" You fucking shot her! "
Shino shouted.
" I- it's not like that! "
She said.
Then we saw Morin at the ground bleeding.
People entered her room because of the gun shot and pulled out a gun.
" Traitors! "
Ramon shouted.
" Ye- yes...they are...she almost fucking... killed...me... "
Morin talked.
* This is fucking bad.. *
" No! It's not like that...I can explain! "
Samantha said.
" We don't wanna hear lies. Just surrender, I'll be a greater leader. "
Someone shouted and showed up.
* Raymond... *
" No- we saw Morin stealing some stuffs. "
I said trying to defend her.
" Well you're a fucking traitor too. "
Ramon said.
" Why the fuck are you ganging up on us? "
I asked them.
" Well, we wanted what's best for us. Then we just saw Sam shooting her own comrade. Is that what you call leader? "
Raymond said.
* This bastard.... *
Then he pointed the gun at us and pulled the trigger.
He shot the wall behind us.
" Surrender or this'll turn bad. "
Ramon announced.
I looked at Samantha.
She kneeled down and raised her hands.
* Why..? *
" What about you? "
Ramon said.
I couldn't do anything so I did what they wanted.
" From now on, Raymond will be our leader. He'll be the best one to lead us! "
Ramon shouted and all of them cheered.
* Fucking idiots... *
" Leave me for now, I'll talk to them alone. Carry Morin and treat her as soon as possible.
Now go. "
Raymond said and all of them went outside.
* There's only 3 of us. Gladly, Shino didn't get involved. *
Raymond starts laughing.
" What's wrong with you? "
I asked him.
" Nothing is wrong. Everything's going well. "
He continued laughing.
* Something's not right... *
" I heard that you were looking for this? "
He showed us the scroll.
" Fucking bastard! You stole it! "
Samantha shouted.
" Calm down. I need this too you know? "
He said.
" I won't kill you or anything, let's make a deal shall we? "
He asked us then he sat at the chair.
" What do you fucking want? "
Samantha asked her.
" It's simple. You'll accept the fact that I'm the new leader and won't bother me anymore. "
He answered.
" What would we get? "
She asked.
" What Chris wants. "
He answered.
* He's smart. But this is just too wrong. *
" I'll help you get your base back. We'll be your ally. If Samantha agrees though. "
He explained.
I looked at Samantha, I can see that she's thinking.
" Don't worry, I'm not rushing your decisions. I'll give you a day and later, expect me to come back here. "
He said and went outside.
We stood up and tried to go outside.
* It's fucking locked. *
" What should we do..? "
Sam asked me.
" I don't wanna disappoint everyone... "
She added.
" No one's disappointed. "
I hugged her.
We talked for hours and planned.
" Are you sure that it's alright? "
I asked her again.
" Yes, I'm sure. I wanted to help you too. "
She said and smiled.
Then Raymond entered the room.
" I'm back. Now, I need an answer. "
He said.
" Yes, we already decided. "
Samantha answered.
" And it's? "
He asked.
" It's a deal. We agree. "
She said.
Raymond smiled.
" That's what I want. Now, we'll go in the located place. "
He said and opened the scroll.
* Hmm, so it is a map then. *
We all went outside.
" Look, this'll be a hard mission for all of us. We need to at least have a plan here. "
Raymond said.
* Just wish that this would turn out well. I've been waiting for this moment to happen. *
I saw Samantha went outside so I followed her.
" Hey, you alright? "
I asked her.
" Of course, everything's good. I just didn't expected that everything would turn out this way. "
She answered.
" Mhmm. I understand you, but I won't leave you anymore. I'll keep you safe until my last breath. "
I whispered at her ears and kissed her.
" I'm so lucky that I have you. "
She said and smiled.
We talked for an hour and drank some beer.
" Should we head back now? "
I asked her.
" Y-yeah..I think we should.. "
She answered and I carried her because she's already drunk.
I looked at her face and smiled.
* She really is beautiful... *
" Where'd you guys been? "
Ramon asked me.
" We just talked outside. "
I said.
Then I saw Morin at the side, her wounds are patched up.
" So the traitors are still here huh? "
She said.
" No need to call us that. We've got no evidence but we're sure that you're a fucking thief. "
I said and walked away.
" What the hell did you just say?! "
She shouted but I ignored her and kept on walking.
" Here, you can place her. "
Shino said and he stood up.
" Thanks pal. "
I said and placed Samantha down at the ground.
" How are you guys feeling? "
Shino asked.
" Well, we're getting along and we will probably get our base back. "
I said to him.
" I hope that all of them are safe. I'll avenge Roberto's death. "
He whispered.
" Mhmm understood. That Azul really is a bastard. "
I said and sat down.
" You're tired aren't you? "
Shino asked me.
" Yeah, I'm really exhausted and this has been a rough day I would say. "
I answered and closed my eyes.
" Goodnight bud. "
Shino said.
" Yes goodnight. "
I answered and fell asleep.
« Chris! Wake up! »
* What the hell...? Is it morning already? *
I opened my eyes and saw Shino crying.
" What's the matter? Something happened? "
I asked him.
" Yes...Shila wants you to go at the medical room. "
He said.
I stood up and rushed in the room.
" I'm sorry..Chris... "
She cried.
" Why? What's the matter? Is Felix safe? "
I asked her.
She's just standing at the middle while crying.
" Hey? Are you alright? Where's Felix? "
I asked her again.
" Behind you. "
She answered.
* What the hell?! *
Someone grabbed me from behind and saw Felix trying to attack me.
* He doesn't look normal! *
I shouted and kicked him.
* Is he Infected?! He doesn't look like a human anymore! *
" Sorry Chris. "
Shila whispered and pointed a gun at me.
" HELP ME! "
I said.
* She's pointing the gun at Felix. Why the hell would she say sorry? *
" Goodbye. "
She smiled and pulled the trigger.
* Wh-what... *