally came into view.

"Wow!" both the girls said at once. Smitty was a heavy weight in more than one category. Katy grasped the phallus in front of her and excitedly began to kiss it from the tip to the base. She worked her way back up the shaft and struggled to take the head in her mouth as she stroked him with both hands.

Diane wrapped her arms around me from behind and held my cock before moving around in front. We kissed, and she fell to her knees so she could suck my cock. The entire scene was overpowering and within minutes I was cumming in her mouth as she masturbated to her second orgasm.

Still sucking in all she could, Katy was now rapidly jacking Smitty's massive dick in her tiny hand's as he stood rigid against the door with his head thrown back. I pulled Diane with me into the shower and started to wash up while the two finished. A few minutes later Katy stepped into the shower with us smiling ear to ear.

She took Diane's face in her hands and kissed her passionately on the mouth as Diane returned the affection with equal force. After several minutes they broke the kiss and each took a deep breath.

"Holy cow," Diane said, "he had a lot of cum!"

We all laughed at her outburst and then finished our shower before I headed out to see my parents.

The fight was over and both my girls had helped me tremendously. I wanted to show my gratitude by giving them the time of their lives and I had a plan to make it happen. After all, Prom was only a week away.

Chapter 8

I spent the next week making preparations for the prom and getting the money together for all the expenses I was expecting. I had the limo, borrowed from a friend of Jesse's, and Smitty had offered to help as well. After he closed up for the night, he would drive us to a nearby town that had a teen club that I planned to take the girls to after we left the Prom.

Since Diane couldn't go with us, and didn't have a date, I had to figure out a way to include her. By the time Saturday rolled around I thought I had a good plan and we could all have a memorable night. I picked up Diane first in my car and drove to the shop where the limo was waiting. Jesse drove us to Katy's house to pick her up and waited in the car with Diane while I went to the door to get her.

Katy looked awesome in her gown and her parents took pictures of us all dressed up to save the moment. I was uncomfortable in the tux but both Katy and Diane seemed to like it. We did look good as a couple and when we got into the car Diane squealed and hugged Katy to her.

"Oh my God! You look gorgeous!" Diane gushed. "I wish I could go with you guys."

She looked a bit depressed as Jesse pulled out into the street and headed for the school. I nudged Katy and she smiled. We had been planning what to do with Diane to keep her occupied while we were at the dance.

Jesse parked the car and we said our goodbyes as he caught a ride with a friend back to the shop. It was only 9 pm and we didn't expect Smitty until midnight so we had plenty of time. I went to the trunk and pulled out the bag I had stashed earlier that evening before getting back into the car with the girls.

"Strip," I told Diane as I began pulling items out of the bag.

She began undressing as Katy and I prepared our little surprise. Actually, Katy came up with the idea based on her conversations with Diane. It seems we had been a bit tame compared to what she wanted and now was the time to take it to the next level.

With Diane completely nude Katy and I set to the task of hog tying Diane in the limo. We used a lot more rope than expected but we were happy with the results. Diane was completely immobile with her face on the floor board and her ass up in the air. She looked so good I wanted to take her then and there but Katy stopped me.

"Remember the plan," she winked at me. We had decided to tease Diane every thirty minutes or so until it was almost time to go to the club. I resigned to giving her a quick swat on her bare ass and tickling her clit for a few seconds. My finger came away soaked and Katy smiled when I showed her the moisture. We then got out of the car and headed into the dance.

The prom really wasn't much fun. All the kids were standing around waiting for someone else to get on the dance floor. It was lame and within ten minutes I was ready to go play with Diane but Katy held me back.

"Let's dance," she whispered in my ear. She dragged me out onto the dance floor and began to gyrate to the hard beat the DJ was playing. I wasn't embarrassed to be in front of people, especially since I had fought in only a pair of shorts in front 800 people, I just couldn't dance as well as she could.

Katy giggled at my attempts to keep the beat. She literally danced circles around me while I tried to keep up but it was no use. She was having fun though, and I was determined to keep it that way, so I put up with the humiliation. It wasn't a big deal because within a few minutes the floor was full of bouncing, raucous teens.

I began to loosen up and Katy danced close to me with a big smile on her face that made me melt. It was after a slow song as we were swaying gently that I remembered Diane.

"Oh shit!" I groaned. Katy pulled her head off my shoulder.

"What?" she asked expectantly.

"We forgot about Diane," I said as I grabbed her hand and moved quickly toward the door. Katy checked her watch and it was already 10:30. She had been tied in the car for over an hour.

We rushed out to the limo and I pulled the door open ready to apologize but instead stood frozen at the sight before me. One of the Johnson twins was behind Diane on the limo floor, pounding his cock into her ass. I recovered from the shock quickly and reached out to grab his throat but something hit me in the side and I crumpled to the ground.

"Not so tough now, are ya?" growled the second twin from behind me.

I couldn't seem to get my thoughts together and my entire body felt like it was twitching. My side burned where I was hit and nothing was making sense. I heard the car door close but I couldn't look to see where I was… Katy, where was Katy?

I heard her scream and I struggled to make my arms move, to get up, to do something, but I couldn't. I heard Katy scream again and then she was beside me, rolling me over into her arms. Finally, my head began to clear.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The twins," she said, "One of them had a stun gun."

"Are you ok?" I managed to get out.

"She's ok," Smitty's booming voice came from the darkness behind her. He moved into my line of vision, "This is getting to be a bad habit of yours. Me having to save your ass all the time."

I was regaining my strength now and suddenly remembered, "Diane!"

I pushed myself up and opened the car door. Diane was still on the floor where we had left her tied. There were red marks on her ass and cum dripping from her pussy. Katy and I quickly untied her and Diane leapt to me and hugged me tightly around the neck.

"I can't believe it," she whined into my shoulder. I felt so upset I couldn't breathe. I held her close but I didn't know what to say. She broke the hug suddenly and I was looking into her smiling, happy face, "That was the best EVER! I must have cum 20 times! You guys are the best for setting this up for me."

Katy and I exchanged dumbfounded looks. Diane thought we had set up the whole thing! I tried to explain but she was going on and on, in her excited giggling voice, about what had happened and how surprised she was that we had figured out one of her fantasies.

We sat back and listened to her recount how the twins had popped the lock on the limo and found Diane tied up on the floor. They never hesitated in taking advantage, and she was so hot by then it never occurred to her that it wasn't prearranged. One of the brothers would use her hard up the ass or pussy while the other one practically gagged her with his cock at the same time.

She recounted her story in vivid detail that made Katy and I wince a few times. It appeared the boys liked it rough and had spanked her ass and twisted her nipples the entire time. It was a good thing Diane liked it rough as well. She wasn't aware of what had really happened and I guess it didn't matter. The twins had unwittingly made one of her fantasies come true and had it not been for Smitty, Katy would have most likely been their next victim.

I got out of the limo to get some air while Katy talked to her some more. I was feeling better and at least I could move everything again. My side still hurt but it was a dull pain. I wanted to kick the twin's' asses but Diane had actually enjoyed the treatment. I had expected she would enjoy the ropes but neither Katy nor I guessed about the rough sex. I was a bit confused on how to continue. Katy emerged from the car and approached Smitty and me.

"What do you think?" I asked her when she got closer.

"She is ecstatic that we figured her out," Katy said, "She obviously thinks we set the whole thing up. Maybe we should leave it at that tonight and take her home. She is worn out."

I was having a hard time processing the whole thing but Katy made sense. I got Diane's clothes out of the trunk and gave them to her to take to the naked girl.

"What about the rest of the night?" I asked.

"I'm ok, if you're ok," she said and waited for my reply.

"Sure, I guess I'm over it for now." I turned to Smitty, "Are you still in chauffeur mode?"

"Had it planned, might as well see it through," he grinned as I handed him the keys. This was not the night I had expected so maybe some dancing with Katy at the club would change my outlook. We piled back in the car and Smitty headed for Diane's house.

Diane, still naked, climbed into my lap and hugged me again. She laid her head on my shoulder and told Katy and me how relieved she was that we understood her and how she felt like she could now tell us anything… and she did.

It was like a cathartic release for her and she told us all her wildest fantasies, and believe me, they were wild. She went on and on to the point I had to tell Smitty via the intercom to make a few more blocks so she could get it all out.

By the time we reached her house she was totally spent. It turns out the twins hadn't even scratched the surface on her needs and it was somewhat of a relief. I wasn't sure how she would react when I told her the truth but I thought I might be able to put a spin on it that she would be able to handle. I decided to wait and run it by Katy since Diane would be fine at least until Monday.

She finished getting dressed as we pulled up to her house and before opening the door gave Katy a deep kiss and then turned to me and did the same.

"I love you guys," she said, "Promise you will keep making my fantasies come true." And then she was out the door and practically skipping up the steps to her house, happier than we had ever seen her.


It was a forty forty-five minute ride to the club and Katy and I spent the first fifteen minutes of it quiet and lost in our own thoughts. Katy snuggled up next to me in the big back seat and I held her as we mulled over the events of the night. Katy was the first to break the silence.

"That went…well?" She said hesitantly.

The way she said it struck me funny and I began to giggle. Before long we were both rolling in laughter and the tension was finally gone. We had a lot to think about but it appeared the only real injury had been to my ribs and pride. We both put the thoughts out of our minds and relaxed so we could enjoy the rest of the evening.

By the end of the ride we were making out and I was playing with Katy's clit to get her warmed back up. She responded by stroking my cock through my trousers and by the time we pulled up to the club we were both boiling.

Smitty opened the door for us as a joke and we pretended he was really our chauffeur for the benefit of several people passing by. Katy and I got in without a problem and before long we were wedged into the dance floor like sardines as the strobes flashed and the bass blasted in our ears. We danced pressed against each other and it just made us hornier as the night wore on.

It was easy to see we were together so it was something of a shock when a girl pushed in between us and looked me straight in the eye.

��I need your help," she said in a fearful voice, "Please come with me."

She grabbed my hand and abruptly turned to walk away only pausing for a moment to acknowledge Katy.

"I'm sorry Katy," she choked out on the verge of tears, "but he is the only one that can help me."

Katy and I looked at each other and she shrugged to let me know it was ok. The girl headed toward the edge of the dance floor with me in tow and then took a sharp turn as we cleared the swarm of people to head toward a hallway. We moved into an area that had the bathrooms and, without hesitation, she led me directly into the men's room.

The light was bright in the bathroom and I could finally get a good look at the girl. It was Wendy from our school. I barely recognized her because of her makeup and the way she was dressed. The cropped white t-shirt and micro skirt showed more than it covered and I found myself thinking she looked hot.

She dragged me past a few shocked looking boys and into the last stall. Turning to face me she looked as if she were gathering her courage to tell me something. She was about to talk when one of the boys that had seen us, popped over the stall divider, obviously standing on the toilet next to us.

"What cha doin' with the slut?" he slurred. I could smell the alcohol on his breath and pushed the door to our stall open so I could grab the idiot. There were 4 other guys standing there when I came out and the biggest one stepped up to me.

"I think I want your bitch," he growled. I sized him up quickly and I didn't like my odds. He was several inches taller and about fifty pounds heavier than me.

'Fuck it," I thought as I caught him with a straight right hand to the face. He staggered back against his buddies giving me time to drag the idiot from the stall. Pulling him by the collar I launched him towards the big goon to give me some time. The big guy was still on his feet and headed my way with a sour look that was emphasized by the blood coming from his nose.

"I'm gonna kick your…" I popped him with a couple of jabs to the eye and the area around it began to swell immediately. He charged as I peppered him with quick shots but he was too big for me and I was slammed against the wall.

'Oh shit," I thought as my hurt ribs seemed to explode and cause stars to dance in my vision.

'Screw the boxing,' I told myself, 'this is a fight.'

As he tried to bear hug me I brought my knee up sharply catching part of his groin, he winced but it wasn't a dead on shot, so I tried with the other knee, and caught him perfectly. He released me and grabbed his crotch as I began hammering him with punches as fast as I could, backing him up as I followed. He crashed into the door and fell to the ground outside the room, even with the help of his group trying to hold him upright. I grabbed the door and yanked it shut before anyone could get to it. I set the deadbolt lock and the slide bar before heading back to the stall were Wendy was peeking out.

"Are you ok?" she asked concerned.

"Yeah," I winced as I took a breath, "just knocked the wind out of me." It was a lie but she seemed to have enough problems.

She looked me over as if to be sure and then began summoning her courage again.

"I need your help," she hesitated and blushed deeply. "I'm being blackmailed by someone and the kids at school say you helped Diane."

I leaned against the wall as she explained that another girl at our school was blackmailing her and she had no one to turn to. She had heard the erroneous rumor that I had saved Diane from a blackmailer and now she wanted me to help her as well. She constantly glanced at her watch while telling the story and finally she stopped almost mid-sentence.

"I don't have time to tell you everything," she hesitated again and the blush returned. "I have to do what she says because she will punish me if I don't."

I didn't say anything and watched as she pulled off her top to reveal her bare tits. I know I was staring because she was suddenly waving a permanent marker in front of my face.

"I need you to write on me," Wendy explained, "On my breasts… ah…I mean tits."

"Write what?" I quizzed.

"She wants," the girl started and then almost broke down, "I need you to write SLUT on one and WHORE on the other."

"Fuck this," I said, "You might be able to see it through the shirt and we still have to get out of here."

Wendy's eyes went wide. "NO, PLEASE!" she cried, "You don't know what she is capable of. I need you to do it or I have to find someone else. It's all part of her sick games. PLEASE DO IT!" She began to sob and some of her makeup began to run.

"Ok, ok," I said as soothed her the best soothingly as I could, "Show me what you need me to do."

She showed me where to write and how big to make it. The two words were very large and barely fit on her ample breasts. She looked at her watch when I finished and must have realized she was almost out of time. She Wendy took a deep breath and turned her back to me before bending over to expose her bare ass.

"I need you to write your phone number on my ass," she sniffled. I started to write it on her right cheek but she stopped me.

"No, inside," she corrected me, "right next to my asshole." She reached back with both hands and spread her ass cheeks to reveal her tiny asshole. I could see the embarrassment wash over her but it wasn't affecting her like it did Diane. Wendy wasn't enjoying this at all.

"Put the pen in my ass" she said, staying in the same position. I pushed it in slowly, leaving a tiny bit where I could see it. Wendy reached over with one finger and pushed it all the way in.

When I finished the task she straightened up, checked her watch again, and picked up her little cut off t-shirt before going into the stall. She stood next to the toilet and began to lean forward before stopping suddenly. She reached over and flushed it.

I stood by helpless since I really didn't know what I could do to help. She stood in the stall with her little white shirt in hand waiting for the bowl to fill up before dunking the cloth into the water. She soaked it entirely, wrung it once to get about half the water out, and put it on.

I could see the total distaste on her face for having to do the act and the purpose became very clear. The t-shirt was see-through and the words I had scrawled on her chest were easily visible. She came out of the stall and looked hopefully at me.

"Can you help me?" she asked pitifully.

I nodded, "I will do anything I can."

She smiled for the first time since pulling me off the dance floor. "Good. I just need you to do one more thing before I go back to show her."

I nodded again but didn't say anything. It was obvious nothing she had me do up to this point would be nearly as humiliating as walking back through the crowded club to get to the front door.

She took another deep breath and steeled her nerve, "I need you to cum on my face."

Chapter 9

I sat quietly in the back seat of the limo lost in my own thoughts. Getting out of the club hadn't been nearly the problem I was thinking it would be. One call from my cell to Smitty and everyone cleared a path. He asked no questions as Wendy walked past him with the words 'SLUT' and 'WHORE' clearly visible on her tits under the wet t-shirt. The crowd parted as he lead the way and I followed behind the two, trying to watch my back as we headed toward the door. Katy saw us and pushed her way through to join our procession.

"What the fuck!" she gasped as she saw Wendy's condition. She finally realized there was cum dripping from her face and turned to me. I sheepishly returned her stare.

"I can explain," I started and then fell silent. I felt like it was weak, being tonight was prom and Katy was my date. How do you explain your cum on another girl's face? I had never thought of her as the jealous type but right then I could feel her disappointment and I felt trapped.

"Well?" Katy snapped bringing me out of my haze. She looked expectantly at me as the limo continued on the road back to our town. When I didn't answer right away she gave me the eyebrow and I sighed before telling her the story.

She interrupted me a few times to clarify, but basically sat quietly as I relayed the events in the bathroom. I stammered a few times when it came to the part where Wendy had begged me to cum on her face. I guess I was embarrassed by the fact that I hadn't put up a fight or even tried to talk her out of it.

When I finished Katy sat back on her side of the seat and pondered the situation. I was again contemplating how such a well-planned night had gone to shit with me as the main ingredient. My ribs still hurt and, now that the adrenalin had worn off, I was getting sharp pains with each breath.

"You did what you had to do," Katy said finally, "I can't think of any other way you could have handled it given the circumstances."

"Thank you," I said meekly, "Katy, I'm sorry it…" She stopped me in mid-sentence with her hand.

"Doesn't mean I'm over it," she said quickly. I shut up, just like Smitty had coached me to do in these situations.


The next morning I felt as if my head would explode. It was noon before I finally made it down to the kitchen where my parents were already having lunch. Mom fixed me a plate and after sitting it down in front of me I realized they were both staring.

"What?" I finally asked.

"Do you have something to tell us?" my Dad said. I froze and I'm sure the blood drained from my face.

"Ummm, like what?" I stalled. Actually, I had no idea what part of my life they had discovered or how bad it was.

"The bruise on your face," my Mom chimed in, "Did you get in a fight last night?"

I reached up and could feel the slight lump on my left cheek bone.

"And you're breathing funny," my Dad said, "What happened? Were you fighting?"

I was a little stunned and hadn't expected to be interrogated so soon after waking up. I really didn't want to lie to my parents so I told them as much of the truth as I could.

"I was protecting a girl from some guys at the teen club we went to last night. One of them was really big and ruffed roughed me up a bit. I'm ok though."

"What did we tell you about fighting?!" my Dad yelled, "I thought we had this conversation the last time you got in trouble at school."

"We did, but this is different, it wasn't my fault!" I tried to tell him.

"If I remember correctly that is the same line you used the last time! You're grounded!" he barked. "I will let you know exactly what your punishment is this evening after I think about it."

I went to my room and shut the door before crawling gingerly back into bed. My side was killing me and a quick look in the mirror confirmed the bruise on my cheek was obvious. I thought of calling Smitty but he had been as cold to me as Katy had when she got out of the car last night.

"I need some more time to think about this," she had said flatly, and then turned and walked away. I sat by myself in the big back seat of the limo and I couldn't think of a time I felt more alone. It was about to get worse.

"Boy, I'm not your body guard," Smitty had told me when we returned to the shop to pick up our respective cars. "You better get a handle on yourself and how you treat women. Katy and Diane may like that kind of horse play but that girl tonight…" he trailed off and clenched his big fists together.

"Whatever it is you were playing at with that girl at the club, I don't want any part of it. You don't come back to the gym until you get it figured out. Besides, your ribs is busted and you won't be fighting anytime soon." He had walked away without giving me the chance to explain.

I really needed to talk with Katy and figure out all the things that were going on. How was I going to explain things to Diane? How could I help Wendy? What could I do about my parents? It seemed like a million other thoughts that were running through my head all at once.

I tried to call Katy but there was no answer. This day was going to hell in a hurry.


Monday morning came too early as I hadn't gotten much sleep. My Dad never came to get me for our talk so I figured he had forgotten about it. It wasn't until I saw he had changed out the Chevelle keys for my old beater that I realized how mad he really was. I went by Diane's house to pick her up as usual, and I didn't have to tell her to get in the front. She hopped right in and gave me a condescending look.

"You are in so much trouble," she said. Then she saw the bruise on my cheek and reached out to touch it, pulling back quickly when I winced.

We pulled off from the curb as she began talking, "I know Wendy. She sits directly behind me but never says a word. I didn't have a clue she was in trouble, I don't think anyone does, I mean, knows she is in trouble. Why did she pick you?"

I guess Katy had left that part out of their girl chat yesterday. "She heard I saved you from the guy I beat up last year. She thinks I can save her from someone that is blackmailing her."

"Hmm," she didn't sound convinced, "I will slip her a note in class and see what happens."

Once at school, I ran into the Three Amigos and, since the girls were on strike, I hung out with them most of the day. It wasn't until school was over and I got back to my car that I saw Katy and Diane waiting for me next to it.

"Wendy told me everything today," Diane gushed, "It looks like you're out of the dog house."

I looked to Katy and she came to me with a kiss and then a big hug that made me cry out.

"What's wrong?" Katy demanded.

"I broke my ribs last night. Smitty says I can't fight for a while." Katy's face softened and she held me against her but on the other side.

"What's wrong with your car?" Diane popped up., "I was going to ask this morning but I didn't have time."

"Parents are mad at me for fighting again." I told them about our Sunday morning discussion.

"Don't worry about it," Katy said, and then she smiled, "you still have us."

We hopped in my clunker and headed for a park we sometimes went to, so we could talk without worrying about being overheard. We sat at a table and Diane took out several sheets of notes she had exchanged with Wendy and began to fill us in.

Wendy had been approached by Brittany Larson, who also attended our school, and began to befriend her. Wendy was cute, but kept to herself, and had never run with the rich snooty girls. She was flattered with all the attention. Within just a few weeks Brittany had her confidence and talked her into doing a favor. They were cruising around in Brittany's BMW when they pulled up to an old house in the seedier part of town.

Wendy was coaxed into taking a purse and walking up to the house to exchange it for something for Brittany. It never occurred to her that she was doing anything wrong, but when she got back in the car, Brittany turned on her. She had filmed the entire transaction with a camera phone and Wendy's finger prints were all over the package. If she wanted to stay out of jail she had to do what she was told.

It started out simple enough with Wendy having to do some homework. It escalated slowly into having to get Brittany a soft drink, or going to do an errand. Soon she was stealing small items from local stores and it was all filmed and stored away.

The tasks became progressively more risky until one night the two were sitting outside a convenience store when a Corvette pulled up next to them. Brittany watched a man get out and head into the store while leaving the car running.

"I want that car," said Brittany suddenly, "Go get it for me." Wendy had looked at here in total shock but Brittany began to threaten to tell her parents all the things she had done up to this point. Finally, Wendy jumped out of the BMW and into the Corvette before the pair tore off down the street. Wendy was now a felon and would probably go to jail if anyone ever knew. Brittany had the video evidence.

After that, the blackmail tasks intensified. Brittany had forced Wendy to have sex with the owner at the teen club she had met me in. It appeared that the man ran drugs out of the club and it wasn't long before Wendy became a mule to transport drugs to their distribution points. She was now totally involved with the illegal dealings with the club and was used, with several other girls, to put on 'shows' like the other night to entice more customers.

"Wow," I said after hearing the entire story. "Does she have any idea what Brittany has planned next?"

"Wendy said the game from the other night is used to blackmail more people," Diane explained, "Brittany will call the person and say they must do what she says or they will go to jail for having sex with a minor."

Wendy was already 18 and I hadn't had actually had sex with her. It seemed pretty flimsy to me but if you weren't sure about her age I guess it could work.

"The reason it works," Diane said, reading my mind, "Is because they are blackmailed into having more sex with her. Wendy has a wireless transmitter sewn into her shirt collars so Brittany can record everything. She will set up a meet and have a camera in the hotel room so there is also video evidence of what has happened."

"Once the video is made there is no going back unless the person being blackmailed wants to go to jail. Wendy is also given a cell phone and instructed to ask the guy to take pictures as he uses her. Brittany saves these as well."

"How many times has Brittany done this?" Katy quizzed.

"Wendy said they had done it to three different guys," Diane answered, "but she made her go with one guy three different times."

"To get more evidence?" I asked.

"No," Diane hesitated, "He was very cruel and did a lot of weird stuff to her. Brittany taped it all and makes Wendy watch it from time to time. She wouldn't tell me exactly what happened."

Katy let out a low whistle as we both sat back thinking about the situation. If I was going to get a phone call it would have to be soon. I was thinking Brittany wouldn't want to risk exposing Wendy right at the end of school. I figured the meet would be on Friday or Saturday.

I got up from the table, wincing from the pain in my ribs. Both the girls were on me in a second asking if I was ok and if they could do anything to help.

"Well, actually," I said slowly, "I could use help relieving some tension."

The girls giggled and, after looking around for passersby, Katy bent over the table and hiked up her skirt as Diane worked on getting my pants down. It was getting dark and no one was around, so I wasn't too worried when Diane grasped my cock as it popped free and began sucking on it. A few minutes later, I was gingerly fucking Katy from behind while Diane knelt between our legs and licked my balls.

My ribs hurt but the more I got into a rhythm the more I ignored the pain. Before long, I was slamming into Katy with my balls banging against Diane's forehead as she tried to keep up. I stopped for a second and pulled my cock out of Katy's pussy and then shoved it in Diane's mouth in one smooth motion. She took it easily and began to suck on it like she was possessed before I pulled back out and slammed into Katy again. I began doing this every few strokes and before long I was ready to cum.

When I felt it was time, I pulled out of Katy and shot my cum on Diane as she squealed with pleasure. Sticky ropes splashed across her face and dripped onto her shirt as I continued to spray her with my pent up seed. Finally, when I was finished, she looked to Katy and back to me but made no attempt to wipe it off.

"What would you like me to do sir," she grinned.

"Get Katy to help you with that," I told her.

Katy pulled her shirt tail up and was just about the start wiping the cum off when I stopped her.

"No," I told her sharply, "use your tongue."

Katy balked, but it looked like Diane had an orgasm right at that moment. Katy slowly leaned down to Diane and gave her a passionate kiss that listed for several minutes. Then she looked at me seductively and began licking the cum from Diane's cheeks. My cock was already hard again and I was about to bend Diane over the table when my cell phone rang.

"Hello," I answered.

"I got your number from a girl's asshole," came a metallic voice, "I have a proposition for you."

It was comical listening to the voice when I could picture who it was. I managed to keep from laughing.

"What do you want?" I tried to act scared but this seemed a bit ridiculous.

"You will be at the Palace Hotel at 9 pm on Friday night," Brittany's distorted voice said.

"Why would I do that," I asked flatly.

"Because I liked the way you played with my pet and I want you to do it again."

"Hmmm," I pretended to be thinking it over, "ok, I will play with your little slut, but I will let you know where on Friday night."

"NO!," Came the sharp reply. "you will go where I say or else."

"Or else what," I replied calmly, "I get your little game, but I'm about to take it to a whole new level. You bring the bitch where I tell you and I promise she will never be the same when I'm done with her."

Brittany was quiet for a few seconds and I knew I had hit a nerve. She was a sadistic bitch and I was guessing she wouldn't be able to pass up a chance like I had just offered.

"Fine," the metallic voice croaked, "call this number at 9 pm but you had better be within a few minutes of the Palace or the deal is off." The line went dead and I saved the number in my phone.

When I turned back to the girls they both had shocked looks on their faces.

"What did you just do?" Katy asked.

"I got a date," I quipped. Katy smirked at me and I could see a bit of my cum on her cheek where she had rubbed against Diane. We were a few hundred yards from the car and it was getting dark so we decided to head back.

"Take off all your cloths," I said. They both froze but then Diane began to undress down to just her shoes. A few seconds later, Katy did the same. I grabbed their stuff and began at a fast pace up the trail towards the car with the naked girls following a few yards behind. We were almost to the parking lot when a set of car headlights swung into view.

The girls both sprinted past me and toward my car as fast as they could go and managed to get there before the car pulled up. The only problem was, I had the keys. I took my time getting to them as they huddled down against the side of the my old beater to hide themselves as the intruder pulled up a few spaces away. By the time I got to the girls an older gentleman was getting out with a small dog yipping at his feet.

"Go get in on the other side," I told them. They both looked at me incredulously but Diane grabbed Katy's hand and they stood up and walked around my old car and into full view of the man.

"Fucking sluts!" the old man shouted before walking off down the trail with a flashlight.

I popped the locks and the girls jumped into the car. Diane was in the back and rubbing her clit furiously before her ass even hit the seat while Katy had that warm glow about her. She leaned over and kissed me before lowering her head to my lap and sucking my cock on the way back home.

I dropped the girls off and headed to my house in a better mood than I had been in for several days. I didn't have my Chevelle but Katy and Diane would help me figure out a way to get Wendy free and clear. I felt like the three of us would be an unstoppable team.

I pulled into the drive and went into the house to find my Dad waiting for me. He led me to his office and without preliminaries began preaching to me about fighting and how bad I had been. He was furious about what had happened at the club, so I just let him vent.

"And something else son," he said as he finally began to wind down, "I saw what you were doing in the locker room after your fight the other night. You won't be going out with Katy anymore!"