18 : False Leader

{ Felix's POV }

" What?! Chris has been caught?! Damn it...! "

I said.

" Calm down Felix. We'll plan something. "

Asa said.

" But we're about to attack tonight! Now it's ruined! "

I screamed.

" No, it's not. You guys can attack them and rescue him. "

Helen talked.

" I don't know... he's the one who is supposed to lead the attack. "

I said.

Someone entered the tent.

" Who the hell are you? What are you doing here? "

I asked him.

" My name's Azul. Where's Chris? "

He asked.

" He's..not here. "

Joel said.

" What the hell Joel?! Why'd you said that? "

I heard Asa whispered to Joel.

" Aha! So he's a dead meat huh? Well, I'll be leading this place. "

Azul announced to us.

" Hell no. Who do you think you are? "

I said.

" You can't stop me. Look outside. "

He said and went outside the tent.

" Huh? What in the hell is he saying? "

I was curious and I went outside too.

" You come with us or you die. "

Azul said.

I saw him with a lot of people behind him.

All of them is carrying a gun.

" Al-alright... I will. "

I said.

I couldn't stop them because they're aiming all their guns at me.

" We'll head off within a few minutes. "

Azul announced.

I rushed back to the tent and talked to Helen and the others.

" All of us are in a huge danger. If something bad happens, you'll lead this place alright? "

I said to Asa and grabbed my gun.

" We'll be there Chris. Wait for us. "

Then I went outside.

" All of you are ready? "

Azul asked.

« Yeah!!! »

The crowd screams.

" We need guns! We want blood! "

Azul shouted.

« YES!! WE DO!!! »

They all shouted.

" Damnit. This is dangerous. "

I whispered.

" Yeah...Azul's dumb. He's been like that since her sister died. No one can change his mind anymore. I'm glad that he still didn't joined the Black Horse. But maybe later he will. "

Someone spoked.

" Huh? Do I know you? "

I asked him.

" No, not yet. I'm Denis. You're Felix right? "

He asked me.

" Yeah... Chris' in a great danger. I will rescue him no matter what happens. "

I said to him.

" Hope this turns well. I don't want to die yet. "

He laughed and we saw the others walking outside.

" Let's go. "