19 : Plan B

" Stop here. That's the base. "

Azul announced.

" We're not following the same plan. I've got a new one. "

He added.

" What's he planning. We just need to get in and find Chris. "

I said to Denis.

" Alright. "

He whispered.

" 6 Snipers in every corner and the others will be coming with me and we will build a small tent for the injured people. "

Azul said to everyone.

" He seems alright. "

Denis said.

" Yes, but he still betrayed us. "

I said to him.

Someone went towards us.

" I heard you both. "

The person said.

" Huh? Who're you? "

I asked.

" Well, I'm here to help you both. "

" Oh thank god. I'm Felix and this is Denis. "

I introduced ourselves.

" I already know that. Well I'm Sandra. "

We were shocked that there was a woman who came with us.

" Woman's not allowed here to come with us- "

Denis said.

" Don't worry. I'm not a problem here. I've got skills especially when it comes to close combat. "

She said.

" Alright. You can come with us. "

I said.

Then we saw Azul calling everyone.

" All right. This is it. Prepare everyone, we'll succeed this attack. "

Azul announced.

We all sneaked up to the entrance.

" Now or never! "

Azul shouted and we moved forward.

All we can hear is loud gun shots and screaming. There's blood everywhere, in the wall, floor and in our clothes.

Some of our people are dying but we're winning.

« For The Python!!! »

" Huh? They made a group name, the fuck? "

I said.

We went in the other room and locked it.

" Good, we're not in danger anymore. Hope they all win. "

Denis said.

We went forward and saw a three door and a television.

It turned on.

" What the hell is that? "

I said.

« Good evening Felix. You see, this man is too clumsy that he got caught. I'll be giving you a minute to find him. But, there's three door eh? You need to run as fast as you can if you want him alive. »

Then it went off.

" Fuck. The timer started. No need to keep standing here. "

I said.

" I'll go in the left door, Denis you go in the middle and Sandra, you go in the right door. "

I announced and we rushed inside.

I saw another door and opened it.

" Fuck! This isn't the right door! "

I said.

" Sandra, Denis I'll leave this to you. Keep safe until I'm there. "

I whispered.

When I'm about to go back outside, I heard some gunshots.

" Fuck! I need to hurry! "