Raymond frantically wakes up from the dream he was having, the same dream as always. As soon as he sits up he discards all thought but the rage that was building inside him. He doesn't even bother getting dressed or checking the time as he storms out of his room. He immediately walks straight to his parents who look back at him as he moves towards them quickly but before he can say anything his father says sorry. This stops Raymond in his tracks like a deer in the headlights. So much is flying through his head but rage is the strongest emotion. "Why wouldn't you have told me? Every kid at school thinks I'm a freak! They looked at me like I was some kind of animal. They avoided me, laughed at me and now what do I do? You expect me to go back there everyday?" Raymond said with a burning rage. "Ray, we just didn't know how t-" "Fuck that, when were you going to speak up? Were you hoping I'd go to school and everything would be normal? I know what happened, Mike told me everything!" "I'm sure he didn't, I don't know who Mike is but I'm sure he doesn't know your past like we do" Raymond's father said with a calm expression. Raymond was surrounded by the feeling of fear and confusion. "What does that even mean?" he asks. "Raymond, this isn't your first episode. You used to see a doctor about this. Remember dr. Vash? It's ok if you don't but just try to stay calm and I'll explain". For the next hour, Raymond's father told him all about his condition. When Raymond was younger he would have strange episodes similar to this one. He would wake up in a nightmare dream state, yelling and screaming until he passed out. When he awoke, he would forget the whole thing. It's had been years since this happened but it explained why the other kids avoided him. His condition had seemed to pass with time but now something had brought it back. Maybe the lack of sleep but whatever it was, it needed to stop. His head was filled with so much information, so much he hadn't known. How could he not remember any of this, why couldn't he remember any of this? "Raymond, it's going to be ok. We'll go see the doctor tomorrow, I'm sure he'd love to see how you've been." Raymond reluctantly agreed, only saying yes because this would maybe spark the memory of his past. He could ask the doc some questions, and find out why this memory completely escaped him. For now though, all he can do it wait and see what the outcome would be tomorrow.