31 : Salvation

{ Christoper's POV }

An hour earlier

* I'm sorry Greg...please forgive me on failing you..but- I know that you won't feel scared now... *

I tapped his head and closed my eyes.

* I won't let anyone die on me from now on..I'll promise you that... *

Then I covered his body with a blanket again and went outside.

" Where did Felix go? "

I asked Shino.

" He went downstairs I think. But I'm not sure because he's in a rush. "

He answered and I looked for him.

I've looked for him everywhere but couldn't find him.

* Shit! Samantha's been gone too! I must find her first. *

Then I went to the garage and saw some footprints at the ground.

* This must be from Sam. I need to go after her. *

" Here. "

Someone said and threw the keys at the ground.

" Who the hell are you? "

I asked the dude.

" Won't you thank me for that? God, what an ungrateful brat. "

He whispered and went upstairs.

* This'll do. *

I sat at the motorcycle and inserted the keys.

* I'll be there Sam, don't worry. *

A few minutes of driving, I saw someone near the lake.

* Huh? *

I hopped out of my vehicle and approached the person.

As I get near, I recognized that it was Samantha.

" Hey...what are you doing here..? "

I asked her.

" Oh- I didn't noticed that you were here... "

She said.

" Well, I came here to make sure that you were safe and...I'm glad that you are. "

I explained to her.

" Don't worry about me. I'm just an idiot. "

She whispered.

" No you're not. I'm really proud at you. "

I told her.

" Thank you for being here Chris...I really appreciate it. "

She smiled.

Then when were about to go back and hop in our vehicles, some trucks went to our location.

" Shit! That's the White Horses' logo! "

Samantha said and she rushed to her motorcycle.

* Dammit! Felix, Shino, please be safe.. *

While going back to the base, I felt something wrong.

* What the hell did I just felt...I need to get back there as fast as I can. *

Then we saw those trucks retreating.

" What's happening?! "

I asked Samantha.

" I've got no clue! Maybe they attacked us! "

She replied.

We stopped at the front entrance and saw a lot of dead bodies laying at the ground.

" Raymond did this...thank god he helped. "

Sam whispered and we entered the door.

We saw Shila and someone laying at the ground.

" Felix...!! "

Shila cried out loud.

" Fe-Felix?! "

I asked her.

I carried him and rushed to the medical room.

* Don't die...please do not... *

" Do everything! Shila I beg you! "

I kneeled down and begged for his life.

" Save him...please. "

I looked at her eyes.

" I will save him no matter what. Don't worry. "

She smiled and starts to heal him.

I went outside to give her time.

Shino walked towards me.

" I- tried everything to help them. "

He said and looked down.

" You did good. I'm sorry if I came here too late. "

I said and tapped his back.

" Will Felix be alright? "

Shino asked me.

" Of course he will. Shila is a good medic so let's pray that he'll survive alright? "

I smiled and he went to the restroom.

* This is my bag.. *

I grabbed it and checked my stuffs.

* Fucking shit! The scroll is gone! *

Samantha went towards me.

" Why are you panicking? What's the matter? "

She asked me.

" Well- the uh, the scroll is missing.. "

I whispered to her.

" I thought you have it? "

She asked me.

" I swear it's inside when I last checked it. "

I told her.

" Shit... life's being unfortunate right now.. "

She said.

" What's in there? Is it really that important? "

I asked her.

" Of course! Bill owns that scroll! If I could only see what's inside, I can probably help you get your base back. "

She explained.

" Then I'll help you find it. Don't worry, I promise you that. "

I smiled and starts finding.

I saw Shino at the side so I went to him and asked.

" Shino, where's the scroll inside my bag? That's our only hope getting the base back. "

I said.

" I've got no clue! I handed it to Felix while going here. "

He answered.

* He won't betray me of course, I trust him and I know that he's not lying. *

" Let me know if you found it. "

I said and went to ask other people.

" Hey, you're the one who gave me the keys. "

I said.

" Yes. I'm Rodney. Nice to meet you Chris. "

He introduced his self.

" By any chance, did you saw someone grabbed something from my bag? "

I asked him.

" That's unfortunate but I didn't saw no one went near your stuffs. "

He answered.

" Thank you. Please let me know if you learned something about my stuffs. "

I said and looked everywhere but didn't find nothing.

* This is bad...really bad.. *

Then I saw someone went inside Samantha's office.

* Huh? *

I sneaked up and looked at the hole in the office's door.

* Just who the hell is this girl? *

Then I saw her opening the drawer and grabbing some stuffs.

* I should seehave evidences so I won't be accused lying. *

" You pervert! "

Shino laughed.

" No! Shh, look at the hole. "

I whispered at him.

Then Shino looked inside.

" Shit...! That's the girl who helped Felix to find you! "

He whispered to me.

* Now Shino would believe me. That's good. *

Then I saw Samantha and called her.

" Look! Someone's in your office. "

I whispered at her and she checked it.

" Morin..?! "

She said and opened the door.

" You bastard! "

Samantha pointed her and grabbed her.

" Chill Sam! "

I said but she won't listen.

Then she pulled her hair and kicked her in the stomach.

" Damn! Stop her Chris! "

Felix said to me but I can't stop her.

" Samantha! Stop pulling her hair! "

I said to her.

Then she pulled a gun and pointed it at the thief.

" Now I'll stop you by force! "

I said and grabbed her hands.

" Get off me! "

She said.

I kept grabbing it and she accidentally pulled the trigger.

" Fucking shit! "